The Real Never Ending Story


King of all Kings
Dec 17, 2002
NYC to Connectcut...
Ok, this will be the REAL Never Ending Story. The way it was done when NES was invented. Now I have recently retired the modding business though I have decided to start this one. Note: This is only starting one, I am not going to MOD it becuase there will not be updates nor map updates (only a few in some while, though I encourage those to do thier own maps to show thier land) and there will be no stats. This is the REAL Never Ending Story! So pick a nation and post a story of them, keep on writing based on other's stories and yours, this will be like a large book. Hopefully it never ends...


It has been nearly 500 years sinse the world [Europe] has been sent into a time of great depression known as the Dark Ages. The forums, universities and great culture of the once feared empire has strangly disapeared in the dust after its fall.

The memories of the Dark Ages slowly faded away through the years after empires emerge. The first empire to show its true identity was the Frankish Empire led by Charlmagne. Though after the years of war with England France slowly became a stressing empire. As so many others while powerful nations prey apon others. It is now 1087AD.

Treachery, diplomacy, bribery, greed and bottomless warfare day and night lay apon this ages and only the darest of the leaders would take the responsibilty for a nation of thier own. Are you ready?


Nations Available
*Almohads: Orange, Jonny11788
Byzantines: Purple
*Danes: White, Jason
Egypt: Golden
*England: Red, Spacetrvler
France: Blue
*Germany: Black, Norseone
Italy: Green
*Spain: Yellow, Amirsan
*Poland: Burgundy, Julius Gandi
Turkey: Light Green

* = civ taken

Empty lands is barbarians and colors not stated are not significant enought yet. Though just becuase they are not shown on map doesn't mean no one lives there. In England, Scotland is to the north and you should know they are not that weak, though they are not on the map. :) You may also rename some of the nations and throughout the ages you may also make your own (historical or realistic) and maybe even make your own revolts and make your own nation, what ever. Be creative. Your stories determine the victory and defeat of your battles and all that stuff.

I *might* update the map every couple of days if many significant changes occur. Others may update it aswell if you want. Though again, I encourage to make your own maps of your land and etc.

And above all... HAVE FUN!
The cold wind swept across the grasslands that made up Denmark - land of the legendary kings. The first kings of the new world - that of after the Roman Empire - arouse here in the desolate farming communitees and fought for control of the rich grazing and farmlands of the peninsula. Until finally one man named Herota Jvali, a noble man from the village of Copenhagen, rose with an army of five hundred men. After he conquered Sjaelland, he continued onto the mainland where the factions of villages and small kingdoms cut the prosperous and potential land. He arrived in the begining of one month, and had at the end of the month the whole peninsula and an army of two thousand men. This month is known as the "Måned av Enhet", or "Month of Unity".

Most of the Dannish speak Norwegian Dane, a dialect of Norwegian brought down from their ancestors in the north. However, the Norwegians were now considered enemies of the Dannish after an invasion four years ago touched the heart of every Dannish citizen. Only a few months after Måned av Enhet, the Norwegian vikings showed little mercy for their own sibling country, and, probably out of fear of the new nation, set foot a 5,000 army on Jutland. Herota soon met this army with the Imperial Dannish Army, which numbered nearly 1,500 due to the immobilization after Måned av Enhet. There, upon the hills of Skagen, Herota was able to defeat this larger and highly trained force and push the invadors into the sea.

Herota had died in that campaign, leaving the fragile empire he had so quickly carved on the brink of civil war once again as the generals vied for the throne. However, it would be Herota's son, Svala, that would sieze the seat of power and bring stability once again to the beginning empire.


Upon his horse, Svala allowed the wind to pull his blonde hair back, appearing to those that surrounded him as if he were flying. With his sword in his left hand and the riegns in the other, Svala flew past his enemy and with a quick swipe through the head off. The pesky Goths were at it again, at least this band of nomads seemed like Goths. Svala vowed that he would protect his people from the outsiders, and so he did.

When the battle was done, the bodies of a dozen men lay slain, some in a pool of their own blood, and even more without heads, all over the grassland. The overcast gray sky prevented any sun to penetrate and raise the stench of the bodies, but nevertheless the foul air seemed to seep into Svala's nose and into his spirit. He was not a fighter, in fact, he hated killing. But it was what he had to do in order to preserve the nation.

Replacing his helmet upon the butt of the horse, Svala stood upon the ground, stairing at his latest victim who's head wasn't completely torn off and was still alive, blinking. With a quick thrust, the sword cut through the man's ribs and punctured his heart, killing him instantly. Withdrawing his sword, Svala turned to face his men who were checking their victims as well. Then gloomy weather seemed to bring the sense of death into the land as empty as it seemed. Svala knew it had to stop. He hated this, it was not why Denmark was formed. Remounting his black mare, he signaled for the troops to follow him. He would return home a hero from this campaign. He would return home in preparation for the new stage of Dannish development.
I will take Spain! :D This game is based on more or less Medieval Total War, so I guess I wanted to start a game on Spain so I will do this nes as them. This would spark many stories...

I suggest anyone to buy that game! Its full of turn based strategy as well as epic 3d battles in which you command what your troops do. So all that strategy you guys use in NES can be used with real troops on your pc screen. :) (sounded like an advertisement huh?)

Story tommorrow...
Yeah i have Shogun total war, it was a blast. I am sure The new one is great too.
The great emperor of the German empire, Wilhelm I, was siting in his throne room. The German empire had arisen from the ashes of the emprie of Charglemane. It was the largest empire in europe. But it was an empire full of many diffrent nobles who had powers that rivald that of the emporor himself. This just would not do. Somthing had to be done about this.
A note from the emporor was sent to the castle gaurds of the 7 most powerful nobles of the holy roman empire. They all read as follows:

A detachment of Knights has been sent to your Masters Castle. It may appear larger than would be neccisary for most diplomatic activities....this is because it is, dont ask questions. Let them through and they shall pay you accordingly. They have instructions to pay well if you let them through and follow any orders they give you.

These Knights also had other orders. They were to go into the castles and find the noble and his family. Then they were to kill them and take the castles in the name of the German Emperor. As expectad none of the border gaurds gave any thought to protecting their leaders and the Knights fulfilled their mission rather easily. The seven most powerful Noble families of the German Empire died that night.
The night from then on became known as the night of the rich serfs as the empire freed the serfs workign for those families and split thier land up amongst them. They kept the largest and best portion for the emperor though.
This was the beggening of a new age in German History. They would create a great kingdom in the lands they now possesd. They would hopefully be able to maintain peace...but that is not all entirely likely in this age. So soon the emperor would expand his armed forces.
I'll take the French:

Urzula fon Vreit, Queen over the French rode back victorious from the raid.
It had been a good fight; they had got at least 5000 francs worth, and only lost three men in the raid against the English.
Soon they would have recruited enough men to try to break through the puny English defenses, and join their land together again!
In the meantime she must stop a rebellion in France. Pascal Vonnerhai; a baron in the north of France with much land, was challenging her position.
He must be stopped.
Urzula Bribed Pascals guards, and, for the rest of the money from the raid she hired an assassin.
The assassin would go under the guise as a small baron with no important amount of land who wanted to sell most of his land to Pascal. While they were drinking, the assasssin would slip some poison in Pascals glass.
The poison would take twelve hours to work. Twelve hours from the assassins visit, Pascal would be closeted with his closest friend and fellow conspirator; Jan Luké. Urzula had timed it very well.
Pascals other friends would think that Jan Luké had killed Pascal, and kill him.
Poff! Her two worst enemies would be gone!
It was a great plan.
And it worked.
Amirsan, that map is so wrong. Just because the makers of medieval:total war didnt create more than those nations doesnt mean they didnt existed/were barbarians. Allmost all white things were actually kingdoms of their own like Navarra and Sweden. Just wanted to let you know.
ayo IcyEye, I said already they are not significant enough, but I never said they did not exist and yes, some of them were barbarians. They did not spark around this time, sooner or later they will. Hungary on the map (under poland) has a color though is still not significant enough. If you are willing though to take a nation on the map that is not on my list or spark a revolt on another nation's people, feel free to do so. This is only a guidline, I am not restricting anyone from writing. :)

It is I who cherish this land for many years sinse I was born. I was born in this soil as a Spanish and no other. And to what I know, sinse I was 1 year old, I knew those evil people from Africa was out to get the rest of our land. I had a dream, a dream that my sons and gransons would live to see a unified Peninsula under thier own culture, Espania. I dream that one day, we would actualy defeat these Almohad people out of our land and soil. And now, I am one step closer.

I am Alfonso, King Alfonso IV. I am now the king of this great nation, Spain. I will strive for the best of this country. Though right now, things need to be done. My father handed me this land with 10,000 Florins. This is moderatly alot for our needs right now, a defense. I recruited my army though led it cautiosly for if I die, this dynasty will die. The only mature child I have is my princess. I sent her to France to find a mate and live together, sprouting a fruitful alliance between us two struggling nations. Our only enemy is the Almohad Kingdom, and we strive that this nation is the only enemy.

I sent an emissary to the province of Cordoba of which the Almohads have settled themselves there. We will seek information of thier defenses as we build our own.

We currently controlled two provinces in which we had a stabilized system of defense in. Castille and Leon were the two. We have learned of a new skill which allowed us to train Spanish Jinnets, a very fast and deadly horsemen. This would be our weapons for victory. We began to develop horsebreeders in Castille so recruitment of Jinnets can be done there.

To the east of our nation was the Andulasians. They also shown threat to our people. We decided that it would be wise to annex them. And so I commanded my small army to thier province of Valencia. My small army of 280 men where ready to face thier people.

We traveled for miles. Just until we found a land, full of hills and woods. This was the perfect time for battle. As the sun came when the clouds moved the day ws known to be clear until night. The men was fresh as bread from the Castillian farms. The air was brisk and the sky was clear. This was time for battle, this was the time to fight.

It was to our surprise that when the enemy came from behind thier hill about a mile away they also has Spanish Jinnets. We had no advantage except smarts and number. Both our armies stood on our hills awaiting for the other army to do something. I decided I would do the first move. I sent my royal knights and I to harrass them, and as I did, I would lure them close to the range of our archers and then attack with our Peasants.

To our surprise thier commander was not skilled to take the oppertunity and kill our small numbered group of knights. They ran. And so I sent my whole army to take the offensive. This poor decision cost me the battle. Thier Jannisaries attacked on Melee against our peasants. They slaughtered them somehow and though they did not retreat. My janissaries were scared and did not fire a single shot. Thier army slowly outnumbered ours. We ran. We ran like cowards. Though we will soon gain our pay back. We will gather our army and crush them to pebbles! Luckily I did not die in the defeat of this battle.

This day will come again, when I seek my revenge!
I'll send in orders tonight, i have been having a hard time diciding what to write.
Poland clings on to the edge of the German Empire. Far from the center of Europe and her boarders frequently raided by Barbarians the Polish King Jan (need to check spelling) calls all his lords to a meeting in Warsaw.
"These raids must stop, call you troops together. It is time to stop these barbarian raids by showing them a lesson on the Polish Army. The armies will converge near the castle of Ostren in Sir Beata land. Make Haste”

The lords mounted their steeds and quickly road from Warsaw to collect their troops.
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