The Wheel of Time Mod, second chance.

Is this still being worked on?
Actually, I am still working on it. I have pulled together unit lines and have fleshed out their stats to a large degree. Also, I have largely compiled the civs, their traits, and animated leader heads, as well as government types. I have made progress on improvements and wonders, but am slightly stymied by the tech tree. Completing the tech tree would allow the units, improvements, and wonders to fall much more easily into place and is the largest barrier to this jumping forward at the moment. So, if anyone has any ideas on how to create an engaging tech tree to cover a period with little to no technological advancement, I would greatly welcome the assistance!
hehehehe... I'm having the opposite problem. I've designed a "basic" tech tree, but am in bad need of an expert of Blender and Poser to create the Units and Leaderheads. I have all the text related stuff done, but cannot copy the units Cam made when me and him started the first WoT mod years ago for Civ3.

Sorry for stating the project was dead, but haven't seen any input about it for quiet a while. Still sure you don't want to bring this over to Civ4 with me?
Working? hehehehehe... I need units and leaderheads... I've tried Poser and Blender, but I don't have your skill with the art.

I have Civs defined, and have started a basic tech tree, on paper. I'm basing the core on a mixture of my BUG Mod, and Fall From Heaven, so I can use their spell system. I haven't posted anything, because right now it looks like FFH, but with WoT names.... Are you interested in returning to The Wheel?;)
Are you still working? ...cuz its been a reeealy long time now. not to question your amazing work ethic or conviction. i love it. i can give input on any you like me to. Just ask. i will definately be following this for a time to see any response. If i get none...

well, ther will be tears, because in all honesty... i much prefer Civ3 to Civ4.


oh. and just thought maybe you'd like this idea:

"Also, since Kinboat's working on a Warder unit for us, it's got me thinking about how to implement them along with Aes Sedai. Here's what I've put together, from opinions of people in the thread as well as some of my own. Alerum does not want to have Aes Sedai as their own civilization, and he has made some good points to support his position. Wouldn't want the White Tower declaring war on rival nations, which is bound to happen no matter what. Even lowest aggression civs sometimes get it in their heads to become warmongers.
Solution = have them linked with a resource that has a high appearance/high disappearance rate (which makes it pop up all over the place, but for short whiles). This will display the rareness of the ability, and it'll make it difficult for one civ to make a whole army of Aes Sedai. Give the Aes Sedai the Enslave ability, so they enslave/bond their Warders. The Aes Sedai will have a VERY high defense, but an even lower offense rating (maybe even 1). This will prevent several things. (1) People (AI included) will not use them to declare war since they'd lose a valuable unit (demonstrates Aes Sedai vow not to attack unless attacked upon first). (2) Units are a lot less likely to enslave units when attacked upon (in defense), so you won't have Aes Sedai producing tons of Warders. Warders will be rare then, but I think that's how it should be since I view them as the second most powerful foot units, behind only the Asha'man.
Then Aes Sedai will be available to everyone. BUT as with Knights in the main game, they can be represented different within different civs. Shadowspawn get Black Ajah, Randland civs get Aes Sedai, Aiel get Wise Ones, Sea Folk get Wind Finders, etc. etc.

Whew! Think I got it all down. That's a lot to consider, so let me know any of your reactions.

And... Sorry for the long post.

EDIT: Oh yeah, they can also have transport foot unit abilities."

It is from the original thread and i love this concept on the Aes Sadai. :king:
Seems there is alot of interest to have it made, but the amount of work required for a mod of this scope, requires several modders... Keep in mind this is from a Civ4 standpoint, because I don't think this can be properly done with Civ3.

There would have to be someone who could make the artwork.
Someone who can add the artwork via XML.
Someone who can modify the SDK, which requires C++ knowledge.
Someone who can code the Python code for it...
and finally someone who can tie it all together.

My efforts for making it were tested on the first part. I needed artwork. The rest can be done, but it takes real skill to make the artwork. Was hoping Cam would come back, but that didn't work out... and couldn't find a good artist in the Civ4 community who was interested in WoT enough to take on the challenge.

Since then I've become married, so I doubt i could do it now anyway.:(
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