Pre-flight checks... OK
Hawk WM to get up to speed on Tech & Diplo
Research 90% (3 turns @ -77gpt, 832gp in bank)
Press button
Ivory for Silks from Carthage expires - I renew grabbing their WM (no gpt or gp deal aavailable?)
Furs + 8gpt from France for Incense + Gems expires - I up the ante to Furs, WM + 15gpt
FA Knight - Knight
TC Musket - Palace (pre-build)
FH Caravel - Caravel
The French Galleys split up, one goes SW, the other NE
1 - 1345AD
I decide to maintain the blockade against the French for the time being
Detail workers to road East coast
Upgrade Horse (FA)
Hawk WM
French Galleys turn North
SM Newton's - Explorer
2 - 1350AD
Upgrade Horse (FA)
Maintain blockade
Protect Coast with Knights & Explorers
Research 70% (next turn @ +1gpt)
Hawk WM
German borders expand and our troops are moved automatically
Discover Metallurgy - Mil Trad (Great Wall is obsolete)
SM Explorer - Cannon
FH Caravel - Caravel
FW Musket - Cannon
3 - 1355AD
Maintaining blockade
Workers work...
Hawk WM
Carthage lands 2 Settlers in the South, One close to our Silks colony, the other near Incense.
Germany founds Salzburg
FA Knight - Cannon
4 - 1360AD
Send 3 Knights South to keep an eye on Carthage.
Upgrade 2 Catapults (FA)
Maintain blockade vs French Galleys
Hawk WM
Spain won't talk
France lands Settler/Spear (oops)
Carthage founds Cadiz (destroying Silk Colony) & Hadrumetum near Incense
SM Cannon - Musket
FH Caravel - Caravel
FW Cannon - Musket
5 - 1365AD
I decide to go full speed to Mil Trad in order to allow the next player to use our upcoming Cav to remove these unsightly blots on our landscape.
Research 90% (4 turns @ -80gpt, 712gp in the bank)
Send Cannon & Muskets toward FA to form our 1st Artillery Brigade
Hawk WM
FA Cannon - Musket
6 - 1370AD
1st Artillery heads South (5 Cannon, 2 Muskets, 2 Knights)
Hawk WM
Spain won't talk
Sign Peace Treaty with Russia - we give Economics, she gives WM + 57gp (broke)
Russia lands Settler/Spear
FH Caravel - Musket
7 - 1375AD
1st Artillery South
Sign Peace Treaty with Spain - she gives WM (broke)
Hawk WM
Workers roading East Coast
SM Musket - Knight
FW Musket - Knight
8 - 1380AD
1st Artillery South
Workers road East coast
Research 80% (1 turn @ -46gpt, 557gp in the Bank)
Hawk WM
Persia demands Incense - Bugger off! I say - he declares war
Discover Mil Trad - Magnetism
Get Military Academy message
WLTKD breaks out
FA Musket - Cav
9 - 1385AD
TC switches to Military Academy (13 turns)
Upgrade 7 Knights
Boudicea forms Army
Research 60%
Hawk WM
10 - 1390AD
Cav Army moves South
Upgrade 4 Knights (FW)
I leave the rest of the moves for the next player
Ongoing Trade Deals
Spain - Peace Treaty (17 turns)
France - Furs + 15gpt for Incense & Gems (10 turns)
England - none
Carthage - Ivory for Silks (10 turns)
Russia - Peace Treaty (16 turns)
Persia - at war
Germany - Peace Treaty (6 turns)
Now the fun begins. We can either wait for the deals to expire or we could wipe out the various settlements on our continent immediately.
There are forces already near Cadiz - 1st Artillery - and more on the way - Cav Army + 3 more Cav.
I'm inclined to kick Carthage off our turf then invade their territory. We want luxuries or resources for peace deals.
There is a Russian Settler 2SE of our Gems colony - he slipped in from the fog and I couldn't get to him in time.
France have 2 towns on our continent - Dijon in the South & Amiens in the East.
France & England are still at war with Russia but not much has happened there since France captured Odessa.
I've left research at 60% until all the Knights are upgraded.
Culture Summary
The save is
> here < and
mad-bax is up!