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The Stealth Bomber rush is not viable anymore

Mar 31, 2012
Aside from being one of the very last techs in the tree, I found - much to my chagrin - that SBs don't deal the kind of omgwtf damage to cities anymore. 3 SBs with 2 siege promotions would not even turn a city to red, just a bit of yellow and it would recover to green almost immediately. Not surprisingly, the good ole' rockets (add volley for the siege bonus) are much better. The tech and the unit itself went from soooooooo awesome to :vomit:
Just three stealth bombers? I'm kinda happy it isn't that easy. Mind you I would use a nuke in a heartbeat, but stealths are reusable, build more! :)
3 SBs with double siege could pummel a city in just one turn. Well used to. Maybe because of walls or something. But whatever the case, the rush just doesn't work like in vanilla. If you insist then bring in the rockets too cos you WILL need them.
Yeah, those 210+ def cities are ungodly tough to hammer. You need tons of nukes as well as an armored spearhead - the hallmarks of a modern combined arms offensive, basically - to take them down.
One thing I've been doing thus far is rushing to Bombers

Three Rocket Artilleries, several tanks, infantries (4+4) and some AA/SAMs to keep the sky grid clear of hostiles, all backed by at least 10 Logistics Bombers (and if target is coastal, a BB gunline) does wonders to those runaway types.
Yeah what I found. The AI is still stupid but SBs alone won't get you their cities. It will built different counter units so prepare for that with a variety of your own. :D
Bombers are still OP. But that's probably America's only saving grace as B-17 is their UU.

Was hoping for stronger base AA for cities in particular or something to be done with anti-air. More intercepts per unit?

Right now its still possible for the human player or an AI with enough bombers to punch through the AA and just decimate your cities and units. Not that I'm complaining but it's a very interesting place strategically.

The answer really from what I gather is get to triplanes and have fighters up since you get those before bombers.
I guess the B-17 is better now as you don't have to tech so far (damn you Stealth) but that's about it, air bombardment alone will not lead to blitzkrieg. Many more land units are needed now.
Bombers are still OP. But that's probably America's only saving grace as B-17 is their UU.

Was hoping for stronger base AA for cities in particular or something to be done with anti-air. More intercepts per unit?

Right now its still possible for the human player or an AI with enough bombers to punch through the AA and just decimate your cities and units. Not that I'm complaining but it's a very interesting place strategically.

The answer really from what I gather is get to triplanes and have fighters up since you get those before bombers.

I'm reasonable sure the AI wipe use Air sweeps and Interception on fighters now (more than vanilla anyways).
Back to the ole pre patch rocket chill and kill. That three hex range is looking better and better....
Bombers are still OP. But that's probably America's only saving grace as B-17 is their UU.

Was hoping for stronger base AA for cities in particular or something to be done with anti-air. More intercepts per unit?

Right now its still possible for the human player or an AI with enough bombers to punch through the AA and just decimate your cities and units. Not that I'm complaining but it's a very interesting place strategically.

The answer really from what I gather is get to triplanes and have fighters up since you get those before bombers.

What I found is that AA won't help (which isn't historically far off - look at the amt of bombers flak AA shot down in WWII Europe, for example). However, SAMs would murder those Bomber swarms easily.

I had to fight my way through this runaway China with 8 Logistics Bombers initially. Ended up losing 5, even though some of those near full health types, because Wu or her CS allies would have a SAM in the vicinity of the target.
I was also sad when I saw they moved sb's to literally the end of the tech tree. However, if you can tech fast enough to rush to dynamite artillery is even more insanely effective early on. On smaller cities (sub 20 def) you can one shot it (199 damage) with arty due to the new 200% bonus (250% after volley upgrade). Then if you go straight for rocket arty you can get another time frame where you can one shot cities. I was constrained by happiness more than firepower.
Nerfhammer was on the spot when it comes to SBs - they were far too easy way to end a game very quickly and practically ignoring most everything else past T220 apart from cultural victory.
However, I feel like artillery lacks it's old potent as well - it does decent job against cities but is close to useless against units and just out of curiosity; where dos one find cities with under 20 def at the time when artillery is available ? Attila's rams though have quite a kick 2-shotting cities under 20 def and quite a bit earlier. The problem is to get the freakin' blind logs into proper position to start the demolition.

Actually, they are still pretty potent stuff. The only problem is that the good ole double-tap-single-kills comes when your SBs are at Level 5 (Bombardment I, II, Logistics, Air Heal, III), you be needing a bit more than a dozen (with a couple fighters/jets to sweep) and getting to that tech in time for it to matter. The first two are manageable with rotations and getting recycling centers up asap (coupled with Fascism, you can get 20 "free" aluminium), only problem now is researching them fast...

Also when fighting those nuke-spammy runaways, base your 20 or 30 upgraded SBs in a high pop "border" city, rushbuy Bomb Shelter and your stack will be safe (at least until the pop gets degraded below 1)
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