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TJ01: Famous Five

TJ01 turnlog 1440AD

Kick trespassers of our island.
Try to generate a leader.

From the look of things it would seem the Cartageans are the first off island target. Steam is still some ways away. France has Medicine, which she doesn't want to share, but she's giving us 15gpt and a lux, for 2 luxes. MB has left a deal open: lux for lux, but we are in happy mode already. Of course when
I declare France we lose 1 lux. *sigh* decisions. We are poised for Cartage so I'll kick them out first and try to generate some elite cavs.

Make peace with Persia.
Cancel the Ivory for Silk deal with Cartage (no turns left on it), this makes him Furious.
When I renegotiate peace he wouldn't give it straight, but we don't want it anyway, now do we?
I make the lux deal with Russia to make her stronger vs France, who by having Medicine will be the next target. Cathy gives 31g and the WM too.

Press enter.

A worker was captured, I missed a road in ruins. :smoke:
A fur deal with France expires, we renegotiate (she needs the happiness being at war), she can't give anymore than 15gpt (which she already gave) she does trow in 18g and her WM. Ok Joan, we'll see you again in 20 turns... :evil:
First Cav -> Cav

1445AD - turn 1
Move slider to (3.7.0) for Steam in 9 @ -19gpt.
Get WM + 20g (all she has) from Spain for our WM.
Get 11g from Joan for our WM.

I misclick and disconnect our German road...

Near Cadiz:
4/4 Cav vs 2/3 Horse: wins 2/4 left.
Move troops and canons into attacking position.

12/12 Cav Army vs 3/3 Musket: wins unscratched and the city is autorazed.

Tree completes the Military Academy, starts Galleon.
The people love me :love:
Carthage has another settler pair to watch.

1450AD - turn 2
Bombard Cadiz, Num Merv now 2/3.
4/4 Cav vs 2/3 Num Merc: wins 3/4 left, Cadiz autorazed and 2g liberated.

The Army doesn't fit a Caravel, once again will the shape of this island hinder us, sigh.

England tries to bribe us of our Incense. Get lost Betsy. She back down, and give us 7g and WM for our

Looks like a Spain Archer will attack the Russian city.
Fourth Cav -> Cav

1455AD - turn 3
5/5 Gallic vs 3/3 German Archer: wins 4/5 left.
Stack is near the Carthagean settler pair.
Allow a Spanish settler pair to pass. The peace deal is nearing it's end.
Send a Caravel with 3 Cavs on a pillaging mission.

A Carthagean frigate passes our Caravel.
Carthage found Cirta right under the nose of 2 cavs, 2 knights and a musket.
Second Cav -> Cav
Fifth Cav -> Cav

1460AD - turn 3
'Battle' for Cirta
4/4 Cav vs 3/3 Num Merc: wins 2/4 left, Cirta autorazed, 2g captured.

Get 17g from Cathy for our WM.

First Cav -> Musket
Three Cows Galleon -> Cav

1465AD - turn 4
Follow the Spanish settler pair, which is still on the move (2 turns left on that peace deal).
Contemplate a Palace pre-build for Sci Method, but I think it's too early.
Carthage is already willing to talk.
France is still the only one with Medicine.

Spain founds Jean near the Saltpeter.
Germany comes with a new Archer.

1470AD - turn 5
The spot I wanted to land the Cavs is taken by a Carthagean settler trio.
5/5 Cav vs 3/3 German Archer: wins 4/5 left.

Persia and Germany ally against Russia.
Fourth Cav -> Cav

1475AD - turn 6
Declare Spain: Battle for Jean
4/4 Cav vs 4/4 spear: redlines but wins, Jean autorazed.

3 Cavs land on Carthagean soil.

Carthage attacks and upgrades a Cav, hurts another, covers the Saltpeter I was looking to pillage.
Carthage lands a settler pair on the Saltpeter where Jean was next to.
First Musket -> Cav
Second Cav -> Cav
Fifth Cav -> Cav

1480AD - turn 7
Still can't move the slider back, but Steam in 2.
4/4 Cav vs 4/4 Num Merc: redlines but captures 2 workers.
5/5 Cav vs 3/3 German Archer: wins 4/5 left.

Three Cows Cav -> Cav

1485AD - turn 8
Finally able to upgrade a Caravel.
1 Cav on the Carthagean island is killed, Carthage has Cavs too. They left the only source of Saltpeter so it is pillaged.
Steam now due in 1 turn, we are finally making a profit again (8gpt).

Our Cav kills 5 units, before the 6th kills it, a regular hero. I suggest a moment of silence.
Germany signs France against us!!!!
Steam comes in, start Electricity.

1490AD - turn 9
Carthage now has Medicine too.
There's Coal near First, but not connected yet.
Give Persia Incense and Silks for Dyes, 7g and WM.
Give England Incense for Spices, 12g and WM.

Battle for Amiens:
4/4 Cav vs 3/3 Pike: wins 2/4 left.
4/4 Cav vs 3/3 Spear: redlines and retreats, defender 2/3.
4/4 Cav vs 2/3 Spear: wins 2/4 left and takes the city and 52g!

5/5 Gallic vs 3/3 German Archer: wins 4/5 left.

4/4 Galley vs 4/4 French Galley: sinks.
4/4 Caravel vs 2/4 French Galley: sinks upgrading the galley.
4/4 Caravel vs 3/5 French Galley: sinks.
4/4 Caravel vs 2/5 French Galley: wins and upgrades to 3/5.

French Galleon attack our Caravel and sinks.
French MDI attacks Knight and dies.
French MDI attacks Cav, cav retreats.
Fourth Cav -> Cav

1495AD - turn 10
Upgrade 2 4/4 Knights to Cav.

Battle for Dijon:
5/5 Gallic vs 3/3 Spear: redlines and retreats.
4/4 Cav vs 2/3 Spear: wins unscratched.
4/4 Cav vs 2/3 Spear: wins unscratched, autorazes the city and gain 51g.

5/5 Horse vs 3/3 German Spear: wins unscratched and captures 2 more workers.

So it's back to just us and our pets on the island. :) Under the 2/4 Knight is another Coal source hiding, we could use one of the workers to create a colony, so that we can start RR ASAP.

edit: The Russians are still on the island, but their Gem city will never amount to anything.

--------------------------> the save
Great stuff, Space. :goodjob:

The thing I don't like about our situation (though it's no one's fault) is that with our navy so scattered, we have no hope of launching a serious invasion of any of our overseas enemies in the near future. We have to decide whether we want to hit the French or the Carthaginians next, and then concentrate our ships in the appropriate area of sea. And we have to build more shipping in our two coastal cities--our present transport fleet of thirteen ships is wholly inadequate for a world of this size.
Solid progress Space :thumbsup:

I knock on the the door but there's no answer. Turning away I see Yndy strolling up the road. You're up!

me again? Guys I'm not sure whether I will be able to play at all during the next three days so if any of you has time just post and play.

If I manage to get some time I will post a got it and play myself.

Edit 29/11 06:14 GMT: Got it and will play now
Pre turn. MMing to get +4 commerce in Fifth, +6 commerce in First, +4 commerce in Second. I check tech and diplo, try to make an idea about the location of our units.

1500AD - French Frigate bombs one of our Cavs, we build 4 Cavs. Build Coal Colony. Russia was very close to Magnetism so we sell it for the max we can get. They draw steam power. Make peace and sell Steam Power to a very rich German nation. We receive 2067gold and 56 per turn. Build embassy with the Germans for 30g (they have two spears in Bonn) and sell them a RoP for 2gpt. I'm afraid that Germany will trade Steam to Chartage for Medicine so I do that instead also getting peace in the process.

1505AD: 3Cows: Ironclad-> Galleon; I notice that Germany has 415 gold now and I determine by testing that they make 406 gold per turn. Dispatch 2 workers to open a commercial route. Sell Russia Medicine for 21gpt and change. Research set at 100% with Electricity due in 9. Make that 8 after tinkering with 4thHorse.

1510AD: Nothing much happens.

1515AD: 4thHorse builds Ironclad; the French frigate sinks a Galleon that just made it to the South Coast. Attack the wounded Frigate with a Caravel and sink it.

1520AD: All cities build Cavalries.

1525AD: French land a Cavalry and . Our road to Germany is completed. The Germans don't pay much as they have a small empire. We sell them Horses, Saltpeter, Coal, Incense and Silks for 275gold.

1530AD: I do stuff. Nothing important though.

1535AD: Carthage lands a settler. They also have Nationalism.

1540AD: Carthage builds a city. Russia lands a new settler. Make peace with Spain.

1545AD: Russia builds a city. Our incense for wine treaty with Russia expires. We sign a silks for ivory trade with Carthage. Our fleet is almost ready to set sail for France. The troops have been loaded. Trade Germany Iron for 210 gold. Germany no longer has income per turn but has accumulated 1713 gold. Electricity is due next turn.

Germany 406gpt :eek:

Good trading Yndy :thumbsup:

The arrow flies straight to it's target, leaving Northern Pike holding a hat with a hole in it :) You're up!

Got it. Perhaps the Germans could give us some trading tips....;)
1545 (0): The French want peace, but only on even terms.

Electricity --> Scientific Method (due in 11 turns at 70% science, +34 gpt).

Three Cows switches to palace prebuild for Theory of Evolution.

1550 (1): Suddenly Nationalism is flourishing all over--the Carthaginians, French, Russians, and Germans all have it. We want it right now, so that we can send riflemen rather than musketmen in our invasion fleet, but I don't want to surrender our monopoly on Electricity. So I take a mild risk and steal it from the Germans for 2220 gold.

Fourth Horseman rifleman --> ironclad.

Fifth Wheel rifleman --> cavalry.

1555 (2): The Spanish and the French agree to embargo us.

First Attempt rifleman --> rifleman, Second Minute rifleman --> rifleman.

1560 (3): Our "This Time It's Serious" force sets sail for France--our cavalry army, 29 cavalry, six riflemen, an explorer, and a cannon, carried by five galleons and seven caravels and escorted by an ironclad.

The French land a single cav unit on our continent.

1565 (4): We destroy the French cav for no loss.

Fifth Wheel cav --> cav.

1570 (5): First Attempt rifle --> cav, Second Minute cav --> cav, Fourth Horseman ironclad --> ironclad.

1575 (6): Our entire invasion force lands on the hill southeast of Avignon.

The Carthaginians raze the Russian city of Dnepropetrovsk (on our continent) for us. They're about to found another city of their own farther west, though.

The French park their entire known navy in Avignon, just when we're about to take it. :smoke: :lol: [pimp]

1580 (7): Our attack on Avignon gets off to a dreadful start, when our cav army sustains eleven points of damage versus a veteran rifleman while inflicting just one, and survives only by retreating. After this things improve, though, and we raze the city (held by three riflemen) for the loss of just one cav. We receive no slave labour from the razing, a thing I've noticed before in the Industrial Age--is it just a bug?

One of our ironclads sinks a French frigate.

The Carthaginians found Rusaddir on our continent, five tiles northwest of their previous settlement of Nora.

The Russians and the Germans make peace.

Fifth Wheel cav --> cav.

1585 (8): We raze Lyons, held by four riflemen and a cav unit, in a bloody battle which costs us six cavalry. We lose four cav versus the riflemen, which I suppose is fair enough, but also two against the single cav, which seems like RNG sadism. This time we get our proper ration of workers.

First Attempt and Second Minute cav --> cav.

1590 (9): We raze Tours, held by three riflemen and a cav, in a battle costing us three cavalry. Again we receive the proper amount of slave labour.

Our incense-for-spices deal with the English expires. I don't renew it, to keep our military options open vis-a-vis Lizzie.

The Russians and the Carthaginians make peace, just when the Carthaginians were about to remove another Russian city from our continent.

Fourth Horseman ironclad --> galleon.

1595 (10): We pillage quickly and heal slowly.
We'll soon discover Scientific Method, at which point Three Cows can change from the palace prebuild to Theory of Evolution. However, my decision to start the latest prebuild in 3C was no more than an educated guess (since the spreadsheet hasn't been updated for a while), and shouldn't be treated as binding if it's not ideal mathematically. Getting the remaining Wonders distributed in the right way is more important than saving the relatively modest number of shields accumulated in 3C.

As soon as Three Cows switches to ToE, assuming we do this, it should receive the full attention of our rail-building workers and be optimized for shield production.

Our operations in France so far have been costly in cavalry, though we've produced enough that the net loss in my round was only six (52 to 46). I think high cav casualties are acceptable in our particular situation, as long as they let us make progress, since we don't want our army to grow too large anyway and cavalry doesn't upgrade. So I believe we should push on, although it's undeniable that Paris (the capital) and Marseilles (on a hill) will be very difficult objectives. It might be best to put together a large stack of nothing but cavalry and use it to raze Orleans and Rheims before Paris and Marseilles. The French don't seem to have a lot of units beyond their city garrisons, and such a stack, though vulnerable, probably wouldn't be counterattacked too fiercely.

Whatever we do next in France, it should probably wait until most of our units there heal--at one point a turn, of course, which is the best we can do given that our overseas units can never enter a city. I would NOT recommend attacking Paris with just the units within range at the moment.

Our westernmost stack in France contains six French workers which should be shipped back to our homeland as soon as possible.

We're still ahead of the pack by one tech, Electricity.
Coming along nicely NP :thumbsup:

I look up and realise that I've reached the head of the queue. Got it

Pre-flight checks... OK :thumbsup:
I think I'll start with a spot of pillaging to bring those French cities down in size :)
Press button...
English Knight moves toward Grozny (might save us some work)
FW Cav - Rifle
The people love me - add a Chinese level

1 - 1600AD
Manoeuvre troops to contain Carthage Knight (E Coast)
Upgrade Horseman (FW) for 50gp
Pillaging parties move toward Paris
Research 50%

Lose a Rifle for 1 Cav & 1 retreated Cav
Renew Peace with Germany
Discover Scientific Medicine - Industrialisation
FA Cav - Rifle
SM Cav - Rifle

2 - 1605AD
TC switches to ToE (16 turns)
Naval Manoeuvres
Elite Cav kills 2/4 Cav
Upgrade 2 Horses (FH) for 100gp
Research 70% (13 turns @ -53gpt, 288gp) - should be complete just before ToE
Sell Incense to Carthage for WM, 5gp + 20gpt
Sell Gems to Carthage for 5gp + 20gpt
Sell Incense to Russia for WM, Wines, 7gp + 7gpt
Hawk WM
I made these deals because it's going to take a while to plough through France then possibly England and I wanted to slow Carthage & Russia down.

RoP with Germany expires - I don't renew
FH Galleon - Ironclad

3 - 1610AD
Pillagers pillage
Workers rail (still slowly)
Hawk WM

Russia & England sign Peace Treaty
England & France sign Trade Embargo vs us
lose a stray Cav and kill one
FW Rifle - Rifle

4 - 1615AD
Pillagers pillage
More Cav & Explorers land in France
Workers rail (still slowly)
French workers arrive on our continent
Hawk WM

FA Rifle - Rifle
SM Rifle - Palace (pre-build)

5 - 1620AD
Elite Cav kills 2/4 Cav
Pillager pillage - Paris is completely cut off
Hawk WM

Carthage lands 3 Cav + Settler near our Cav lookout in the West
Spain's borders expand

6 - 1625AD
Pillagers move towards Orleans
Assemble task force to sail to French Iron & Coal deposits (arrive next turn)
Workers rail
Hawk WM

FH Ironclad - Rifle
FW Rifle - Rifle

7 - 1630AD
Pillagers arrive near French Iron & Coal
More pillaging around Orleans
Workers rail
Juggle forces guarding Spanish border
Hawk WM

Carthage starts Universal Suffrage (Industrialisation)

8 - 1635AD
A quick check reveals that Carthage & France have Industrialisation & Communism. I'll pillage France's Coal & Iron then make peace if I can get Industrialisation as part of the deal.
Pillage French Iron & Coal & as many roads as we can reach :)
Sell Peace Treaty to France for Industrialisation, WM, RoP, 17gp + 59gpt
TC switches to Universal Suffrage (17 turns, should be able to force a few shield dumps with this)
SM switches to ToE (20 turns)
Looks as if England is our next target
Research Sanitation @90% (8 turns, -28gpt, 352gp)
FA, FH & FW all switch to Factory
Hawk WM

Russian Cav assault Orleans but the defense holds

9 - 1640AD
Move troops to French/English border
The Russian Cossacks are a bit of a nuisance getting in the way but I've got a couple of Galleons on their way to help the situation.
Put SM on starvation to reduce ToE to 16 turns
MM TC for US in 13 turns
Hawk WM
Research 80% (8 turns @ +8gpt) - the Factories won't finish until then anyway

10 - 1645AD
Workers railing
Forces move toward French/English border - Cossacks still blocking the way
Hawk WM
I take an extra turn to tidy up & even out the years :)

Silks to Carthage for Ivory expires - we renew getting an extra 11gpt in the deal

11 - 1650AD
Position troops for war with England - I leave it to the next player whether or not to declare this turn.

English borders

The sudden appearance of Industrialisation forced me to change my plans a bit but it does get us Factories sooner :)
There is an English Knight E of Grozny, hence the Rifle & Cav to the East of him.
Factories due in 4 or 5 turns at FA, FH & FW.
Universal Suffrage due in 10 & ToE in 14 - SM & FW are starving to quicken their builds so keep an eye on them :)
The wounded Caravel & Ironclad are on automove to FH - cancel if you wish.
There's a Carthagian Settler in the Southwest (heading for the Silks I think).
We'll probably need to switch to Lone Scientist research after Sanitation as we can't manage another tech before ToE is due.

The save is > here <

I hurriedly pass the parcel to mad-bax. You're up!

Great work getting Industrialization. :thumbsup:
OK I see it, but I will not play till tomorrow probably.
Good work Ted. Any chance of a new Spreadsheet?
How about this?

ToE & US will push both Second Minute & Three Cows over the 50cpt mark :)

1650AD: Pre-turn
Getting a little complicated now.
Ted is right, we won't be able to get another tech before TOE. However I decide to reduce the time to sanitation anyway by a turn.

The war against the English will start with few Elite units. The chance of a leader is remote. But we have to start somewhere. I decide to wait a turn to declare since I will have more units at my disposal, and I am going to take it slow.

England requests an audience and want to exchange territory maps. OK
Russia takes Orleans
Germany and France sign MA against Russia.
Spain and France end their trade embargo against us.

1655AD: Orleans being captured changes cultural borders such that our SOD is now within English territory. This delays declaration by maybe 4 turns. I have no option but to build an Embassy with Russia and get an ROP (costs 118g for Embassy and 45g for ROP) otherwise there is no route to England.
Russia is now polite.

Here is why war was delayed.

Russia want Embargo against spanish. I've never signed one b4. In this case I did just to get 62g back.

Moved stuff

French and Germans sign MPP
The French are in deep trouble.
Germany want to exchange world Maps. No.

Persian musket/settler pair wander onto our continent and past a cav which takes a potshot and removes one HP from the musket. I allow the cav to finish the job. 2 new workers and the cavalry promotes to elite.

5th factory - coal plant

Declare war on England
Elite Cavalry vs reg knight dies :mad:
Elite Cavalry vs reg knight wins, captures settler and generates a leader.


Cav kills the English knight on our continent
Can't reduce slider for sanitation.

Rifle is killed by knight.
Spain attack the Russian city on our continent and nearly take it with a single archer.
Spain also send out a spear/settler pair.
Persia and Germany sign MA against Russia.

1st Factory - coal plant
4th Factory - coal plant
Learn Sanitation research Espionage

Declare war on Spain.
Cav vs Spanish spear wins and promotes. 2 new workers.
Ironclad sinks English ship that was threatening the leader boat.
I can squeeze in espionage before TOE so I do. Just gives us another small wonder.
Carthage has communism.

Lose another rifle to an Elite knight.
Carthage settles another town near our iron colony, but doesn't threaten it.

Decide to take out York.
vet cav vs reg musket dies
vet cav vs reg musket retreats
vet cav vs reg musket retreats
vet cav vs Elite knight wins (hoorah).
vet cav vs reg musket wins
vet cav vs reg spear retreats
vet cav vs reg spear wins and promotes
vet cav vs reg musket wins and promotes taking city.
York is razed yielding 4 workers.

Belatedly decide to send some boats to pick up the workers. Didn't realise how long it would take using the southern ships.

England commits suicide by signing an MA vs Russia.

Didn't do much.

Germany and Spain sign Embargo against us.
Fifth coal plant - hospital and MM'd for growth.

Conubelinus arrives in first. Will save him for hoover.

First Coal plant - hostpital
Fourth coal plant - hospital
The Russians take 2 French towns and London :eek:
I doubt we can accept this progress by the Russians.

Moved stuff around

3 cows US - Hospital

Pillaged a bit. Moved some units.

Communism is quite widely known. Unless we want Police stations I could see no reason to buy it.
There are a couple of deals available, but they only came up in the last couple of turns so I left them for the next player.
You can buy Communism from France or Carthage.
You can sell gems to Russia (I wouldn't)
You can get peace with England.

Here is the diplomatic situation.

Here is the >>save<<.
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