[Story] The rise of Poland

Tinker, Tailor, Soldier......SPY!

With the Age of Enlightenment & Reform came an Era of International Co-operation. The hard-heads in the Polish Senate realized that the best way forward was to work closely with as many other Civilizations as possible.

Numerous Embassies were established &, in their wake, it was decided to look into the possibility of sharing research & academic personnel between nations as a means to accelerate scientific progress in both nations. The first nation that Poland chose to co-operate with was India.....but sadly Poland's trust would end up being betrayed.

A number of Academics & Senators overseeing the scientific exchange program noticed one Indian "scientist" who seemed to lack anything more than the most rudimentary knowledge of the scientific field he claimed to specialize in.

Their suspicions were not spread abroad, but were raised with the local constabulary, who decided to keep a very close eye on this man-named Uday.

Over many months, the police noticed a number of classified files missing from Warsaw University, & saw Uday being far too friendly with Indian Merchants around the Krakow Shipyards. They even saw exchanges of certain documents taking place between Uday & the merchants. It was during the third hand-off that the police chose to pounce. They recaptured the documents, kicked the "merchants" out of Krakow, & brought Uday before the Senate.....where he promptly admitted to being an Indian Spy.

The senate were outraged. Of course they'd heard of spies, & were indeed even now engaged in training members of the Diplomatic Corps in the arts of Espionage, Subterfuge & Sabotage......but they'd never actually seen evidence of spying in action.

The Indian Consulate-General was brought before the Senate, & was forced to listen to the full confession of Uday, before he was hauled away to prison for his crimes. The Consulate-General was wracked with guilt, though more for being caught than for the attempted espionage. The senate forced an apology from the Consulate-General, but made clear that Uday would be held in jail as a "guarantee" to hold India to it.

This recent incident, however, truly highlighted to the senate the value of using spies against those nations who had placed themselves at odds with Poland. So the training program was accelerated, & the first graduate.....a man by the name of Czeslaw, was sent out into the field. His first mission was to attempt to steal any technological know-how he could from the Pella Campus in Macedonia.

He initially spent many months developing a network of contacts amongst some of the less well-paid and more disaffected members of the academic & financial sectors of Macedonia.....in order to set himself up for any future acts of espionage or sabotage he might be called on to perform.

Once firmly established, he sought employment at the University of Pella.

Sadly, in spite of winning the trust of many academics within the university, he was never able to get his hands on any files that would be vital to Poland's own technological development. So, with tail firmly between his legs, he returned to Krakow for re-assignment.

In the meantime, another newly trained spy, named Milena, was sent to Rome to establish a network of contacts there.

Sadly, Milena's efforts to steal technological research from the University of Rome met with even greater failure, as she was caught & arrested for her crime. Though the Polish Government was keen to trade for her release, they cared little for what Rome thought of them, so ignored their pathetic demands to cease further operations against them.

So, with their first forays into espionage thwarted, Poland decided to alter its tactics. They redeployed Czeslaw into the field-back to the Macedonia that he knew so well, but now decided to see if the financial sector was more vulnerable to attack than their universities.

This time his mission was to infiltrate the financial sector of that city, & find a way to get money transferred out of their economy, & into Poland's. Czeslaw spent many months & even years establishing himself as a legitimate businessman, & was able to successfully set up a number of dummy companies & enterprises, & gained a multitude of large cash loans for these companies-which he dutifully sent back to Poland via various diplomats & merchants. Just as he was closing down his operations in preparation for his return to Poland, Macedonian police raided one of his empty office blocks.....forcing him to flee-on foot-to the nearest harbour city, & a boat from there back to Krakow.

Upon his return to Krakow, Czeslaw spent a few months under the tutelage of the Scientists & Academics of Poland, being shown how to recognize the most valuable research documents, & the best way to get them out of the Campus without detection. With his newly acquired knowledge & training, he returned to Macedonia.....only this time to the smaller city of Chalkdiki, where he would be less likely to be recognized by local authorities, in order to see if he could successfully steal the technological info the Polish Government craved.

Once again, he spent about a year establishing a network of new contacts within the city, focusing largely on disenfranchised members of the local academic community.

This time, after a lot of effort, Czeslaw was able to gain access to Macedonia's nuclear energy program. Though nearly all of what he read there was complete gibberish (his knowledge of Chemistry was sufficient to know what atoms were, but not much beyond that) he felt certain that the documents he'd unearthed would give Poland a huge leg up if they ever decided to pursue this technology themselves....and this time the authorities were none the wiser to his actions.

His time in Macedonia had now made Czeslaw quite the Cunning Linguist, & with his promotion to Secret Agent, he could be frequently heard referring to himself as "Czeslaw.......Jakub Czeslaw."

Well, just so you all know. We are only 5 days away from the release of Rise & Fall......so I will soon be looking to wrap this story up. In fairness there is probably only 2 chapters left anyway, & I doubt it will include any kind of victory from me!
Well, just so you all know. We are only 5 days away from the release of Rise & Fall......so I will soon be looking to wrap this story up. In fairness there is probably only 2 chapters left anyway, & I doubt it will include any kind of victory from me!
We can't have everything.

It would be best to have a great story and win, but sometimes, the greatest stories end with a loss and nobody wants to read a story in which a civ curbstomps everyone without any hurdles in its quest.
Boo. We want a victory :mischief:

LOL. The only way I can win is a "Blaze of Glory" victory.....where I decide to Nuke everyone in sight ;).
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