• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

The World Turned Upside Down

Don't worry you two. I'll spoil BOTH of your master plans. At the moment, update is almost done, lots of interesting things opening up this year.
Ohhh, ahhh, sounds good EQ!!!
Don't worry you two. I'll spoil BOTH of your master plans. At the moment, update is almost done, lots of interesting things opening up this year.

but... but... what about last night? DID THAT MEAN NOTHING TO YOU?! WAS I JUST A BOOTY CALL FOR U?!

lol keep that update comin'! :D
she made me a 0 so mom banned me forever until I "Gets rid of it" There are 10 grades.... 1 0 and 4 100 and still a c...

Translation: Im not doing well in school and im blaming it all on my teacher. My mom wont let me play untill I do better. /end translation

The fact that he has grammar and spelling like that tells me he deserves those grades.
Global News Report

ATOMIC ERA BEGINS. Scientists from the United States have allowed the unfolding of a new era of science and civilization. American air forces, in an attempt to bring the Third World War to an early close attempted to drop atomic bombs on Athens and the city of Stalingrad in Russia. The bomb on Stalingrad successfully detonated, causing unprecedented destruction and sparking the Russian pullback across the Urals. Stalingrad has effectively ceased to exist. The Athens bomb was waylaid by Italian fighters which shot down the plane over the sea. Albert Einstein, a prominent German scientist has said “I know not what weapons World War 4 will be fought with, but World War 5 will be fought with sticks and stones.”

North/Central American News Report

South American News Report

PROBLEMS IN BRAZIL. Brasilia, Brazil. Remnants of the old regimes in Brazil have rallied around a new organization dedicated to liberating the nations of South America from American and other foreign interests. The organization has vowed to use any means to expel the foreigners from the continent. They have received support from a variety of private individuals who want to accomplish the same goals.

European News Report

IRISH ELECTIONS. Dublin, Eire. The longstanding Fascist Party has been booted out of office in Eire. The Conservatives have gained power under the leadership of Joseph Kennedy, one of the leaders of the American move to liberate Ireland from the United Kingdom. Recognized as a “Savoir of Eire,” Kennedy has won on an anti-war platform, calling for the withdrawal of Irish troops from the Soviet Union.

CIVIL WAR IN GERMANY. Berlin, Germany. With World War 3 winding down, elements of the Kaiser’s government found it convienent to launch an offensive against strongholds of the more radical German parties throughout the nation. The Nationalist Socialist (Nazi) Party’s headquarters in Munich was well defended by elements of the SA, who have seized the city and much of the surrounding countryside. Within the chaos, the communists under Adolf Hitler have risen up in Cologne and the industrial regions using Soviet weapons. Heavy casualties have been reported and the police forces sent to arrest the leaders have been easily repulsed by the paramilitary forces of both the communists and the Nazis. On the front, the army has become divided as factions emerge. Even reports of fighting between Germans on the front lines became more and more widespread as the war dragged on, even after the destruction of Stalingrad. This chaos has given more support to the new MittelAfrikan democratic nationalists, while the nation steels itself for a civil war.

African/Middle Eastern News Report

ABYSSINIA JOINS RESEARCH ORGANIZATION. Saigon, Vietnam. In a surprising move, the government of Abyssinia has joined the East Asian Research Organization. The scientists have announced the initiation of research into the improvement of computing machines as invented in Brazil. Leaders in electronics research from all the nations of the organization have announced that thanks to recent investment by private corporations have assisted in the ongoing developments.

MITTELAFRIKANS CALL FOR FREEDOM. Zanzibar, German Empire. A new paramilitary organization called the MittelAfrika Freedom Federation has declared its formation. The new group has called for the restoration of the Afrikan Reichstag and freedom and autonomy for the colonies. They have also denounced the rule of the monarch and his actions against “free political parties” of Germany. Many local Africans have begun supporting the new group and its calls for a new African democracy.

Asian/Pacific News Report

KOREA GAINS FREEDOM. Seoul, Korea. After the Korean Nationalists’ Party’s victory in national Nipponese elections in 1940, the Korean nation has been given its autonomy. While a moderately unpopular move among the Nipponese reactionaries, many of the more liberal members of the Kokkai have agreed with the action. The new nation has been welcomed to the Indochinese Alliance and has also offered to allow Nipponese military forces to maintain their bases along the Chinese border. (+5% Dissent for Nippon)

Global News Ticker


Special: World War 3

VENEZUELA. American forces have managed another ferocious offensive against the Viet Co… Venezuelans. The Easter Offensive has been moderately successfully in forcing the Venezuelan forces south of the Orinoco River. American forces have sustained fewer casualties this year in comparison to previous years. People have begun evacuating the larger cities in southern Venezuela after the destruction of Stalingrad for fear of similar treatment of the main population and industrial centers in what’s left of the free country.
Casualty List
Venezuela: 3 Infantry Divisions, 1 Cavalry Division
USA: 7 Infantry Divisions

SCANDINAVIA. American and German forces, acting in coordination assaulted behind Soviet lines in Scandinavia. Moving in rapid motion against Soviet forces, the ATO forces cut the Soviet armor spearheads from their logistical support. With a major offensive from the south by the Scandinavians and Irish the Soviets found themselves cut off in heavy city fighting at Narvik. Following an abortive breakout attempt in which several Soviet divisions escaped further east, the ATO forces closed the noose on the Soviet Karellian Front, destroying several Soviet armored groups. The ATO forces have linked up with the massive offensive through Russia as the push on Moscow continues.
Casualty List
USSR: 12 Infantry Divisions, 5 Armored Divisions, 4 Jet Fighter Squadrons
USA: 3 Marine Divisions, 1 Jet Fighter Squadron
Germany: 2 Armored Divisions
Scandinavia: 7 Infantry Divisions
Eire: 1 Motorized Division, 2 Jet Fighter Squadrons

RUSSIA. In an assault of unprecedented scale, almost two million ATO soldiers have advanced into the Soviet Union, using massive formations of motorized and armored divisions. Operation Barbarossa has been an amazing success, destroying multiple Soviet divisions and formations. Within the first two months of the offensive, ATO forces captured Trotskygrad, Kiev, and Smolensk. Though a Soviet counterattack west of Moscow halted the assault in the north, fighting resumed in the Ukraine after a single American bomber dropped an atomic bomb on Stalingrad, devastating the city. Fighting stopped with the winter as internal dispute and unrest forced both alliances to an uneasy stalemate outside of Moscow. With the dropping of the atomic bomb, Iosef Stalin, leader of the defenders of Moscow, led a coup against Trotsky’s government, and Trotsky died of natural causes due to an ice pick to the brain. Stalin has sued for peace with the United States and has pulled back his army behind the Ural Mountains as part of the terms. However, disorder in Germany has prevented exploitation of the Soviet unrest.
Casualty List
USSR: 21 Infantry Divisions, 8 Armored Divisions, 3 Jet Fighter Squadrons
Mongolia: 2 Militia Divisiona, 1 Infantry Division
USA: 6 Infantry Divisions, 2 Motorized Divisions, 1 Armored Division, 1 Jet Fighter Squadron
Germany: 3 Infantry Divisions, 1 Motorized Division, 4 Armored Divisions
Scotland: 2 Motorized Divisions, 1 Jet Fighter Squadron
South Africa: 2 Motorized Divisions
Hungary: 1 Infantry Division
Romania: 2 Infantry Divisions
Switzerland: 1 Infantry Division
Poland: 1 Infantry Division
Bulgaria: 1 Motorized Division

GREECE. Heavy fighting continued in the mountains of northern Greece as Italian and Serbian forces attempted to breach Greek lines, failing to a great extent. Italian attacks on the considerable fortifications, refined constantly since the end of the Second World War, have been bloodily repulsed, while the Serbians have resorted to skirmishing along the front lines. American strategic bombing continued unabated until August, when an American attempt to drop an atomic bomb on Athens was thwarted by Italian fighters, which surprised the American bomber and shot it down into the sea. Curtis LeMay, commanding general of the bomber offensive, ordered immediate retaliation against the Italian navy, and following the deployment of much of local carriers’ air groups and several bomber squadrons, the Italian navy was surprised and a large part of it was sent to the bottom.
Casualty List
Greece: 2 Infantry Divisions, 2 Mountain Divisions, 1 Armored Division
Italy: 3 Infantry Divisions, 2 Armored Divisions, 3 Mountain Divisions, 1 Carrier, 1 Capital Ship, 1 Cruiser Group, 1 Destroyer Group, 2 Jet Fighter Squadrons
USA: 3 Jet Fighter Squadrons, 4 Bomber Squadrons

VLADIOSTOCK. Commonwealth forces, led by General Montgomery and Nelson II have landed south of Vladiostock and seized the city from a minute number of defenders. In addition, they managed to destroy most of the remnants of the Soviet navy, and have ended the last armada of the Russian people with the loss of a few small ships. The region of Transamur has been easily occupied by the Commonwealth army, though the generals are dubious about continuing an offensive into Siberia.
Casualty List
USSR: 1 Infantry Division, 2 Cruiser Groups, 4 Destroyer Groups, 2 Wolfpacks
UCS: 1 Destroyer Group

Diplomatic Pouch


Warhead has been booted for inactivity in his orders, though the PRC is still open if he returns.

World Map

Spoiler :
Translation: Im not doing well in school and im blaming it all on my teacher. My mom wont let me play untill I do better. /end translation

The fact that he has grammar and spelling like that tells me he deserves those grades.

I'm frankly amazed that you could decipher that.

Ninja edit: Nice update, too bad about what transpired in it, huh?

It matters not. A 2:1 casualty ratio is pretty darned good, considering that the American forces are overwhelmingly superior both in quantity and quality.

Venezuela, live on!
The Soviet Union Under Stalin would like to announce the preliminary deal made with the United States of America:

1. All those unjustly imprisoned by the horrific Trotsky government will be returned to their homes immediately.
2. Ukraine will be given their independance.
3. The region of Karelia will be ceded to Scandinavia.
4. The region of Transamur will be ceded to the UCS.
5. Eastern Poland will be returned to the Lodz government.
6. The USSR will promise not to intervene in the German Civil War or launch a war of aggression in Europe.
We are pleased to hear of this, and hope that this will be the dawn of a new age for Europe.
(Hint hint Nippon)
I continue to be distressed by the fact the Greeks are able to
1) Continue their war with lack of raw materials
2) Continue to get people to fight for them, while the generals may support the government the soldiers who are drafted would not (50% dissent basically). They should be surrendering in droves in order to end the war and get rid of their government.
Vladiostock, Russia

General Montgomery was sitting in his jeep as the invasion was progessing, as projected his marines secured a beachhead for the armored divisions, as General Montgomery watched his tanks roll off the tranports he spotted his tank corps commander and ordered his driver to take him there.

"Major Hill, how are your tanks and men?" Asked General Montgomery.
"Some of the men are seasick sir, but other than that our tanks are arriving intact, in fact there is our last transport." Replied Major Hill. Both men looked up as a loud noise interrupted their conversation, they watched the fighter squadrons pass overhead and swoop north to do their recon mission over the port.
"Thank god for the air force, if they were not here we would not know how many divisions we would be up against." Added General Montgomery.
"That reminds me sir, how many divisions are we up against anyways?"
"According to latest intel, 1 division of infantry."
A short laugh escaped Major Hill, "Surely sir, you cannot be serious?"
"Nonetheless we must be prepared. Get your tanks ashore and moving towards Vladiostock." Major Hill saluted and ordered his driver towards the tanks amassing on the northern bank.

Several hours later in the Sea of Okhotsk

"Sir, the Russian fleet has been sighted!" Shouted the Captain.
"Order the fleet into battle stations! We will not leave this battle until every Russian ship has been sunk!" Replied Admiral Nelson II.
The crew on the Carrier Illustrious rushed to battle stations, fighter jets are warming up and pilots are going over their last minute checklist. The light carrier Roaring Lions was moving closer to the bigger carrier for protection as the fleet spreads out to attack. The Cruisers remained close to the carriers, not becuase they felt compelled to, but becuase they had no major ship to ship armaments. That they left to the 2 capital ships and the fighter planes.

10 minutes into the battle a loud boom followed by another even louder boom, as all eyes turned towards the West they saw the water form a huge bubble the crew cheered when they heard that the Destroyer King's Pride dropped a depth charge on a submarine. Admiral Nelson II smiled as he peered in the distance, he could see smoke from several ships rising into the air, and he knew his destroyers had kept the subs from coming within firing range of his carriers and capital ships. He thought to himself, "This battle was over before it even started." He turned around and shook his captains hand and headed off to the galley to get a cup of coffee.

Back in Vladiostock, General Montgomery and his army was entering the port city. As his tanks rumbled pass the infantry entered every house and building only to find many of them abandoned. Only when they reached the business district did they run into enemy opposition, the tanks fired at the buildings, and after 5 short minutes of battle, the Russians or what was left of them surrendered and Vladiostock was in Commonwealth hands. As his troops cheered General Montgomery turned to Major Hill, "I hear there is another city not far from here, I want you to take the motorized infantry and your tank corps up and take it. The air force says it is abandoned, but be prepared nonetheless. The more we can take the better. Good luck Commander and report back once the city has fallen." Major Hill saluted and took off to muster up the troops and prepare for the drive up.

Back in London King Edwards was sitting in his chair sipping tea with his Queen when his Minister of War came in, "My lord, I have fantastic news to inform you!" King Edwards motioned for the chair as the Queen leaves the room. "Would you like some tea Gregory?"
"Thank you my lord." As the serveant pours Gregory's tea, Gregory speaks again, "We have just recieved dispatches from General Montgomery and Admiral Nelson II, Transumar Region is in our hands without losing a single division! And Admiral Nelson II has defeated the Russian navy in Northern Sea of Okhotsk, he reports numerous Russian ships sunk and 1 Commonwealth destroyer group lost! A fantastic victory if I may." Gregory eagerly took the tea from the serveant and drank it down in 1 gulp. King Edwards looked at him disgustedly, "Must you drink your tea like that? You should savor this.... this tea came from India, which in my opinion is the best tasting tea in the world." Gregory blushed, "I am sorry my lord. I shall not do it again."
King Edwards leaned foward, "That is great news, our victories in the East will no doubt prove those naysayers in Parliment and the population. These victories prove that our military is not as bad as many people think. Thank you Gregory for bringing me this news." King Edwards leaned back and sipped his tea again.
@Warman17; well at least this year has seen a lessening of the ATO blockade. Also, prior to the war they did have large stockpiles. Finally, recruitment is at an all time low, he didn't really build a lot of soldiers this year.
I continue to be distressed by the fact the Greeks are able to
1) Continue their war with lack of raw materials
2) Continue to get people to fight for them, while the generals may support the government the soldiers who are drafted would not (50% dissent basically). They should be surrendering in droves in order to end the war and get rid of their government.

I'd recommend trying to propose an acceptable peace. The war's pretty much over, anyway, and there's no way you're going to be able to occupy Greece in the long-term.

Oh, Nippon condemns the new, horrific, US weapons and anyone who advocates their use against civilian targets like Stalingrad or Athens. Only cowards and butchers pick a war with an enemy's population.

EDIT: Korea should have modern military production, seeing as they got all my techs when they became independent and thus got to mooch off all that work I'd done.

EDIT2: Nippon congratulates the UCS on their liberation of Transamur and that nations imminent entry into the family of nations.

Nippon is also glad to see a pragmatic leadership come to the USSR, specifically under a leader with experience running the neutral nation of Georgia after the Second World War.
The Kaiser announces that any nation supporting the so-called "Free" Mittelafrikan paramilitary force is supporting an unlawful insurgency and rebellion. Any nation found giving aid to this force (and that means YOU, Abyssinia and South Africa) will be considered at war with the Deutsches Reich. That is all.

Germany will prevail. Its enemies shall fall.
Perhaps instead adding to his record of picking fights it can't win, getting run over by an incompetent Soviet force, and then trying to oppress what you cannot hold, the Kaiser should use some common sense for once and let the MittelAfrikans go?

Not that we have much interest in the region, just an observation.
To United States:

We demand an apology for the destruction of our navy. We also ask you remove your forces from Crete, and end your involvement in the Greek Front. Italy and its Balkan allies can handle it from here. We will not allow your terror weapons to destroy such ancient cities such as Athens, birthplace of western civilization.
Scotland agrees with Italy's claim on not bombing Athens with atomic weapon and strategic bombing, and those only, but asks why Italy took drastic and sudden measures, shooting down US bombers.

Why does a state of war exist between you and any nation that aids us, when no state of war exists between the two of us? We had an option of attacking you. There were many possible places to attack. We have a VERY SMALL military. That means we could have done something. HOWEVER, we didn't attack. We have hopes for our nation to be established through the pen rather than the sword, through amity instead of hate, with our nations remaining close (OOC: commonwealth could work even), but being able to make our own choices and elect our own government. We want no place in your civil war. We urge you to consider our independence, and not threaten both it and anyone else who supports so much as the ideals of democracy with war.
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