So to be clear, we are talking about inidividual civilizations (I usually call them factions) rather than the game civilization.
It's not necessarily two different things. Civilization the game is quite committed with civilizations the factions. You'll see a number of people who play the game only for the latter. (they usually love uniques and leaders work, and love to discuss about them, I don't know if you noticed
So here's the question - what is the bare minimum amount of game elements you think you need to make you feel like you are the civilization you are playing as (what's the minimum for you to get the "Yes, I am civilization x" basically) ?
City names and names in general. Well, at least for France. I guess skin color and unit design could be important for playing any other country than mine, especially "exotic", and buildings art style too. But that would be massive work for something I barely consider while playing. (I usually play frenetically, absorbed by the one more turn, and that's not always to my advantage, especially in Civ6 where it seems I can't put enough thinking in my actions)
And, but there we enter trouble waters, maybe some kind of music, provided it's not insanely annoying (Civ6...
), but i have to admit that "musics representing nations", beside the African hunter-gatherers are quite the ridiculous folkloric ones or pompous. (I wonder if they considered the Marseillaise for France
, and if there is other national anthems in the game (6). There sure is some folkloric rubbish, like the awful American Country music and other pompous nation-related crap. (I hate western ones the most, and maybe Chinese or Asian ones too, like if they got out of a ridiculous opera or something - doesn't mean I dislike every form of exotic art representation, I quite love the Akira soundtrack for example, and Japanese "HoooOOOooo *dum* *dum* Hooooooooo" thing because it cracks me up and I feel like a connoisseur when listening at that stuff rofl))
And a bonus question - How do you feel when you don't use all aspects of a civilizations uniqueness (Like if you don't use a civilization ability for instance) ?
Disappointed. If I pick Incas and I spawn too far from mountains for example, I quit. Just because I expected to play Incas with insane yields. It's quite the same with any civ really, because I'm like "I will try a cultural win so I will pick Egypt for wonders", except I win a science victory nowhere close to a cultural victory, but in that case I have to go all the way through to figure it out. I know I 'm like the automatic gameplay person and always tend to science victory though, but I hardly can see a civ in the base game that makes for obvious cultural victory yet. (and dam it, I never find the time to build theater squares, and where do we get this artist for that boost before we can get artists ?)