The Wheel of Time Mod, second chance.

Sure, if you want to use it, use it. As long as I get mentioned in the credits...;)

One more;
Waygate (like an airport, except it is a waygate. It would also allow channelers' Traveling, as a side effect.)
I'm not sure exactly what you mean. Could you explain?
i had thinking to build a time machine mod, after see your name of the mod is Wheel of Time, thats give me an idea is about some kind of time machine meaning in a mod. My version of Wheel of Time is a super combine mod.
Thats combine every mod in this forum to one single mod. example: Starwars + Dungeons & Dragons + WW2 + Age of Imperialism + The Rise of the Dinosaur Empire +....take each mod of leader, unit, building put together. variety play
That could be a good idea. Unfortunately, that is not what this mod is going to be about, so you couldn't do it.

What kind of Seanchan improvements should there be?
I have thought of two, along with a couple of the Westlands improvements, with different graphics.
1 Damane Pen (improves production. Maybe produces veterans too, but I think that there should be something different for that. Damane don't only shoot lightning at people, you know.;))
2 Square of Dishoner (less corruption, because nobody wants to be hanged in dishonor for not working hard enough.)
3 High Lady or Lord of the Blood's Manor (maybe should allow level 3 cities.)
The rest would be others, that have the same name as the Westlands improvements, with different graphics, maybe slightly different effects.
I just thought of an idea for the Aeil. In the books, they are always fighting over two things; water, and herds. I think that there should be two capturable units, that only the Aeil can build; Herders, and something to do with water. Each one could build their specific improvement on desert only; herders build herds, and water somethings build water. If we can get the Aeil AI to automatically destroy enemy herds/water, then they could have fights over land, with herds going back and forth. Just a thought, and I'm not sure if it will work. Any comments?
2001? Wow, that's old. I dunno, they never got more than two posts. I guess back then people didn't post as much. That was on page 321 of the Creation and Customization sub-forum, and I have 40 to a page. Somewhere around 14,000 threads after that one. That is old, isn't it?
Just a suggestion... if any of you have Civ4, switching the game over to that would probably get more interest... as well as being able to make it more configurable to what you want. The potential of being able to make a very realistic WoT world is in Civ4, while I don't think it is in C3C.

Good luck!
I personaly would like that a lot. Unfortunately, I am a horrible organizer, and can't make something that would make people get interested in it. I'm more of a follower than a leader. So, I couldn't be the one to start it. Good idea, though.
I don't really have time to get back into civ3 modding but I had at the very least given some ideas in the initial attempts of the mod. At least, I remember reading the original thread... Anywho, along the veins of the Aes Sedai I remember mention of doing a possible two person unit an Aes Sedai and her warder. That might not be feasible with the fact that the reds don't have warders and the green have more than one. But that might solve the problem of the attact animation. Have the warder make the initial attack and the Aes Sedai follow up with their spell casting....

But again, that's just an opinion....
I've been a long term lurker on these forums and over the past week or so I spent a good chunk of time reading up on all the work that was done on a WoT mod back in 2004 and 2005 (and the other periodic spurts of interest). Considering the number of units that have been made specifically for the Wheel of Time (and those that weren't but will fit right in), in addition to the completion of maps of Randland and the entire WoT world, and all the thoughts that have been exchanged on how to bring Robert Jordan's world to life in C3C, it seems to be a shame that a mod hasn't been completed. I think its possible to bring all the that hard work to fruition.

I want to get a feel for how much interest there remains in a mod of the Wheel of Time. Hopefully there are a number of you out there still loving C3C and the well-woven world of Robert Jordan and we can make a (final) go at this mod together. There is much still to be done to flesh out the world in Civ-form, but with all the excellent medieval and fantasy modding that has taken place since the first main thrust of this mod, there is a lot from which to draw. A work plan would gather those interested in an effort to nail down the 'tribes,' governments, improvements/wonders, and tech tree, while incorporating all of the units and fine tuning the game-play features (traveling, Aes Sedai/Asha'man, etc., etc.). A foundational mod .biq should be the first goal, including the WoT map and all the basic pieces. From there, scenarios can be constructed at different chronological points in the series and more nuanced issues will arise (for instance, how to represent the Dragon Reborn and his efforts to prepare the world for Tarmon Gai'don).

I'll gather my notes from my reading of the old thread and also from digging through tech icons, wonders and buildings, leaderheads, unit libraries and the like, and post them soon. I've also put a message to CamJH (maker of most of the WoT-specific units) to see if he has the modded files from a couple of years ago, but haven't heard yet. If he doesn't this will be from scratch, but if so we may be able to begin with a bit of a head start.

Here's to RJ, and to high hopes of a team forming and rocking a Wheel of Time mod!
Weren't Draghkars mounted as well? Plotinus' winged nazgul rider?
There is also a wyrmn out there -- one with a rider and one without.
I am definetely interested in having a Wheel of Time mod. I think that Civ IV would probably be better for it, but either way I'm interested.
From some searching through the CFC Forums for already created units, I've identified a number that would work for the Seanchan and Shadowspawn that haven't been included in the established list (in the first post of this thread). They are in spoilers to stop the post from being so long.

Using various armored units with interesting helmets to try and approximate their look...
Spoiler :
A Pikeman
-Dark Elf Black Guard
-High or Dark Elf Cavalry
Another Pikeman
-Phoenix Guard

Units that would work from the Sengoku scenario:
Samurai Warrior
Mounted Samurai
Horse Archer
Samurai Archer

The best I've found to approximate the Raken and to'Raken
-Terradon Rider
-Wyvern Rider

I've not found anything to approximate the following:
Trom-large lizard w/rider
Corlm-flightless bird (tracker/scout)
Lopar-leathery bear (huge, fastish guard)
Grolm-bear frog

General Shadowspan
Spoiler :
Two possibilities for Draghkar
-Fell Bat
-Harpy (this one seems more appropriate)

Darkhound (so can be differentiated from Perrin's wolves)
-Flesh Hound

Possible Trollocs
Of course the minotaur that was listed originally (included for reference)

Spoiler :
There are many Trolloc parts created by Kinboat that, to my knowledge, have yet to be assembled (CamJH was going to work on them but made many, many other great units instead it appears...)

Already made units include:
-Bestigor (horned axeman)
-Caprigor (ram horned axeman)
-Bray-Shaman (not so sure if its necessary)
-Ungor (horned beast pike)
-Chaos Beastman (beast w/club)
-Gor, Chaos Beatman (another w/spikey club)

Not sure if these would fit or not...
-Skaven Storm vermin warrior (rat w/polearm)
-Skaven Nightrunner (rat w/sword)
-Skaven Assassin (rat w/slasher hands)
-Skaven Rat Warrior (basic warrior)
-Skaven worker (rat worker)

Other Randlanders...
Spoiler :
Two Rivers longbowman (not sure if this is the best, but there needs to be something to distinguish the greatness of the Two Rivers Longbow from other longbowmen)
-Wood Elf archer

Perrin's Wolves (as noted in the previous list, but the change is that only Perrin's will be the Dire wolves, while the flesh hound will be those in the dark hunt)
-Dire Wolves
Weren't Draghkars mounted as well? Plotinus' winged nazgul rider?
There is also a wyrmn out there -- one with a rider and one without.
From the 'Encyclopedia WoT'--A Draghkar appears to be a large man with bat-like wings, whose skin is too pale and whose eyes are too large. So not mounted, but winged...see the options in the previous post. I've seen the Wyvern more as a possible Seanchan unit. Plotinus' Wraith on Wings is fantastic, but I think looks so much like the Nazgul on fell beast that it wouldn't fit as anything else here...

I think that Civ IV would probably be better for it
We do have many units already lined up for C3C, and with all the thought that has gone into it, I'd like to see it at least completed here...
Considering the great number of quality leaderheads out there, it seems to me to be a shame to limit that portion of the game to representation by flags. What do others think? The flags could still be used in the Civilopedia, as well as with Civ-specific techs/wonders that may help ideas of vassalage by the Dragon Reborn, etc, so they wouldn't be completely ditched.

After some preliminary digging through the leaderheads available, these are those I've found that may fit some of the leaders. Not all the slots are filled, and some may not look right to others, but I'd really like your opinions. After the URLs I've noted the specific era, or which particular leader from a set in parentheses.

Spoiler :
Tenobia (Saldaea) (Suriyothai of Siam - top right)

Morgase (Medieval) (Ariel would be great w/o wings)

Pedron Niall (or King Ailron) (Medieval) (Borgio)

Alliandre (Ancient, Medieval, Indust)

Mattin Stepaneos (Tauron, scroll)

Berelain (Medieval) (Medieval)

Darlin Sisnera (Medieval) (Medieval)



Andric/Amathera - (Arab looking)

Alsalam - (Iranian/Arab-looking)


OR Shaidar Haran

Radhanan (Industrial...I know she's not bald...) (Takagara looks Seanchan, but is male...)

ATHA'AN MIERE (Sea Folk) (First Era) (Trephina, scroll down)

Nothing Yet - need to discuss Rand's Aiel vs. Shaido, etc

Nothing Yet

Aleis Barsalla (Far Madding) (Zenobia, last one)
...are we doing Far Madding? It wasn't included previously...

Amyrlin Seat (Tar Valon)
For the Seanchan Pikemen, I like the Phoenix Guard better. For the riders, I like the high elf guy better too. Does the terradon have an attack?

The Harpy looks much better for the draghkar. I don't particularly like the color of the flesh hound, but it is still good.

For the trollocs, I think that the caprigors and gors both look good. The ungors also look good as a defensive unit. The Skavens don't fit at all, in my opinion, and neither does the Bray/Shaman guy. The Beastigor looks just like the caprigor except for the horns, and I like the ram horns better, personaly. I don't like the first "Chaos Beastman" as much, just because he doesn't look right as a trolloc.

The Two Rivers Longbowmen look good with that one, I agree. The rider could be a borderland cavalry unit probably, and I don't know about the spearman.
Does the terradon have an attack? ... The Skavens don't fit at all, in my opinion, and neither does the Bray/Shaman guy. ... I don't like the first "Chaos Beastman" as much, just because he doesn't look right as a trolloc.

Yes it does. The rider throws a spear...I think it's fitting.

And so far as the trollocs go, agreed, those ones really don't fit.

would a chocobo be of any use for the Corlm? Hikaro credits Kinboat with providing the chocobo model. Maybe someone could make a riderless version.

Actually, yes! I hadn't found this unit, so thanks!! Corlm have riders, so really the only qualm I have with it is that the rider's armor isn't in the 'Seanchan' style...but that is fairly minor.

I've done some more thinking about the leaderhead situation and will have an updated post out tomorrow, probably, about that. After some searching through Encyclopedia WoT and such, I've narrowed down some of the options and moved some of them around. The only work involved there will be to try to create the .pcxs for the correct eras for those LHs that only one of the eras will be used.

So far as thinking about the Mod itself goes, could we start deciding what scale would make the most sense? Do we try for a full 4-age epic-style like Lord of the Mod? If so, where do we begin (the obvious end is Tarmon Gai'don)? OR, do we limit the scope somehow? Thoughts here are crucial so things could be begun with the tech tree, etc...
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