I don't think holding that book counts as an "endorsement of Antifa."
I'm find it hard to believe you actually believe that. I'm sure if Trump tweeted a picture of himself holding Mein Kampf you wouldn't feel the same way.
I take your point about the "Unite the Right" rally, I admit that didn't know the details and hadn't look into it for myself.
Cool, I think your repeated attempts to create false equivalences in an effort to maintain an "above-the-fray, too intellectual to have strong convictions" attitude are divisive, unhelpful, and damaging to this country, so I guess there's a lot of that going around.
Your inability to think usefully about racism is not my problem. In effect, you are telling me that you are too triggered by the word to think about racism with any kind of nuance.
If you are attempting to hurt my feelings, you have succeeded. I don't feel that way, and I do have strong convictions, I was just trying to find some... common ground I guess.