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The only thing this game needs is toilet paper

I have, admittedly, gotten two on the same turn before when I get to the late parts of a large game and have hundreds of elite Tanks lying around and have to deal with hordes of enemy Infantry.
How do you accomplish that with Trebuchets? I often can't manage to get that many hits with Artillery and Bombers.

In this case it was a small city on flat ground and the defenders were only musketmen. I base my whole gameplay around bombardment units and use them all the time. I make sure I keep them up to date and if I have trouble getting enough hits I just build more. In my current game I have 143 artillery so my attack units never fight anything that is not already red-lined.
Yeah, I do that, too. Don't think I've ever built that many artillery, though.

One thing I've always noticed is that, early in the game, defensive bonuses and unit defense are low enough that you can often kill units without needing artillery, which is good, because it's hard to build lots of artillery early in the game. Then the Industrial Age rolls around, and suddenly unit defense gets high, cities grow into metropolises and get massive defense bonuses, the AI has more defensive units per city, and you basically need massive Artillery stacks to do anything.

The AI fails to understand this completely. It hardly ever builds artillery, and when it does, it usually only uses them defensively. For offense, it just sends hundreds of Cavalry/Infantry at you (or, later, Tanks and Modern Armor), which become target practice for human artillery and bombers. :cool:
Try using a larger map. Give the AI something to do other than mindlessly build units.
But the AI still mindlessly builds units even on large maps.
I've played games as a Scientific Civ whereby every single Tech I have learned has been a new-to-the-board Tech and I've still had to wait until the Industrial age before getting my first Scientific Great Leader (of about 3 for the entire game). This scenario is supposedly the scenario when you are maximising your ability to produce SGLs.

I've then played another game as a Religious or Military Civ with relatively slow Tech advancement and been barraged with SGLs (getting to about 6 in a game). This scenario is supposed to minimise your ability to generate SGLs.

For me it's just further evidence that the AI is more concerned about 'making a game of it' than simply 'going by the stats'.

Programmed Irritation.
But it never, ever, ever, ever gives me MGL's. Okay, sometimes, but it is certainly not 1 out of every 16 elite victories!

You see I never have a problem getting MGL's certainly later in the game (I preffer to go to war with Industrial Age Techs if possible) having had several turns which have produced more than 1 MGL. I tend to find the promotion of your Cav or tanks tends to happen once you kill the second unit in the same turn using the same unit.

Now to find a SGL thats unusual for me, but then I dont tend to play the unmodded game all that much these days.
well it is a random combat game, so that's why stupid stuff like that happens,
well it is a random combat game

I wasn't aware the game has been marketed as a 'Random combat game'. From what official literature do you garnish this supposed statement of fact?
it is already eerie to find that there are still people out there who believe in advertisement...
but how gruesome is a reality when those Platonic blinds again attack the one who want to show them the way out of their cave!
Come on people! The luck factor plays a part in everything.

How do you think the persians felt when they lost 5000 men at the battle of thermopylae? They can't just walk in and say that that wasn't fair so they have kill 4700 greeks to balance it. They evenetually got the city but luck plays a factor suck as wind for your arrows etc
We don't demand equal blood for the RNG screwing us, but we will get mad.

And I think we all know that bad RNG luck happens in real life battles, too. ;)
The RNG is annoying yes, but c'mon I'm sure it's just as bad for the AIs. I've had enemy swordsmen waste themselves on unfortified archers in open countryside and I laugh, it's just far more irritating when it happens to you.
Well another myth has been proved false. AI WILL attack an army in the field!!!!!! It was two units but at full health...

I have got to find a better game to play- this one stinks like an outhouse.
If the AI thinks it has decent odds in the individual battle, it will attack. They won't have their tanks run away from armies of knights. Once flight comes around, no army is safe. They build and use bombers quite effectively.
If the AI thinks it has decent odds in the individual battle, it will attack. They won't have their tanks run away from armies of knights. Once flight comes around, no army is safe. They build and use bombers quite effectively.

My MW army was attacked by reg archers. When playing my *Potato Chip games, I don't ever get much past knights.

* A potato chip game is played on a tiny map and is finished in an hour or two. No one can eat just one... as the saying goes.
My MW army was attacked by reg archers. When playing my *Potato Chip games, I don't ever get much past knights.

* A potato chip game is played on a tiny map and is finished in an hour or two. No one can eat just one... as the saying goes.

An army of two Mounted Warriors? It doesn't surprise me that the AI attacked with Archers in that case; even with regular archers the chance of defeat isn't particularly high.

(unless I'm forgetting another abbreviation for MW...)
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