• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

The World Turned Upside Down

@propagandist, serious this time? If you are, you've got a single IC to spend at the start. Choose wisely what kind of unit you want to start with.
I think I might take a shot at a terrorist faction, once I get back from visiting my relatives (with no internet access :(), especially since DaNES is on life support.
No, a player can only be one or the other.
A player can SUPPORT an organization though.

will there be NPC orgs?
@J_eps, maybe, let's see what is player created though. I'd like to hammer out any flaws before making an NPC.
I understand they have a strong industrial base, but its worthless without raw material. Greece has no oil, little iron for steel, and even less a capacity to feed its own population.
Orders sent. They haven't changed at all in like three updates.
@Warman17: Shows how little you know. Greece uses human body fat for oil and filtered iron from blood for its metal needs. Bones also makes a good alternative to steel for tank frames. :crazyeye:
This is a 10 hour warning for the update. still missing a lot of orders.
Orders incoming shortly.
que? no habla ingelese.
Orders sent, but I'm afraid due to a browser error they were sent twice. The orders are identical so either will do - sorry to attack your inbox like that.
Shall be sending through orders soon
The efforts since last year of the Four Year Plan, coupled with the more-permanent Abyssinian Economic Blueprint, have brought on quickly the fruits of Emperor Iyasu V's and his advisors' efforts. Abyssinia has begun joining the modern world as infrastructure has begun to be improved and the first Liberian automobiles crossed into the Empire. Seeing the success, the Emperor decreed that some of the extra funding from Private Enterprise go to encourage a new open-market and more companies and more competition to build up the domestic economy.
Another interesting development was the invitation into and acceptance by the East Asian research union - an Abyssinian team of R&D scientists and benefactors had been dispatched to put in their ideas and money into the group effort, so that Abyssinia also gets some of that research knowledge.

Meanwhile, political parties have begun to be forged across Abyssinia and their first emissaries arrived at the imperial court a day after the Emperor purchased the first car in Abyssinia.
That process had drained the Emperor and his Inner Council a bit, because of the volume of applicants.
They had turned down the umpteenth Communist Anti-Monarchist Revolutionary People's Liberation Front or whatever the hell their varied names were (some were indeed the exact same name, but different people proposing them), but some parties had been approved for elections already.
Among them were (in order of left-to-right orientation):
Alliance of the New Workers of Abyssinia (ANWA)
Abyssinian Cement and Construction Workers Reform Guild (ACCWRG)
Social Reform Alliance (SRA)
Liberal Party (LP)
Abyssinian Liberal Party (ALP)
Democratic Market Party (DMP)
Greater Abyssinian Liberal Party (GALP)
Free Market Alliance (FMA)
Greater African Liberal Unity Party (GALUP)
Decentralizationist Party (DP)
Islamic Liberal Union (ILU)
Selassie Constitution [Reformers] Party (SCP-Reformers)
Abyssinian Merchant-Industrialist Association (AMIA)
Imperial Democratic Union (IDU)
Selassie Constitution [Loyalist] Party (SCP-Loyalists)
Royalist Party (RP)
Sudanese Royalist Party (SRP)
Abyssinian Business Professionals Political Union (ABPPU)
Royal Democratic Party (RDP)
Abyssinian Islamic Conservative Party (AICP)
Sudanese Conservative Party (SCP)
Great Conservative Alliance (GCA)
Ultra-Royalist Party (URP)
National Force (NF)
Greater African Unity Party (GAUP)
Greater Abyssinian Superiority Front (GASF)

The most-favorite parties of Emperor Iyasu V have thus far been the SCP-Loyalists, the ABPPU, and IDU, reflecting his center-right orientation. All of these parties believe that for now the reforms set by the Selassie Constitution have been more than enough. This is much to the chagrin of the AMIA, which is the slightly more liberal rival of the ABPPU. A few members of the Inner Council have also been impressed by the GAUP ideas of pan-African unification, but not by some of its other stances which might imply limiting royal and noble power.
Their least favorites should be easy to tell - neither of the two Islamic parties can anticipate much support - or enthusiasm - from the largely Orthodox Christian nobility. Though there have been a few Muslim generals that have been granted land and voting rights due to their high loyalism during the war, that alone is not nearly enough to sway votes in their favor.
Furthermore, Inner Council members have all agreed that the SRA, ACCWRG, and ANWA are all proto-communistic organizations that should have been disqualified right from the start. But Emperor Iyasu V decided that it's good to have them compete just to demonstrate how little support communism and its less-extreme socialist allies have in Abyssinia.

--Meanwhile, in a cantina in Khartoum--

"Well, we have sent multiple reps to the Emperor, and not one has been approved," a Sudanese man dressed in ragged clothes and looking tired after another long day's work as the highway constructions continue lamented. "The closest we might get is if we get people to clamor and riot for the ANWA or ACCWRG."

"Oh, please," said a woman schoolmarm. "Our working force is not nearly strong enough right now. Who's gonna come out and support them? What armies will raid the filthy pigs' mansions to force the vote? Nobody! There's more peasants still right now than proletarian workers! And tell me, Mr. Hasan, why would a peasant raid a mansion to support an URBAN WORKER group?"

"Lady don't you have a kindergarten class to teach?" Hasan retorted. "Leave matters like these to the REAL revolutionaries."

With that the schoolmarm stormed over, wading through chairs and people by the bar and back-handed the cocky man.

"I probably know more about what communism and its base politics are than you ever will, you uneducated little Sudanese slug! You better hope that I teach your little brats in this shantytown you call the "pride of Sudan" so that THEY, unlike you, someday have a SLIVER OF HOPE for leading a country!"

Hasan recovered and drunkenly swung a glass at her but missed his mark and it smacked into the ceiling.

"You know if Sudan hadn't become part of your dear old Abyssinia women like you would've been chained and beaten 200 times for doing things like that! So much for being refined, you imperialist hag."

Furious, the woman picked up a still-beer-soaked shard and plunged the spear into his Hasan's left eye socket. Taking another piece of glass, she put it through his other eye, leaving him screaming and writhing on the floor, with blood pouring out of his useless eyes.

"Anyone else wanna mess with me?"

Everyone backed off, taking the cue. At that point someone clapped and stepped forward - it was an Abyssinian, a much-loved rich man named Yagbe Aras who had gained an estate on the outskirts of Khartoum when the province of Sudan was annexed into the Abyssinian Empire. He was a philanthropist who helped out when the highway was being built into the city.

"I think you won, Shiba," he congratulated the feisty schoolmarm. "She has very good points - how are you going to get peasants to support urban workers? Why would they care? Has there never been trouble between rural and urban societies that the farmers refuse to send in their food, starving the cities? What would make it different now? I think that just because she's a woman, you underestimate the words and wisdom of the Instructor Shiba Bri."

Some of the eager communists gathered there were taken aback by his praise. It had been long rumored that she was his mistress but neither openly admitted it for obvious reasons, and this was an admission by omission (not to mention his calling her by her first name). For despite the new legal system the local custom remained to cut off the limbs and other extremities of the cheater and the lover - all this in public as all watched upon their suffering. Many such punished adulterers soon committed suicide out of shame.

"Yet she is EXACTLY who you must listen to - she's educated, and she's from Addis Ababa, as I am myself admittedly. She knows how it works there! After all, despite the Selassie Constitution, things are pretty much the same! I mean what's new? Political parties are being formed, yes. But to what point? Out of all of us here, I am the only one who will actually be allowed to vote in three years. All had to pledge the Acts of Loyalty, including us voters and the Senate that will be elected - no, SELECTED - in a few years."

There were murmurs of disappointment and agreement throughout the crowd.

"And tell us, Shiba, how many workers in and around the city of Khartoum would support a Communist Party in elections?"

"I've been around, and not that many. There's more people that would want more gradual reforms right now. One of the liberal moderates would be good. NOT the SRA, ANWA, or ACCWRG."

"Right, and even I won't vote for either of those," Aras said. "Not only because it's putting me at risk of losing my possessions, but also because it's a wasted vote. I'd go for one of the moderate liberals. For now, I say campaign but promote reform not revolution at the moment until we have enough support to actually act."

"Let's drink to that!" "Hear, hear!"

Shiba Bri left after his little speech and walked a circuitous route to a local police squad.

"Communists are agitating again," she said to the policeman. Aras himself then stepped in from a different street. They kissed each other.

"They're at the Red Anvil, quite fittingly," he said. "They're all drunk already."

"Very good," the policeman said. "You will be rewarded with this information."

He handed them some money, and Shiba also got a voting application. The Emperor had decreed that all eligible voters have to submit their proof of eligibility. Now she had one of the highest proofs ever - serving as an informer to root out communist revolutionaries in preparation for the election. Though she herself would like to the Social Reform Alliance (SRA) win so that SHE could actually vote (as it stood now women had no vote and she had to give her husband - who managed a small arms store on the other side of town - the ticket) she would have ended up gravitating towards one of the extreme-right groups. She loved the idea of an anti-communist police state presiding over an even more enlarged Abyssinian Empire.

"How will your husband vote, Shiba?" Aras asked as they walked to the suburb where he lived.

"Oh who knows, probably the ANWA," she said dismissively. "Who cares about that idiot anyway? Only thing he's good for is protecting the house from robbers."

"And communists," Aras added.

"Same thing," she chuckled. "Poor Hasan. Not only is he blind now and probably has some small pieces of glass stuck in there, but he'll be hauled away and jailed for violating the Acts of Loyalty."

"He had it coming, the way he was going on about it," Aras said. "If he had his way they would spill out into the streets and overrun the shop owners and landowners, and destroy the small economy that's finally starting to arise here. Damn middle-of-nowhere little piece of crap area."

"Yeah, nothing like the imperial capital. THAT'S where all the modernization is flowing from. It's a hell of a lot better than here, where it comes eventually but not quite at the same pace."

"Well the highway and the new automobiles that are coming in are changing that. But meanwhile, my wife is still out of town. Wanna talk anti-commie strategy?"
Orders Sent...
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