TJ01 turnlog 1440AD
Kick trespassers of our island.
Try to generate a leader.
From the look of things it would seem the Cartageans are the first off island target. Steam is still some ways away. France has Medicine, which she doesn't want to share, but she's giving us 15gpt and a lux, for 2 luxes. MB has left a deal open: lux for lux, but we are in happy mode already. Of course when
I declare France we lose 1 lux. *sigh* decisions. We are poised for Cartage so I'll kick them out first and try to generate some elite cavs.
Make peace with Persia.
Cancel the Ivory for Silk deal with Cartage (no turns left on it), this makes him Furious.
When I renegotiate peace he wouldn't give it straight, but we don't want it anyway, now do we?
I make the lux deal with Russia to make her stronger vs France, who by having Medicine will be the next target. Cathy gives 31g and the WM too.
Press enter.
A worker was captured, I missed a road in ruins.

A fur deal with France expires, we renegotiate (she needs the happiness being at war), she can't give anymore than 15gpt (which she already gave) she does trow in 18g and her WM. Ok Joan, we'll see you again in 20 turns...

First Cav -> Cav
1445AD - turn 1
Move slider to (3.7.0) for Steam in 9 @ -19gpt.
Get WM + 20g (all she has) from Spain for our WM.
Get 11g from Joan for our WM.
I misclick and disconnect our German road...
Near Cadiz:
4/4 Cav vs 2/3 Horse: wins 2/4 left.
Move troops and canons into attacking position.
12/12 Cav Army vs 3/3 Musket: wins unscratched and the city is autorazed.
Tree completes the Military Academy, starts Galleon.
The people love me

Carthage has another settler pair to watch.
1450AD - turn 2
Cadiz, Num Merv now 2/3.
4/4 Cav vs 2/3 Num Merc: wins 3/4 left, Cadiz autorazed and 2g liberated.
The Army doesn't fit a Caravel, once again will the shape of this island hinder us, sigh.
England tries to bribe us of our Incense. Get lost Betsy. She back down, and give us 7g and WM for our
Looks like a Spain Archer will attack the Russian city.
Fourth Cav -> Cav
1455AD - turn 3
5/5 Gallic vs 3/3 German Archer: wins 4/5 left.
Stack is near the Carthagean settler pair.
Allow a Spanish settler pair to pass. The peace deal is nearing it's end.
Send a Caravel with 3 Cavs on a pillaging mission.
A Carthagean frigate passes our Caravel.
Carthage found Cirta right under the nose of 2 cavs, 2 knights and a musket.
Second Cav -> Cav
Fifth Cav -> Cav
1460AD - turn 3
'Battle' for
4/4 Cav vs 3/3 Num Merc: wins 2/4 left, Cirta autorazed, 2g captured.
Get 17g from Cathy for our WM.
First Cav -> Musket
Three Cows Galleon -> Cav
1465AD - turn 4
Follow the Spanish settler pair, which is still on the move (2 turns left on that peace deal).
Contemplate a Palace pre-build for Sci Method, but I think it's too early.
Carthage is already willing to talk.
France is still the only one with Medicine.
Spain founds Jean near the Saltpeter.
Germany comes with a new Archer.
1470AD - turn 5
The spot I wanted to land the Cavs is taken by a Carthagean settler trio.
5/5 Cav vs 3/3 German Archer: wins 4/5 left.
Persia and Germany ally against Russia.
Fourth Cav -> Cav
1475AD - turn 6
Declare Spain: Battle for
4/4 Cav vs 4/4 spear: redlines but wins, Jean autorazed.
3 Cavs land on Carthagean soil.
Carthage attacks and upgrades a Cav, hurts another, covers the Saltpeter I was looking to pillage.
Carthage lands a settler pair on the Saltpeter where Jean was next to.
First Musket -> Cav
Second Cav -> Cav
Fifth Cav -> Cav
1480AD - turn 7
Still can't move the slider back, but Steam in 2.
4/4 Cav vs 4/4 Num Merc: redlines but captures 2 workers.
5/5 Cav vs 3/3 German Archer: wins 4/5 left.
Three Cows Cav -> Cav
1485AD - turn 8
Finally able to upgrade a Caravel.
1 Cav on the Carthagean island is killed, Carthage has Cavs too. They left the only source of Saltpeter so it is pillaged.
Steam now due in 1 turn, we are finally making a profit again (8gpt).
Our Cav kills 5 units, before the 6th kills it, a regular hero. I suggest a moment of silence.
Germany signs France against us!!!!
Steam comes in, start Electricity.
1490AD - turn 9
Carthage now has Medicine too.
There's Coal near First, but not connected yet.
Give Persia Incense and Silks for Dyes, 7g and WM.
Give England Incense for Spices, 12g and WM.
Battle for
4/4 Cav vs 3/3 Pike: wins 2/4 left.
4/4 Cav vs 3/3 Spear: redlines and retreats, defender 2/3.
4/4 Cav vs 2/3 Spear: wins 2/4 left and takes the city and 52g!
5/5 Gallic vs 3/3 German Archer: wins 4/5 left.
4/4 Galley vs 4/4 French Galley: sinks.
4/4 Caravel vs 2/4 French Galley: sinks upgrading the galley.
4/4 Caravel vs 3/5 French Galley: sinks.
4/4 Caravel vs 2/5 French Galley: wins and upgrades to 3/5.
French Galleon attack our Caravel and sinks.
French MDI attacks Knight and dies.
French MDI attacks Cav, cav retreats.
Fourth Cav -> Cav
1495AD - turn 10
Upgrade 2 4/4 Knights to Cav.
Battle for
5/5 Gallic vs 3/3 Spear: redlines and retreats.
4/4 Cav vs 2/3 Spear: wins unscratched.
4/4 Cav vs 2/3 Spear: wins unscratched, autorazes the city and gain 51g.
5/5 Horse vs 3/3 German Spear: wins unscratched and captures 2 more workers.
So it's back to just us and our pets on the island.

Under the 2/4 Knight is another Coal source hiding, we could use one of the workers to create a colony, so that we can start RR ASAP.
edit: The Russians are still on the island, but their Gem city will never amount to anything.