I've been a long term lurker on these forums and over the past week or so I spent a good chunk of time reading up on all the work that was done on a WoT mod back in 2004 and 2005 (and the other periodic spurts of interest). Considering the number of units that have been made specifically for the Wheel of Time (and those that weren't but will fit right in), in addition to the completion of maps of Randland and the entire WoT world, and all the thoughts that have been exchanged on how to bring Robert Jordan's world to life in C3C, it seems to be a shame that a mod hasn't been completed. I think its possible to bring all the that hard work to fruition.
I want to get a feel for how much interest there remains in a mod of the Wheel of Time. Hopefully there are a number of you out there still loving C3C and the well-woven world of Robert Jordan and we can make a (final) go at this mod together. There is much still to be done to flesh out the world in Civ-form, but with all the excellent medieval and fantasy modding that has taken place since the first main thrust of this mod, there is a lot from which to draw. A work plan would gather those interested in an effort to nail down the 'tribes,' governments, improvements/wonders, and tech tree, while incorporating all of the units and fine tuning the game-play features (traveling, Aes Sedai/Asha'man, etc., etc.). A foundational mod .biq should be the first goal, including the WoT map and all the basic pieces. From there, scenarios can be constructed at different chronological points in the series and more nuanced issues will arise (for instance, how to represent the Dragon Reborn and his efforts to prepare the world for Tarmon Gai'don).
I'll gather my notes from my reading of the old thread and also from digging through tech icons, wonders and buildings, leaderheads, unit libraries and the like, and post them soon. I've also put a message to CamJH (maker of most of the WoT-specific units) to see if he has the modded files from a couple of years ago, but haven't heard yet. If he doesn't this will be from scratch, but if so we may be able to begin with a bit of a head start.
Here's to RJ, and to high hopes of a team forming and rocking a Wheel of Time mod!