-A vast barbarian horde under the Starchild Adennakar crosses the border somewhere near the Aeterni Mountains.
-Scaius Rota seizes control of the throne of Taglarika, and now fights a civil war against rebel clans.
-Theocritus, Governor of Evvia, declares his intent to punish Anaxion for their brutal slaughter of the Archon of Zoeon. The other prefects of Evvia announce support for his new policies.
-The naval legion under Varinius Stubo allies with the local legate Epidromus to depose the old governor Callixtus, who escapes into the Kypari forests. Simultaneously, Caelinus Mancinus approaches Chaledonia from the north.
-The island prefecture of Cassia defies the Legate Remus Rufinius and the Acting Governor of Magna Evvia, Gnaeus Rufinius.
-Across the West in Aetheria, Tarias, Vincetia, and Aetacia, leaders consolidate power.
-A conference is called by Legate Fabianus to address the Cintra-Kalessos dispute.
-Taria Esronesis is split by Optima and Esronapolia declaring support for Legate Fabianus and Governor Valerius.
-The Governor of Hateph, Tiberius Varus, imprisons the Prince-Judge of Aspea for corruption at the demand of Legate Sempronius, leading to a revolt of the Aspesim.
-The Solar Magus Bastian allies with Ahburanipal and crosses the border into Valian Polynomia. Legates Rufus and Tullius withdraw to Tisbarion as Limala and Barbarkos are razed by Ashraic and Khuneroi forces.
-The whereabouts of the Lunar Mystagos are a Mystery.
Second Letter of Titus Valerius Ahenobarbus to the Valian Forum and the Colleges of Saia.
Venerable brethren, senatorial fathers, in the days of the Hatephite rebellion were sent as envoys to Hateph the chief men of the community, firstly to warn that internal enemy upon the Iteros, Varus the Elder, to desist from rebellion, remember the ways of his ancestors in Saia and submit to his Emperor's judgement for the preservation of peace and the common good. Secondly, they went forth to rally to the common good those loyal and honest men, servants of the Empire all, who would oppose such folly should reason fail to stay Varus the Elders pretensions and ill-omened fate cause Hateph to take arms against its master. In those dark days when Hateph foreswore obedience to its god , the divine Emperor Carian, incarnation of Heru the universal sovereign, as indeed came to pass, it is known that the Prince-Judge of the Aspesim, a people whom the Empire and the college of pontiffs has long exempted from the obligatory sacrifices by virtue of antiquity of cult and whose immemorial custom I remind you has upheld the exclusive worship of their own national god, a people whose weakness and tendency to fanaticism and superstition is well known amongst you, spurned folly and cleaved fast to the Emperor. Yea this, the least of the civilised nations, by divine inspiration remained loyal to Valia even beyond the Empires victory over the rebels and was instrumental in quelling disorder amongst the Hatephites and restoring peace to the province and the Empire. Thus Carian, when he had raised an army by his own efforts, and had freed Hateph from the outbreak of danger, in order that no such crime should afterwards arise, renewed the aspesim in their ancient customs and rights, rights of self-government not uncommonly granted to local communities throughout the Empire that the Aspesim might know that the Empire beneficently rewards loyalty in abundance even as it punishes rebellion, and that the fruits of fealty are sweeter than the bitterness that is to be tasted in sedition. Indeed, Valia is no tyrannical mistress but rather the mother of all and the benevolent guarantor and protector of her subjects, and even as it maintained Aspea in immemorial customs, it bestowed upon her the blessings of her own goods, that the aspesim might be edified in the light of Saia and become indivisibly integrated into her commonwealth. For this same reason Carian in his clemency pardoned Tiberius Varus Lucius, the son of the great rebel, for he at that time had no part in his father's faults being away it is said in Evvas on a pleasure tour at the time, and it was hoped that Varus the Younger would remember this clemency and advance the goods of Valian civilisation in Hateph even as Hateph was affirmed in her own immemorial ways, thus putting an end to divisions and restoring peace to the Empire.
Now then consider, what is Tiberius Varus Lucius' object in holding levies, raising money, and hastening east? From what he has said it is earnestly to be hoped that he hastens thus to Tisbarion to contend with the great enemy, Bastian, and the priests of Ashrai as they trespass in Valian lands not merely to seize their own advantage, but even before bare necessities, compelled as they are by their rabid superstition and vile barbarian oracles. This object we, honourable senators, ought to hope is on the eve of fulfilment, or fulfilled already; but it is fitting that the fruition of our hope be reserved for the actual event, lest we seem, either by our haste to have anticipated the kindness of the immortal Gods, or by our folly to have despised the might of Fortune.
Yet what is certain is that Varus the Younger has deposed the Prince-Judge of the Aspesim, a man confirmed in his office by the divine Carian himself, a loyal and devoted servant of the Empire. For what cause? Corruption? My lords, what a decadent age we live in! The senate is not unaware of the goings on in the provinces, the delegates see them. It cannot be otherwise, for if it were otherwise the scurrility and corruption of the governor of Hateph's court would not be well known to us even in far off Lutetia. Who indeed has not heard how Varus is attended by hatephite catamites and concubines in his private quarters and even in public! How he dines on peeled grapes and rare herbs prepared with oriental spices from the furthest east as he makes his ablutions in the Hatephite fashion even as he neglects the rites of Caelus and Pallater? Such rumours have reached us, terrible and distressing rumours, that the governor of Hateph saunters amongst his legionnaires wearing the harlots veil, inviting all who would abandon Hatephite notions of purity and Valian virtue both into his unmanly embrace without discrimination, committing such debasements of his person that we would discount them as the fables of old women and slaves and cling to the assumption of his good valian name, if it was not for the certain travesties of his sire who foreswore his fathers and prostituted his soul to the Iteros that cause us to doubt the wisdom of such skepticism. It is a fool indeed who says that the intention that Varus the Younger would remember the kindness of Carian and advance the goods of the Empire in Hateph has been fulfilled. For what trace of Valian ways remains in such unmanliness? My lords, it is loyalty and stability that is the first priority of Empire, if every accusation of corruption were sufficient to depose officials from their estate, then surely the governor of Hateph of all the officials of the Empire would have long ago been deposed!
Now, If I may first say a few words which are pertinent to the actual matter. The Prince-Judge was affirmed in his appointment by Carian himself and the aspesim's customary rights affirmed and reaffirmed by imperial writ. Now then it is said that at the instigation of Legion Legate Sempronius who alleged the Prince-Judge had foregone his obligations to the state Varus had the man imprisoned. All to ensure the legions loyalty one must presume in good faith, as he marches forthwith to Tisbarion to assail the Empires enemies. Yet in acting thus in unseemly haste, senatorial fathers, granting favours to satisfy personal grudges and disregarding prudence and reason, Varus has committed worse than Theocritus, for not even the governor of Evvas was so bold as to depose a legitimate imperial governor by force. At best we must attribute this scandal to folly, or rather attest taht a foolish man by foolish action under foolish inspiration provoked rebellion by offending against customary liberties afforded Valia's subjects. However, it would seem to us rather that Varus' acts have been informed and inflamed by a ravenous desire to avenge the degradation of his father and avenge the shame of Hateph by subjugating that nation, the Aspesim, which in their loyalty to the Empire ensured his sires fall. Varus the Younger has inspired hatred and sowed the deceit that the Empire has forgotten the service of the Aspesim and seeks to cast aside their ancient customs. I say to you, venerable senators, the Empire forgets the loyalty of none of its servants but remembers with inerrant memory all the betrayals committed against it. Valia has forgiven the Varii once before and it is not unreasonable for Varus to avver from his course and serve the Empires good, but I tell you the Valian people will not forgive a second treason nor abide a shameful man who scorns past mercies and repays kindness with derision.
A Letter from ‘Pax’, to the Valian Forum and the Colleges of Saia
Valian brothers, ever since the death of our beloved Emperor Carian, there has been a word that is on the lips of many.
It is a word that is both beautiful and insidious, one that might inspire citizens to the mightiest heroics in order to serve Valia, or to encourage the most heinous of betrayals.
It is a word that has reached every corner of our empire, where leading men, governors, legates, and delegates have seen fit to secure themselves personal fiefdoms, impoverish the people, and even declare themselves Emperor!
It is a word that has penetrated deep into the darkened lands of the North whom no Valian has ever set eyes on, and across the desert to Ashrai. They have heard this word, occasio, that in our moment of chaos, they might cleave our provinces from Saia’s embrace as one might tear an infant from their mother’s bosom.
Now let us speak of Tiberius Varus Lucius, a man so hated for his noble effort to sow the Valian seed. He has kept the grain supply to the Imperial province secure, a triumph in these trying times. He might have tried to extort the Senate, but he has not accepted a single piece of gold, nor favor, for he sees it as his most noble duty to secure safety and security for the people of Saia, not just from the dangers of the Ashrai, but also from the terror of the empty belly. Perish the thought of starving children and desperate mothers, so long as Tiberius Varus Lucius has secured Hateph.
There are some who ascribe hatred to Varus, towards the people of Aspea. That he saw an occasio to avenge himself on those who contributed to his father’s defeat. Perish the thought! Indeed, Varus has great affection for the people of Aspea, even with their odd religious customs, for they were instrumental in bringing his father’s treasonous rebellion to an end. And let it be known that when the time came to strike the final blow, it was then when Tiberius Varus Lucius proved to his Emperor where his loyalties lie, once and for all.
When Varus came upon the province of Aspea, he expected them to embrace the occasio to once more assist the empire and show their devotion, instead he found a Prince-Judge in the throes of decadence. He saw a golden palace that would shine in the desert sun as a rival to even Saia’s light. He saw an army loyal to the governor stockpiling weapons and armor, and plans being worked on for fortifications of the city. He did not mean to aid Valia in their hour of need, he was taking the occasio to secure his own position, even his independence!
Tiberius Varus Lucius did what he could to prevent the inflimation of tensions any further. He did not depose the Prince-Judge, for he knows that only the Senate has that authority. He merely requested the Prince-Judge’s presence at Tabernae so that he might be better protected; however his countrymen, distraught that their plot would end before it began, rose so that his legions might be delayed, and that they could be aided by the Ashrai.
When Varus has dealt with the rebellions, he intends to march once more towards the Ashrai, where he means to crush them beneath his sandal. When the Ashrai have been humbled, he intends to march to the frontier to secure the north, and drive off all who dared to defy Valia.
And when the threat to fair Valia has been crushed, when traitors have been routed, those who called his honor into question, will have to answer only to their conscience of how they besmirched a noble servant of the empire.
FROM Septimius Agrippanus Theocritus
TO The Valian Forum ; Colleges of Saia
It is with heavy heart that I must inform the esteemed members of the forum and by extension the empire at large, of a terrible injustice and reckless attempt at violence against a noble prefecture of Evvia at the hands of another.
Years of steady decline both in lands owned and self-importance must have sprouted madness most foul in the people of Anaxion for they launched in early spring a cowardly attack on their long standing rivals of Zoeon, butchering their Archon, his family and his guard detail in a manner that was beyond cruel and undeserving. Acting quickly and decisively, my administration led a legion onward to the anaxite home territories to make their leaders answer for their unprovoked barbarism.
Upon our arrival the citizen army refused to surrender and began attacking state legionari, forcing my hand to engage their numbers in self-defense. The ensuing battle to put down these aggressors unfortunately caused a great deal of destruction within the city, as well as loss of life on their part as their ancient martial principles caused them to fight unto pointless death. But it had to be done. Words can not describe the heartache I share with the people of Zoeon, and I offer them my thoughts and prayers.
Your colleague and ever loyal servant of the empire,
FROM Septimius Agrippanus Theocritus
TO The Valian Forum ; Colleges of Saia
It is with heavy heart that I must inform the esteemed members of the forum and by extension the empire at large, of a terrible injustice and reckless attempt at violence against a noble prefecture of Evvia at the hands of another.
Years of steady decline both in lands owned and self-importance must have sprouted madness most foul in the people of Anaxion for they launched in early spring a cowardly attack on their long standing rivals of Zoeon, butchering their Archon, his family and his guard detail in a manner that was beyond cruel and undeserving. Acting quickly and decisively, my administration led a legion onward to the anaxite home territories to make their leaders answer for their unprovoked barbarism.
Upon our arrival the citizen army refused to surrender and began attacking state legionari, forcing my hand to engage their numbers in self-defense. The ensuing battle to put down these aggressors unfortunately caused a great deal of destruction within the city, as well as loss of life on their part as their ancient martial principles caused them to fight unto pointless death. But it had to be done. Words can not describe the heartache I share with the people of Zoeon, and I offer them my thoughts and prayers.
Your colleague and ever loyal servant of the empire,
Third Letter of Titus Valerius Ahenobarbus to the Valian Forum and the Colleges of Saia
We mourn with Septimius Agrippanus Theocritus the savageries committed against Zoeon by Anaxion and lament the regrettable violence that subsequently ensued between this city and the forces of the Evvian Prefect. Pursuing satisfaction of private grudge against a fellow subject of the Empire ought to be condemned by all citizens of the same and we join Theocritus in condemning the Anaxites chosen course and the prefects of Evvia in proclaiming the suppression of their rebellion justified. We do this all the more given such perilous times as now, when our enemies gather abroad in all quarters of the world and mischievous and vainglorious men buoyed by the acclamations of their subordinates assail the Empire from within.
It is our fervent hope, conscript fathers, that this tragedy may serve the prefect and all those accounted the great and noble of Valia as an indelible lesson that actions have consequences and that the tranquility and order which Valia and her subjects have long enjoyed (oh how bitter still is the tragedy at Sataraphon and how lamentable the death of the divine Carian!) is served best by cleaving fast to the traditions of our fathers and by sedulous obedience to the wise and prudent law of the great and pacifying Emperors. The violation of imperial privileges and rights enacted by Theocritus' hand and the subsequent tumult of bitter sentiments, grievance and offended justice that erupted as a consequence can nowise be considered other than the first spark that let loose this upheaval. What cause would there have been for strife if all had been maintained in their rights and business and assured of the equanimity and impartiality of their governor?* This is clear to all.
But let all convulsions and divisions cease and let all past offences be pardoned. For now, as Tisbarion stands upon the precipice of battle against the hated foe and Adenacarius in his conceit reaches to assail Valia itself, it is time for the Empires servants to rally to her aid and succour and grant such aid as can be granted in her defence as dutiful and loyal sons. Now that the ructions in Evvia have ceased, let my colleague show himself to be an ever loyal servant of the Empire** and make haste to staunch the wounds of the east and contend with the accursed Bastian. Otherwise, let him make way with his legionnaires to the north against the barbarian Alteni, whatever avails the best end and most swift destruction of Valia's foes. Orations and sentiments have their place but as the philosopher Plethon the Wise attests, such things are vain unless they are manifest in action, for no prayer is efficacious without sacrifice and no thought meritorious without word and deed.
~ Titus Valerius Ahenobarbus.
ooc notes:
* Saying the "Theocritan Reforms" sparked the events even if they were not the direct cause.
**using Theocritus' own words of self-attestation here.
It was at that brief supper that I decided I hated Epidromos Felix. It had gnawed at me for some time, since the conference at Chaledonia. There was nothing in his bearing to provoke such loathing. He was an affable, erudite Evvic, generous and capable. I had known him for years by that point. From a professional standpoint I should have the greater ire for the departed Governor Callixtus, who had frustrated and skimmed off my efforts to supply troops and material to the war against Ashrai. From a personal standpoint, Appius Marcius Altius and I rub against each other like two rocks without mortar even as our legions maneuver like a flight of eagles. Epidromos combined the civility and the administrative skill of each. He was effectively taking over Kyparis, replacing Callixtus's cronies with his own clients as a new legate-governor. He had a loyal legion and a list of distinguished glories. Were the Gods to curse the empire, I thought, he would make an ideal Valian sabaktoi. That he could be, and was not, was why I hated him.
The idea of a new generation of sabaktoi gnaws at me, but surely that is what we are now. Carian is dead, Carantinus is dead, we are just second children of lesser men playing in the edifice of the empire. My propraetorial authority should rightfully have dissolved with the death of the the preferati. I continue to wave around that imperial seal, legions and governors bow to it, because of my personal gravitas and not any true imperium. I am stretching the bounds of my provincia to the limit with this. I have authority to commandeer resources and men and send them east to support Carantinus, but Carantinus is dead and I wage a war against Ashrai alone.
And that is why I hate Epidromos. He is me, on a smaller scale. What he has done with Kyparis and his sole legion I have done across a quarter of the empire with my legions. I've installed my own proteges as legates and bullied governors into supplying food and treasure. If he is a shadow of what I've accomplished then I do not like my own shape that casts that shadow. Were I to march from the Myrmsis to Cantar Castrum and do the same to an empire larger than anything Artemios conceived I would not like the shadow. He is a petty, self-serving man content to carve out a personal fiefdom under other men without risking himself. The kingdoms of the sabaktoi, the great empire of the conquerer, are gone like castles in the sand. They at least built their own kingdoms but Epidromos and I have spent our lives building those of others.
For me, myself, I wonder what is an alternative. I built Carantinus's conquests and now they are gone. Will Epidromos's despotate last a decade before some new emperor or warlord removes him from power? Will a victory against Ashrai preserve Valian Polynomia for just another decade until a horde of the khuneroi come down from the high plateaus and wash it away?
There is plenty of room for idle speculation on the march. Xenosophos wrote his great works as a mercenary for the Heukerian Empire. It is a nice distraction from the burden of duty and more productive than fantasizing about my hands around Epidromos Felix's throat.
From: On Philosophy and the Nature of the Gods ~ Titus Valerius Ahenobarbus*
~ On the generation of the world
The Supreme principle which the Hatephites name as Aman and the Evvic philosophers refer to as the Monad or the One is utterly ineffable, unknowable and possessed of all perfections and attributes. The emergence of multiplicity begins with the self-reflection of the One, in which the anima of creation, its sublime spirit, arises forth. The anima is the self-reflection of the One arising from the monad's divine will. It is simultaneously both being and thought, idea and cognition. As a perfect image of the One it corresponds perfectly to it and is that energy and power that manifests and organises the material world into perceivability. From this organising principle the archetypes of the ideational world emerge from the abyss of the primordial chaos.
These archetypes, arising from the reflections of the Supreme Being (like ripples from a stone dropped in a lake, or the refractions of pure undifferentiated light through crystal) generate essences. These essences are not merely passive substances but as refractions of the primordial being are possessed of cognition and agency. These intellective essences generate and pervade the lower phenomenal world, that is to say this world of tangible forms sensible to us, as they manifest in matter and are known to all men as gods. Ideally this phenomenal world, composed of matter and void, ought to remain in perfect harmony. Indeed, so long as the perfection of the divine governs matter, or rather when the soul perfectly governs the body, then the world is rightly ordered and good. It remains an image, shadowy but distinct, of the pure upper world with the degrees of differentiated perfection within it being essential to the harmony of the whole. Yet in actual fact (As all men know) unity and harmony as known in the ideational world of the gods is replaced in the phenomenal world by the ubiquity of discord and strife; the result being conflict, arising and vanishing, the simple fact of existence being illusive and transient to us brief mortals with all things under the sway of time being subject to change. The reason for this is because as finite instantiations of being possessing limited attributes, all things in the phenomenal world are imperfect and by nature lack the fullness of perfection reserved to the Monad. Evil (natural or moral) is parasitical, it has no existence of its own but is an unavoidable outcome of the universes multiplicity of being, maintaining a certain necessity in the order of differentiated creation as a result. Things are good insofar as they exist and are subject to evil in what they lack**.
~ On Limited Manifestation and the Monad's self-reflective activity
The supreme consciousness of the Monad is like a mirror and the universe is a reflection appearing on it. Consider, a mirror, like consciousness, can contain an infinity of different images without itself being affected by the image displayed thereon. Accordingly, in like manner, the universe appears as a limited manifestation in the mirror of supreme consciousness, but unlike a physical mirror that needs an external object to form a reflection, the image in the mirror of supreme consciousness is projected by the same supreme consciousness itself, that is to say the One. This is called the “power of the divine will”, the anima of creation which is refracted and given substance as we have said through the ideational beings men call gods. In other words, the universe appears inside supreme consciousness because The One desires it of its free will and yearns to be manifest in multiplicity and innumerable forms that through these forms it might be known in all its infinite attributes.
Creation is thus ontologically real and not just an illusion as certain gymnosophist sects proclaim in their schools of false-thinking or certain Evvics attest in vain distortions of philosophy***. Indeed, it is composed of “limited manifestations” which are nothing but the ideations of the One manifesting as empirical objects in the phenomenal world. Thus, all things are limited manifestations with complex manifestations being composed of simpler ones, culminating in the totality of this world. Paradoxically, even though limited manifestations have the nature of consciousness (thus why we reverence the genii loci, the spirits of arbor felici and other minor deities in innumerable variety), they also exist externally on account of being manifested through the occultation the Supreme Being to allow the generation of multiplicity within the divine unity. An advanced philosopher is capable of seeing this differentiated world as limited manifestation, a flash of consciousness and beatitude inseparable from his own self and undifferentiated from universal being. In other words, the ineffable light of consciousness shines from within the object of perception as an intuition, a super-human “direct vision” of truth.
Accordingly, when contemplated from the point of view of manifestation the universe appears as “limited manifestation” and contrarily, when contemplated from the point of view of the Ultimate Reality, it appears as “self-dependent and free will”. This energy radiating from the supreme is akin to a wave of motion inside consciousness that acts as the fundament of creation, or in another view, the original word, the Logos of the Evvics. This power does not use any external instrument as it is itself the first stage of creation and it is this power that creates multiplicity within the original unity of the absolute and permits the genesis of the gods, and through them of mortals, beasts and all phenomena. The true philosopher can confidently affirm that the Monad, the fundamental reality, does appear as distinct subjects and objects, but also that the particularity and diversity of creation does not conceal his real nature as ultimately One.
~ On the utility of ritual and sacrifice for the philosopher
When a particular soul in the cosmos reflects upon nature of his own free will, this soul is capable of obtaining insight into the very essence of nature and the divine order; however when it views nature as something objective and external - that is something to be experienced and undergone whilst in a state of illusion (i.e. forgetting that soul itself is the author of nature), suffering and evil ensue as a consequence of the necessary deprivation of perfection. To obtain peace of mind and union with the One then, one must return back up the creative outflow of the divinity through liberation from the bodily passions and remember one's own origin in primordial spirit.
The philosopher ought also remember, that between him and the One are superabundant gods, each standing at the wellspring of a particular chain of causation and granting them their character and specificity. Thus is Mareus the ideational cause of all instantiations of water, from the raindrop to the sea. Yet as all is one in The One, each god through this mysterious interpenetration of the divine power participates in every other god, according to its own character, and what appears to the unwise as multiplicity reveals itself as a sublime unity. Thus, while it is said the Caelus is Lord in Heaven, each god in itself can be said to stand at the center of it's own creative world in the devotion of its votary.
Contemplation and the cultivation of virtue as the gymnosophists of the furthest east maintain, is an activity which can liberate the particular soul from subjection to bodily passions and illusion of mind. It can remind it of its origin in primordial soul, the Anima and ultimately the One, and prepare it not only to ascend spiritually to higher levels of being, while still in this life, but to avoid falling after death immediately back into a new body or worse to languish as a shade in Opertus' domain. The particular soul's attention, while inhabiting a body in the phenomenal world, is ordinarily turned far away from its divine origins due to its attachment to material things and the perception of multiplicity and manifestations therein. Accordingly, the philosopher must as a corporeal creature invested in this world, make use of bodily reminders of its spiritual origin to facilitate theurgical ascent, with this ordinarily being enacted through ritual. Do not heed the folly of those sects of philosophy which scorn ritual as the province of the rustics or as vain superstition! Indeed, ritual is the primary mode by which ascent to the divine orders is possible through the activation of that power that extends through the gods down causality and even into the material world. Prayer, ritual and sacrifice allows the soul to resonate and commune with the higher ideational powers, and by this efficacious means the soul can be “drawn back up” like a fish on a hook through the sequence of causation in reverse even unto the One itself! In this freedom from cares, peace of mind and life after death can be obtained.
* Titus Valerius Ahenobarbus, a pontiff of the traditional valian religion and an educated representative of the Valian elite is known to have been familiar with the various schools of Evvic and perhaps even Ashraic or Hatephite philosophy (Certainly from certain Evvic philosophical schools he has tapped the concept of the Monad, the first principle, and his reference to Hateph indicates a passing familiarity with its peculiar religion). Given the rising religious indifferentism amongst the elite in his day in which understanding of the meaning of rites was forgotten and many turned to foreign sects or mystery cults or even to agnosticism and philosophical skepticism, the pontiff presented a work defending traditional Valian polytheism utilising the philosophical language of the Evvics, aiming to produce a convincing theological argument acceptable to the educated classes. It can be considered that his hope as of writing was to renew the Valian religion and society through cultivating traditional piety and defending its rites and heretofore implicit principles against detractors by embedding them within an eclectic philosophical framework incorporating Evvic principles and ideas of his own devising. Such a work may also be understood in the context of Valia's ongoing conflict with an exclusivist and fanatical religious foe in the form of the Ashraic Magi.
** Only the Monad is entirely perfect, evil to Ahenobarbus is a byproduct of multiplicity and thus inevitable.
***Ahenobarbus rejects the position ascribed (perhaps in error) to certain ditheist sects in the east that this world is a dream and ultimately illusory. Ditheism at this time presented a serious rival to traditional polytheism, having already supplanted the influence of traditional religion amongst the Evvic elite of Titanomuria. At the same time if a stoicism-analogue exists he maintains a similar view as this school of cosmogenesis and regarding souls as emanations of the divine, but disagrees with that philosophical systems view that the universe itself is God as ascribed to Chrysippus in Cicero's De Natura Deorum thusly "The universe itself is God and the universal outpouring of its soul; it is this same world's guiding principle, operating in mind and reason, together with the common nature of things and the totality that embraces all existence". - I've tried to include aspects of stoicism and neoplatonism in this work to reflect Evvic philosophical influences on Titus Valerius Ahenobarbus, with more novel concepts reflecting Ahenobarbus' own personal contributions to philosophy.
To summarise Titus Valerius Ahenobarbus' philosophy...
To him, all that exists within time and beyond is one infinite divine Consciousness (The Monad), absolutely free, which projects within its self-awareness a vast multiplicity of apparently differentiated subjects and things: each thing being an instantiation and actualisation of timeless potentiality within the light of Consciousness and each likewise and additionally a contracted and veiled locus of self-awareness. This endless creation-in-awareness is an inevitable outcome of the impulse within Consciousness to express the totality of its self-awareness in action due to love. Thus the Supreme Consciousness contracts and is embodied in a multiplicity of loci-of-awareness freely by its own sovereign will in order for creation to exist.
When those finite subjects then identify with the limited and finite cognitions and circumstances that define this state of limited manifestation, instead of with the universal pulsation of pure Awareness that is their essential nature they experience suffering as a consequence of a lack of perfection (material evil). The philosopher. seeking to rectify this pain, should seek solace by curbing bodily desires and the passions, cultivating detachment and virtue and engaging in theurgic spiritual practice. The purpose of these is to undermine one's misidentification as separate from the Monad and directly reveal within their awareness the divine powers that compose the totality of individual experience, triggering recognition of one's true identity as identical with the highest Divinity, the whole in every part.
This experiential gnosis is repeated and reinforced through spiritual practice until it becomes the ground of every moment of experience and one's sense of separation and ego is finally annihilated into the unity of being and one's perception fully encompasses the reality of a universe animated by the divine.
On Deities.
As noted, in Valerian thought consciousness permeates all creation and the divine Monad differentiates and manifests in multiplicity (whilst simultaneously and mysteriously retaining a fundamental unity). Accordingly, not only humans and other beings possess consciousness, but even inanimate substances are imbued with pervasive divine awareness. The gods to the school of reflection are nothing other than instantiations of the universal consciousness, revealed as lord in a particular limited ideational manifestation, which is projecting from the "ideational world" within the comprehensible world in various instantiated phenomena. This neatly harmonizes with the ancient and traditional Valian conception of the divine as immanent within creation. His thought on God could be considered monist, but he affirms the separate reality and existence of gods as the manifestations of the Monad and thus promotes "practical polytheism".
My friends, Brave Valians, though you will all know me, or of me, I will present myself - The First part of me is that I am Valian, A man of honor and duty at my core. The Second part of me is that I am a Soldier, a man of honesty and bravery at my heart. The Third part of me is that I am a father, a man of wisdom and love in my soul. It was with these qualities I served our beloved Carian, once a man, now a god, and it is with these qualities I sought to serve his Son, stolen from us by the foul wizardries and perfidious poisons of the vile Ashrai.
It is with these qualities that I searched through the lands of Valia for one worthy to follow in blessed Carian’s footsteps, and preserve the empire from those within and without who would seek to tear it down to feed their own greed and lust for power. For one who would embody Valia and be her shield and sword - I found many worthy candidates, honorable and worthy men, but it seems that in my quest, they also found me. I accept this duty, as I have accepted it my entire life - this duty to serve Valia, her Senate, and her People.
I sought not the honor bestowed upon me by the men of the empire, soldiers and citizens all, but I recognize it for what it is. A duty, a call to arms - for the barbarians are at the gates. Already I have agreed with multiple brave and wise men of the west to stand together against this savage barbarian, he who styles himself the Star Child, and who seeks to plunder and rape the very heart of Valia. Already, the learned Titus Valerius Ahenobarbus, Governor of Taria, the generous Gaius Ruffinus, magnate in the south, and the Honorable Democles Braccus, Legate of Legio X Aetacia, have agreed to commit themselves alongside me to the defeat of this interloper - and, I trust and hope that they will eventually also stand as stalwart companions and friends to defeat all those that seek to tear our beloved Valia apart.
I promise to lead Valia as Carian would, with justice, dignity, and honor, and I call upon all who still believe in these virtues to join me in doing so. But let this also be a warning - in the same breath as I swear to lead us, I promise that I will stand between her and all who seek to despoil her, all the vile and venal corrupt men who would seek to use her to rise above their station.
Stand with me, friends, honorable Valians, and together this nation of ours will endure eternal.
I write to report on the status of the war in the east against Ashrai. I have assumed general command of the armies of the league in theater, acting on the propraetorial authority left to me by the Emperor Carian, though I do not have direct contact or control over all elements.
Following the defeat at Sataraphon, I rallied Legio VI, XI, and XV and withdrew in good order from Ashrai. The independent states of the east had reneged on their promises and oaths. Thus, our supply lines across the Myrmsis were no longer secure. I will discuss their treachery in individual detail later. We arrived around Tisbarion in late 840 FA and I stationed the XI in Tisbarion and the VI and XV in Limala. Due to heavy losses the Limala legions were at half strength individually. I left the legions here to recover and maintain our control of the center of Polynomia and continued west, to return Carantinus's body and assemble reinforcements.
Mardas did not have any additional soldiers beyond a miniscule garrison of 2 cohorts of proper infantry. Tensions within the province were high and it needed more soldiers to maintain control over the population, who were thoroughly enthralled by the Ashraic magi.
In Kyparis I was unsuccessful in rousing additional support. The province was divided between the governor Callixtus, whose name is thoroughly disliked by the soldiery, the Legate Epidromos Felix who commanded the XXIII, and the Legate Appius Martius Alcius, from the distinguished family of the same name (his kinsmen currently serve as Governor in Triportia and a legate in Aetheria), who commanded Legio II. The three magistrates thoroughly disliked each other and were unwilling to divert resources from their domestic rivalry in fear of losing ground and influence to the other.
When I arrived in Ditheia I was able to assemble a new force with provincial recruits using the existing legionary standard of Legio XII, which I had recovered from Ashrai and also gain control over the newly trained XXIV now commanded by Mettius Faucius following the unexpected death of its old legate. The XXIV was being prepared for occupation of Leykia but I have given orders to abandon that project in light of the significant military losses in Ashrai: the XIV was recalled from the territory and currently mans the border. I also dispatched troops under the Tribune Faucus Janius to reinforce and secure the Dannonian border. He is currently present in Triportia blocking the path of the barbarian warlord Adennakar.
With the remainder of the force I sailed from Ditheia to return to Chaledonia. My intention was to use this army to compel cooperation from the disparate elements in Kyparis, but events had progressed without my presence. Legate Epidromos had launched a coup against Governor Callixtus, who had fled, and was establishing control of the province in cooperation with the Legate Valerius Stubo, an agent of the Evvic Governor Septimius Agrippanus Theocritus. Stubo is an honorable man but unskilled at politics and Epidromos has taken advantage of this (though Callixtus deserves little sympathy). Callixtus is, I would later learn, still active in the southern part of the province with some loyalists. I leave the question of who is the rebel to the Forum. I negotiated with the Evvic detachment to secure supply routes and continued on to Saphon.
At Saphon, between my army and the developments in Chaledonia I was able to persuade Legate Martius to join with me and the combined legions continued east into Mardas province. Doubling the size of my army in this way was very promising, provided I can link with the legions at Tisbarion. I had moved with great speed over the few months but events nonetheless continued to proceed in my absence.
Ashraic armies crossed from their territory along the Myrmsis into Huria, which has joined with them. The Hurians, in culture and arms, are close with Ashrai and my scouts cannot distinguish them from Ashraic soldiery, but I do not doubt they have fully thrown in with the enemy. The Uranians, likewise, have made an alliance with the enemy. Urania is an ancient rival of Tisbarion, our provincial capital, and desires that it be humbled. They have often in the past played Valia and Ashrai against each other to preserve their independence and so I do not believe they are fully in league with the enemy, though I do not know the extent of their support. Additionally the Darcebalian League has sheltered Ashraic raiders. I believe their overt support of the enemy is minimal.
The most dangerous ally of the Ashraic magi is the Khuneroi, called in their tongue the Kayun, both derivations of the Valian Cunic. They were resettled by the Titanic Empire in the highland plateaus to the east of Polynomia in order to strengthen their control over the region. They frequently raid and extract tribute from neighboring territories and kingdoms, who are far less martially inclined and must choose between poverty and destruction. The Kayun, under a new warlord named Domnaios, have aligned themselves with Ashrai and destroyed the cities of Limala and Barbarkos. They are often divided internally and not capable of such havoc but the acquiescence of Urania and support of Ashrai have allowed them to penetrate deeper and in greater strength to Polynomia than ever before.
Further, Mardas was seized by a rebel army, capturing the governor, the esteemed Publius Atilius Auctor. Events in the province that led to the rebellion are unclear. Rebel armies also penetrated into Elcius and sacked the city of Gelmina. The fall of Mardas cut off Tisbarion from resupply and support. It is thus my first challenge in my counter-offensive.
Fortunately, we are not without allies. Western Mardas remains loyal and I have been able to progress swiftly. I was able to make contact with the Prince of Shahvanshar, one of the Satraps of the Vatrakertic Kingdom. Shahvanshar assembled a considerable army and has contributed it to repelling Ashrai: he deserves honor and glory from the Forum for his great friendship to the Valian People. In cooperation with Shahvanshar I was able to assault and destroy the Mardasite rebel army in an engagement at Nabalna. As a result I was able to recover the person of the governor and rescue the garrison. Unfortunately we were then confronted by a large Kayun army, with a significant cavalry advantage, and withdrew behind river defences rather than face them in the open field. The Mardasites succeeded in damaging the bridge across the river such that major troop movements are difficult and the Kayun continue to harass and prevent repairs.
I am confronted directly with the Ashraic magister Bastian, in their tongue Abbisidun, on the far bank. He is joined by Domnaios commanding the Kayun raiders. They have reinforced the crippled Mardasite rebellion with a significant portion of the Ashraic army, though I am not certain of their size. The Prince of Shahvanshar, who has scouts on the far bank, reports that Abbisidun's army is larger than what I have brought to bear. The Mardasite rebels thus may have benefitted us with their sabotage.
I urgently request reinforcements from the Forum. Evvic and Hatephic armies are maneuvering to support me, but Ashrai has deep reserves of manpower and treasure that they can spend on the campaign and unchecked control of central Polynomia. There are no natural barriers beyond the Polynomian rivers, the last of which I confront them at, preventing them from plunging into the Hektic Gates.
Conscript Fathers, faithful Valians! Our Empire is beset by peril as from all quarters of the earth its sacred bounds are assailed by the forces of chaos. In this time of woe when the state stands in mortal peril, the council of Titanomuria and all the lords of senatorial rank in the east have in their wisdom proclaimed us as Valia’s Emperor, that under our provident and auspicious rule the Empire might be preserved and our barbarian enemies scattered.
As Caelus’ champion, we assure all of Valia of this, that we shall dash the champion of accursed Ahtan, the foul Bastian (may his name be erased) against the unyielding stone of our land and put the false seer Baltarus to confusion and flight. As first amongst citizens we shall return in glory tidings of victory to Carias and the spoil of the enemy to Saia and the hallowed altars of the immortal gods, such as the divine will be so pleased to renew our Imperium and bestow upon you, the Valian people, eternal triumphs and dominion without end.
Some of you have, turning to the old folly of our sire, scorned us and opposed us in the senate, others still have acclaimed a pretender as imperator to the spite of the senate. We are not blind to the sentiments that compelled some to this rash course. But let all such divisions end, and all sins and past offences be pardoned as befits rational men of stature, learning and manly virtue. We for our part shall hold no grudges and meet out no punishments, granting all who have previously scorned us the clemency and magnanimity befitting our station. However, let it be said that the Empire will not forgive you should you refuse our imperial acclamation, lawfully proclaimed, and by your dissension hand the possessions of the Empire to the treacherous Ashraic foe.
Hearken, For I, Lucius Varus Aurelius assert my succession to the Imperial throne of the divine Carian and proclaim myself Emperor of Valia. Glory to Valia Aeterna!
Consider the Laurel Update 1 - The First Crisis - Spring 841 FA
“The Emperor lives. It is our duty to find him.” - Praetorian Legate Decimus (Apocryphal)
The Valian Empire held its breath for months following Emperor Carian’s death, as rumors of disaster trickled from the East. All hopes that this was merely Ashraic propaganda were lost when the legate Caelinus Mancinus returned to Titanomuria early in 841, escorting the body of the imperial heir Carantius. With their greatest fears confirmed, Valia convulses leaderless, as all sought in their own way to find a new man to bear the fate of their Empire.
Carian’s ceaseless labors in pruning the delegates and notables of Carias left them wary and shorn of ambition, and as the bureaucracy of the state slowly fell into other hands, these men held each other in check while the praetorian legate Decimus held the city of Saia under martial law, still rebuilding from the fated disaster. It is said that one delegate did manage to find his way into the holiest of cities, but was beset upon by the sacred geese and subsequently torn limb from limb by a Saian mob.
Ultimately, it would not be from the halls of the Valian Forum that a new Emperor should be found; the true power of the empire has lain elsewhere for decades. Perhaps he shall emerge from a command tent on the frontiers, the governor’s palace of a well provisioned province, or one of the moneyed delegates whose influence lies outside the halls of power. Far from hallowed chambers of dynasties past, this is the story of those who considered the laurel.
The Ashraic Expedition to the West
For Valia’s rival Ashrai, the so-called Celestial Authority, it is the dawn of a new era. When the Apostate fell from the walls of the capital Sataraphon, and the interloper Carantius was struck down in battle the following day, the civil war Carian had instigated in Ashrai seemed finally over. The Celestial Council regained control over the Commandery of the Center, and gave the hero of the hour, Solar Magus Abbisdiun (v. Bastian), authority to reestablish the Commandery of the West and punish the Valians for their insolence.
Winter passed with Bastian chasing the retreating Valian legions across the Myrmysis, reestablishing the Magistracy (province) of Arezah, and forming common cause with Mystagos Bhaltarash (v. Baltarus), of the Moon Cult. The independent states of Polynomia, formerly cowed by Carantius’ daring (and legions), now lay open before them.
The two commanders mixed their forces, then divided their attention with the coming of Spring. The Mystagos Baltarus went elsewhere, to a tale as mysterious as it is shrouded by moon cult sorcery. And the Solar Magus Bastian went west, red sashed messengers appearing in the independent states of Polynomia, speaking of a new order that is to come, and what part they might play in it.
First to fall in line was the Hurian League, which was reorganized as a new Magistracy. Shortly after, a diplomatic incident occurred when the Kayun (e. Khuneroi, v. Canirii) mercenaries under their war chief Domneios burned the Hurian city of Budorios. Yet this led to a diplomatic wonder for Bastian, as he displayed a lavish menagerie at Diumm to bury the hatchet between Huria and the Kayuns, and inaugurate a portentous friendship between himself and Domneios.
Thus aligned, War Chief and Solar Magus would proceed to Ahburanipal (v. Urania), and thereafter enter the east of the Valian Province of Tisbarion, smashing the retreating forces of Tribune Proximus at the Battle of Lower Apasis. The Legate Tullius recognized that this force was too great to withstand without uniting the Valian forces in the region, and abandoned Limala and Barbarkos, which were both sacked. Fear cloaked the Valians as they huddled behind the walls of Tisbarion, another siege seeming imminent, this time without an emperor to save them.
But the Solar Magus was crafty, and saw omens that Fortune lay in a different direction.
Dividing his forces once more, he sent a force under his apprentice Aotarazes to lead a mist-shrouded raid across Lake Abzuel, seizing wealth from the temples of the holy island of Mareus-Inar before dashing to the southern bank of the Apasis. There they stormed the city of Titabia before the local tribune, Tranquillius, could reinforce the beleaguered defenders led by Proximus, who had fortified there after the first skirmish. The raid concluded with Aotorazes’ force fleeing into the neutral Darcebalian League. Despite some factional upheaval, they were welcomed by Polemarch Pardikon of Artabis. The political turmoil of the state left room for many fresh recruits to be drawn into the raiding fleet, and in the halls of Dellu, new trade routes were negotiated to feed the ever-growing Solar Army.
Meanwhile, Bastian sent the bulk of his army north, riding alongside Domneios to challenge the authority of Cantorix, High King of the Khuneroi. It is said that High King laid a spell across his domain, and managed to meet the red-haired war chief in single combat at the Battle of Pharanc Sandarac. However, although both men and their banners were downed, Domneios arose from the carnage, while Cantorix’s broken body did not. Thus, early in June 841, Domneios was formally crowned High King of the Khuneroi, holding in one hand an ancient lance brought from their homelands north of the Cheranes, and in the other a polished amber orb, engraved with Ahtan’s sun. Wearing the circlet of the High King, he reconciled with Cantorix’s loyalists while confirming his loyalty to Bastian as a vassal of Ashrai and follower of Ahtan.
At the same time, the Valian province of Mardas saw the long sowed seeds of revolt finally erupt. When news of Limala’s burning arrived, the governor Publius Atilius Auctor ordered the mass arrest of known ringleaders, and managed to eject the uncoordinated rioters outside of the city gates, where they put the city under siege. Meanwhile, the west and north saw further failed uprisings, while those near Atinos and Gelmina saw greater success. Backed by a unit of Ashraic cataphracts, the newly declared Council State of Mardas forced the surrender of the Valian garrison, capturing the governor, and sent a large force west to the great neo-Hekurian bridge of Nabalna-Ibis, seeking to destroy it before any Valian reinforcements could arrive in Polynomia.
However, they instead faced an advance relief force led by the Vatrakertic Prince of Shavanshar. Marching his princely army south from Asharpylae at the behest of Mancinus, he smashed the Mardasite rebel army at the Battle of Nabalna-Ibis, slaying their magister militum, scattering the rabble across the countryside and capturing thousands of survivors. It seemed that, at least for now, this would be the limit of Ashrai’s path westward.
The Scions of the East
Since the start of the Hatephic Revolt in 826, the eastern provinces of the empire were subjected to repeated tides of turmoil. In preparation for Carantius’ great expedition to Ashrai, the Emperor Carian worked tirelessly to reorganize the provinces, placing their fate in the hands of a few trusted statesmen as he returned to Saia. But with his death, the powerful nobles which Carian was forced to empower to aid his administrative consolidation now have their own ambitions - and vices - unleashed.
In storied Evvas, the noble Praefectus Evviacus, Theocritus, faced stubborn resistance from the proud (and historically autonomous) cities of his newly consolidated province. The governor’s first bureaucratic decision deployed a weaponized tax reform to target wealthy elites, while appealing directly to the leaders of the great cities with offers of investment.
A shocking event developed thereafter when the governor invited the Archon of Zoeon to Exarchopoli for tax negotiations, following this policy. Yet the delegation never arrived, being ambushed by, all accounts agree, the forces of the rival city of Anaxion, perhaps in the (unsuccessful) hope of sparking a larger rebellion. Regardless, this unprecedented outrage resulted in Theocritus marching to Anaxion with a case for revenge. Anaxion was razed for its crimes, and the delegates of its city crucified along the long road back to the capital of Exarchopoli. Nonetheless, the sacking of Anaxion, a city with a thousand-year legacy that predates Valia itself, is a striking display of Valian power and cruelty, one that crushed any remaining domestic resistance to Theocritus but further enhanced his highly controversial reputation within the Empire.
In Hateph, the governor Varus Aurelius faced his own slate of disobedient prefectures. For Varus the Younger, scion of vast wealth and son of the previous rebel governor, promises came easily, and he crossed into Aspea after securing control of Hateph. There, the legate Sempronius, commander of Legio XVI Aspea, convinced him to take the Prince-Judge of Aspea into house arrest in Tabernae. However, this sparked the erupting of long simmering tensions into the first Aspean Revolt. After a month of skirmishing and negotiations, the revolters were ultimately quelled with further promises and lavish public spending as Varus regathered his strength in Tabernae.
Meanwhile, Kyparis hung in a delicate political balance between the governor Cremonius Callixtus, the legate Epidromos Felix, and the legate Attius Marcius Altius, a balance broken by the arrival of Navarch Stubo who allied with Felix to seek the governor’s ouster. Callixtus, seeing the balance shifting before his eyes, managed to escape the capital and flee southward, attempting to establish a government in exile in Byvelos. However, Epidromos’ cavalry gave him no room to gather strength, and he ultimately escaped into the Khiones with half of the Chaledonian treasury in tow.
After interning the body of Carantius in a shrine in Titanomuria, legate Caelinus Mancinus did not rest idle. After securing the loyalty of Ditheia and its young Legate Mettius Faucius, he divided his force. While he led the relief force to Tisbarion, his subordinate, tribune Janius, was dispatched to the west, to address rumors of massing hordes in Altenland.
Tradition states that it was the 21st of May, 841 that the Council of Four Legates convened in the city of Chaledonia. Contemporaries and future scholars would argue when the Four Legates arrived at the city, whether or not they had a Council, and what the precise outcome of this council was. But the end result was clear - Two legions set forth for Saphon at all speed with Mancinus leading the vanguard, while Stubo used his fleet to gather more men and reinforcements, as well as to guard the ponderous baggage train of supplies, siege equipment, and gold that the legates had acquired. While awaiting the acclamation of an emperor, the authorities of the East would make blunting Ashrai a priority while suppressing their own personal rivalries - for now.
The Seer King
Out of the marshes and hills of the Tadmori reaches and the Great Bight came a man who claimed to see the wheel of fate and speak to the gods - Skagar. (v. Scaius Rota) Drawing on past experience in Valia and stranger lands, the god-touched man of riddles gathered a horde with promises of salvation, turning the Valian puppet king of Taglarika, Gotnas, into his puppet by maneuvering himself to become heir.
Following this, several traditionalist mountain clans, led by the warrior-chief Isarnas, rose up in rebellion, but Skagar cut off the divided clans and assaulted the holdfast of Ausfest, forcing the rebel to become his new herald after amputating his arm in punishment. With Taglarika now united under his rule, Scaius gathered the clans after defying a summons of submission from Ahenobarbus, governor of Taria.
His movements into Valia have been clouded by the fog of war, but it is known that his horde crossed the Cinicas in late spring and began raiding minor villages in northern Interaltia, forcing the outnumbered legate-governor, Horatius Servilius Lucens, to pull back his legions to Valerium as he awaits reinforcements from Taria and Vincetia.
The Invasion of Adenacarius
The War Chief Adennakar (v. Adenacarius) stayed south of the battles raging in the Taglarikan highlands. Instead, his horde penetrated an undermanned section of Valian border near the Aeterni mountains, where the legionary fortress was garrisoned by local tribal mercenaries. Thereafter, he pressed south into Triportia, restocking on supplies and burning the small city of Delmium, before reaching the gates of the provincial capital Praecipatum.
At this point, he retreated from battle for unknown reasons - perhaps news of Janius’ arrival, or an unwillingness to assault the walled provincial capital or to get bogged down when softer targets might be had - but in any case, withdraw he did, disappearing west into the Aeterni valleys, burning the city of Aquileum Nidum, and emerging with his vanguard scouting near the provincial capital of Vetium on the northern slopes of the Aeterni.
The Princes of the North
Far from the turmoil of the East, the Tarian region emerged from a period of benign neglect, with political interests having been carefully balanced between old noble families and new, enterprising bloodlines. Except for a few minor revolts near the beginning of Carian’s reign, the emperor left the provinces here in peace, while drawing ever more legions to the East. While the likes of governor Titus Valerius Ahenobarbus in Taria Centralis and delegate Cordius Surinus in Vincetia gathered support and resources with their neighboring magistrates, the governor Paraves Anchiornis in distant, misty Aetheria faced several additional challenges.
First, he successfully cornered and gained the support of the legate of Legio I Aetheria, Cassius Altius, who was the only major magistrate in Aetheria not loyal to his house. Next, he defused a Brigidian revolt, forcing the previous prefect to retire and restoring harmony with the Brigides chiefs. And lastly, he worked with the Client King of Adria to settle tens of thousands of refugees emerging from Kernonia, bringing news that a new wave of invasions have befallen their homeland.
The Inheritor of Order and Carian’s Heir
Meanwhile, the south of Valia saw the venerable Gnaeus Rufinius thrust into the spotlight when he obtained the acting governorship of Magna Evvia, and with it, responsibility over a slate of simmering factions. While Alaesia and Diacium eventually aligned with his diplomatic efforts, the proud city of Cassia defied the acting governor’s summons. When Gnaeus subsequently showed some steel by dispatching his cousin, the legate Remus Rufinius Mandibulus, to quell the unrest, the city leaders fled to seek the aid of two very different legates coming into influence in the West.
First, they turned to the praetorian legate Albus Fabani, but finding a cold welcome at Catairum, they continued southward to the domains of Aetacia, which fell under the protection of Legate Democles Braccus. He has ridden ceaselessly across the Aetacian Region, ensuring that all remains in order and that no challenger, dissident, or barbarian dream of any unrest. For his efforts, and his mandate for generous administration, he became known as the Inheritor of Order.
The northernmost province of the Aetacian region, Kalessos, saw the influence of Fabani and Braccus brush against each other. However, on the verge of conflict, news of Adenacarius’ entry into the Empire arrived, leading to a handshake deal between emissaries to defer their rivalry and do what Valia does best - humble the barbarian hordes.
But that deal had scarcely been concluded when political developments changed everything.
As part of his attempts to build a regional coalition, Legate Fabani had painstakingly gathered delegates from Kalessos and Cintra to meet in the island city of Celenus, in order to resolve a deep rivalry touching many issues. There, on the first day of June 841, with great promises on the line, they named him Albus Praetorius, the adopted son and heir of Carian, and the new Emperor of Valia. The newly named Emperor quickly penned a letter to the Valian Forum, and put out a call to gather a broader anti-barbarian Coalition.
The snubbed legate Braccus still commited to fighting barbarians, but insisted on using Legate Fabani’s former name and titles in correspondence as he wrangled the princes, kings, delegates and governors of Aetacia in line to assemble a mighty army for the campaign. Whether intentional or not, his reputation and actions formed a picture of defiance to the would-be Western Emperor - a picture his troops and followers would notice.
Given Braccus’ rejection of the existing claimants and the lack of any other options, combined with his effective governance and iron discipline, the legates, delegates, and the Great King of Aytak declared the Inheritor of Order to be the true emperor, Democles Aetacius, the only man Carian would trust with the stewardship of an entire vast region of the Empire.
The Ashraic Expedition To The North
In the midst of Ashrai’s war, whither the Lunar Mystagos? The Moon Cult divided into many detachments, setting course to tackle many mysterious missions. The Mystagos Bhaltarash (v. Baltarus) led the most sensitive mission himself, to bring the Anariathene League under Ashrai. This would require him to neutralize the raiding Khuneroi on the northern plateau, the revanchist faction within Cylene looking to reclaim the border city of Zygeria, and the Avasha Confederacy who were digesting their recent westward conquests.
After recruiting the Kayun war chief Brogitauros, he forced the garrison commander of the Cylenian fortress of Kleitonapaea to flee into the interior of Cylene, before traveling to Hekta Cylenia to treat with King Phillimachos III Alectos himself. There, he publicly enforced the cession of the border prefectures to the Anariathenes, an extraction of tribute, and a levy of Cylenian soldiers, before meeting with the Avasha princelings attending court.
His forces departed soon after, destination unknown. However, the princes of the Avasha will surely notice that their tributary was extorted and extracted from, without an emissary or bribe offered to Cylenia’s overlords. With the princelings and their minder soon returning to the Golden Pavilion of the Avasha, who knows how they might respond to this insult?
The Eastern Empire Responds
After the Council of Four Legates, the independent Legate-Prefect of Saphon aligned with Caelinus, while the governor and legate of Elcius sided with Stubo at Epidromos’ behest, completing the division of the East’s resources outside of besieged Polynomia. When Caelinus officially submitted to Theocritus as the latter arrived in Titanomuria, it seemed that the ambitious governor of Evvia might make his own imperial claim against that of Praetorius.
But ultimately, all three men - the canny Caelinus, diligent Stubo and controlling Theocritus - aligned behind the flamboyant governor of Hateph. Varus the Younger assembled a great fleet to make for the Nurian leagues, as his agents (some say, his mother’s,) have quietly directed events across the East for months. With a rousing speech, on the last day of June 841, the delegates of Titanomuria acclaimed Emperor Lucius Varus Aurelius as Emperor of Valia.
As Caelinus approached Nabalna-Ibis from the west, the Ashraic Solar Magus Bastian approached from the east with the new King Domneios of the Khuneroi by his side. The Prince of Shavanshar, realizing his army was outmatched by professional mercenaries and cataphracts, withdrew across the damaged bridge, allowing Ashrai time to dismantle it further. Shavanshar’s victory did recover the rescued Valian governor and liberated prisoners, but Ashrai’s advance makes the great Zephyrus a difficult front line for either side to cross. The crux of the matter of empires still lies in the balance.
The Western Empire and the Barbarian Invasions
Even as the potentates of the East aligned behind Varus Aurelius, Praetorius’ acclamation led the majority of the Western elite to consider Carian’s ‘adoptive heir’ as superior to descending into more factional chaos with barbarians on the doorstep. Praetorius’ advance fleet joined with the Rufinii legate Remus Mandibulus to land in the Imperial Province, building a fortified camp in the Faucian Bay between Tarias and Valia, and receiving emissaries promising future support from Taria and Aetheria.
At the same time, at governor Ahenobarbus' request, his massive wealth and influence backing him, the worthies of Lutetia's delegate house join all of Taria's voices behind the unlikely emperor.
Instead of moving to Carias to secure the backing of the League Senate, the declared Emperor immediately pivoted north, raising his standard in Vosta, holy city of Titis, perhaps befitting his own nature as a soldier-emperor unlike those before. His advance forces have already penetrated north into Aeternia, seeking to hunt down Adenacarius and bring the warlord to a decisive battle for the salvation of Valia.
Moderator Notes
On Orders
We do not require formal orders due to the granular nature of the game requiring frequent pivots/clarifications, and some players’ preference to provide more general input over Discord. However, we wish to reward the players who create the most cohesive strategic plans with detailed accounting and effort. As such we award:
+5 Glory to Jehoshua
+5 Glory to TheMeanestGuest
For the strongest overall orders for Turn 1. Congratulations on your cohesive thinking!
On the Maps
“Fog of War” will cover certain parts of our strategic maps. Due to conflicting reports and reports of conflict, information in these areas would be provided only to players with units in the theatre, and only based on the availability and success of scouting efforts.
“Missing” units are not necessarily all concealed within “Fog of War”. Players can make strategic decisions that allow for obfuscation of their forces' positions even outside of “Fog of War” zones, at certain cost.
We have added new icons to indicate fortified camps, including partial camps that did not receive the proper amount of manpower to finish construction within one turn.
Food baggage trains have been added, representing the flow of militarily significant food trade, requiring deployment of escorts to secure, and providing opportunities for disruption.
On the Rules
We have decided to adjust the economic side of things by adjusting the “tax refresh” die roll, based on various subjective factors such as taxation level, recruitment level, conflict, public investment, narrative and so forth.
For example, Aetheria received an improved die roll of a d6 instead of a d10 (As per the rules, a lower roll refreshes tax on more settlements). This is due to their detailed governance, management of internal affairs, civic improvements, light taxation, food surplus, defusing a revolt, and other benefits.
For example, Mardas received a worsened die roll of a d12 instead of a d10. This is due to withstanding multiple failed uprisings, the army of the Council State getting crushed, and multiple armies occupying and splitting the province.
Skirmishes and Victory over Small Enemy Forces
Skirmishes occur when detached troops, usually cavalry, get drawn into 1 round of rolls to determine which side takes the advantage. You can tell your detachments whether to be more aggressive or avoidant, but it would affect your scouting results.
In order to count for Glory, “defeating a small enemy force” must last longer than 1 round of combat, have no more than 2:1 ratio of attacker to defender, and change the strategic balance of a situation. Completely crushing a handful of detached cohorts with a huge army, without a real impact on the greater campaign, isn’t glorious.
Legion Banners and NPCs can start with or gain Glory independent of a player. Please review the Glory Tracker to confirm you have all of the Glory to which you are entitled from the previous turn’s actions.
On the Endgame and the Next Crisis
If you want to set yourself up with an improved legacy start, do be aware that you don’t need to plan your new character as a direct bloodline descendant. During the crisis, players are creating *patronage networks*, which could end up in the hands of another family/character in the next Crisis.
Depending on the situation for the Second Crisis, players might propose characters and write about their ties to the previous crisis’ characters, if any. We will create starting situations based on these proposals.
Starting situations will continue to be asymmetric, but players who manage to secure a large endgame powerbase should not expect the whole powerbase to be available and loyal at the start of the next crisis - it will be dependent on other endgame factors.
On the Schedule
Terrance and Thlayli will be providing additional reports on “Fog of War” zones over the next couple of days. We will also provide Phase 1 Briefings/Prompts as appropriate.
Coalitions will have the option to collectively declare strategic priorities (or send formal group-edited orders) for Turn 2, due January 10th, 2025. You can think of these as “Coalition Orders.” You may also send individual/secret orders if you are in a coalition, and non-aligned players will submit individual instructions.
Thlayli will be out for Officer Training 1/5/25 to approximately mid-April 2025.
Terrance will be running the start of the next few phases until Thlayli’s return.
Terrance will be on low access for several weeks in April and May of 2025 due to travel. More details to come as plans are set.
Chronicle of Events
Before Spring 841
An Earthquake Kills Emperor Carian in Saia and the Heir Carantius dies at Sataraphon on the same, cursed day.
The Valian Legions, pursued by Ashraic forces, pull back from across Myrmysis and burn the ships.
The Legate Caelinus marches for Titanomuria, bringing home Carantius’ body and leading to the general withdrawal of Legions to Tisbarion and Kyparis.
The Legate Caelinus reaches Titanomuria, and news that Carantius’ death is confirmed finally reaches the wider Empire.
A Delegate is killed by the Saian Mob, leading to martial law under the Legate Decimus. The Delegates and Senators of Carias are frozen with indecision.
Early April 841
The Lex Theocritus’s implementation becomes common knowledge, and Titus Valerius Ahenobarbus issues his rebuke of Praefectus Theocritus to the Valian Forum.
The Legate Albus Fabani secures the loyalty of the Prefecture of Fabian Insulae and issues a call for the Delegates of Kalessos and Cintra to meet and resolve their disputes. (+5 Glory)
The Legate Democles Braccus secures loyalty of the Province of Aetacia and Danaea, sending out riders essentially indicating willingness to approve the provincial promises. (+10 glory)
The Delegate Cordius Surinus secures loyalty of the Legio VI in Vincetia and recruits 3,000 tribal Vincetians. (+10 Glory)
The Delegate Gnaeus Rufinius was named Governor of Magna Evvas after the previous governor was convinced to retire. (+5 Glory)
The Governor Theocritus issues an apology to the Archon of Zoeon, who decides to accept his offer of a conference on Thorvos and sends a delegation including himself.
The Legate Varinius Stubo oversees the subordination of Archoleon and the Eastern Evvic Islands to his authority.
The Solar Magus Bastian oversees the incorporation of the Hurian League as a Magistracy of Ashrai. (+5 Glory)
The Governor Varus Aurelius promises a new Grand Temple to satisfy the priests of Nakhemis.
The War Chief Domneios of the Khuneroi burns down the border city of Buderios after entering the borders of the Hurian League, leading to a diplomatic crisis.
The War Chief Scaius Rota was named heir of King Gotnas of Taglarika, which led to several rival clans uniting behind Chief-Declared King Isarnas.
The Legate Caelinus exercises his Propraetorial Authority to establish control over Ditheia and the nearby Legions. (+15 Glory)
Late April 841
The Governor Paraves Anchiornis orders civic investments and secures the loyalty of the Aetherian legions. (+15 for Civic Improvement and Legion)
The Delegate Cordius Surinus orders the construction of a new road in Vincetia, showcasing his generosity and concern for the welfare of the colonists and native Vincetians of the province.
The Archon of Zoeon’s delegation was attacked and destroyed. All evidence points to Anaxion treachery, and the Governor Theocritus rallies his legion.
The Legate Albus Fabani negotiates for the site of this conference to be held in the town of Celenus, as neutral ground. He establishes civic improvements to accommodate the visiting delegates. (+5 Glory)
The Legate Varinius Stubo collaborates with the Legate Epidromus Felix to take control of Kyparis, but the governor Callixtus manages to flee. (+15 for Legion and Province)
The Acting Governor Gnaeus Rufinius receives the support of the Delegates of Alaesia (+2 Glory)
Early May 841
Fugitive ex-Governor of Kyparis Callixtus manages to escape into the woods, but his guard forces were defeated and rebel government scattered by cavalry sworn to Stubo. (+5 Glory to Stubo, Win Minor Battle)
The Delegate Cordius Surinus was acknowledged by the Governor of Cularo to be in command of the next steps for the northeastern frontier. (+5 Glory)
Governor Theocritus receives the loyalty of Zoeon, Zephuria and Archepetai, firmly uniting the Evvic Prefectures behind his rule. (+5 Glory, United Evvas)
The Governor of Taria Esronesis supports the efforts of the Legate Albus Fabani, but the northern Prefectures led by Esronapolia declares support of Governor Valerius Ahenobarbus instead. (+5 Glory to Albus Fabani)
Governor Valerius Ahenobarbus receives the backing of Amorion, and initiates construction of a new road. (+5 Glory)
The Legate Democles Braccus secures the support of the Great King of Aetacia in Thanascia.
The Governor Varus Aurelius finally reaches outside of Hateph, securing endorsements from Aspea, Magnacisma and spreading his wealth liberally in civic improvements. However, the Aspean Prefectures revolt due to placing the Prince Judge under house arrest. (+30 Glory)
The War Chief Scaius Rota successfully assaults the Isarnas’ base at Ausfest after a lightning march. Isarnas desecrated the envoy Servius asking for his surrender, and was in turn forced into servitude. (+13 Glory)
The War Chief Domneios of the Khuneroi defeats a Valian detachment as Limala and Barbarkos were abandoned, and soon burned by the Solar Army. (+10 Glory to Bastian)
Late May 841
Governor Theocritus crushes the defiant city of Anaxion by executing her nobles all along the road back to Exarchopolia, razing the city, and selling their people into slavery. (+15 Glory Punish Defiance)
Acting Governor Gnaeus Rufinius orders the Legate Remus Rufinius to crush the defiance of Cassia, which the Legate accomplishes, chasing their archons to distant lands. (+15 Glory Punish Defiance to Remus)
Governor Varus Aurelius advances forces against the Aspean prefectures, but finds that they have withdrawn from their cities to secret hidden places in the Khiones.
The “Four Legate Council” in Chaledonia establishes a plan to send multiple Legions to reinforce Polynomia.
The Legate Democles Braccus receives the loyalty of the provinces of Castaricum and Sinaria. (+10 Glory)
The Legate Albus Fabani receives the loyalty of the Legion of Kalessos. (+10 Glory)
The Governor Valerius Ahenobarbus receives the loyalty of the Naval Legion of Cantar Castrum. (+10 Glory)
Legate Caelinus gains the loyalty of the Province of Danonia, and establishes a civic improvement there. (+10 Glory)
The War Chief Adennakar “Starchild” storms eastern Triportia, burning the city of Delmium (+5 Glory).
At the pivotal battle of Battle of Pharanc Sandarac, the High King Cantorix of the Khuneroi was slain. The War Chief Domneios and the Solar Army Commander, Bastian enlist the survivors to fight for Ashrai. (+40 Glory to Bastian)
Early June 841
The Legate Albus Fabani was named Emperor Albus Praetorius at the Conference of Celenus by the assembled delegates of Kalessos and Cintra. (+15 Glory)
The Governor Valerius Ahenobarbus receives the support of the province of Tarias Aureia after the Conference of Celenus. (+5 Glory).
Governor Varus Aurelius establishes peace with the Aspean Judges, declaring his intent to carve out and place the Aspean lands under direct imperial protection as an Imperial Prefecture.(+15 Glory Punish Defiance, +5 Glory Promise Fulfilled to Megid)
The Legate Caelinus secures the loyalty of the Legion in Saphon, adding it to his vanguard. (+10 Glory)
The Governor and Legate of Triportia both follow Legate Caelinus’ lead. (+15 Glory)
The Governor Paraves Anchiornis defuses the Brigides Revolt by exiling its prefect for malfeasance and taking service of willing tribesmen. Some continue the revolt by attempting to escape to Firconia.
The Magister Militem Asheros of Mardas leads an expedition to destroy the bridge at Nabalna, but was defeated and slain by the Prince of Shavanshar. (+25 Glory to Shavanshar)
The Magister Augerem Enkido establishes control over the Council State of Mardas as a client state of Ashrai. (+5 Glory to Bastian)
A Moon Cult fleet visits the cities of the Darcebellian League, giving gifts to the Polemarches and recruiting many mercenaries.
Civic improvements were established in Chaledon, Achapetai, and in Danaea. Braccus completes his promise to the Governor of Danae. (+5 Glory Stubo, +15 Glory Theocritus, +20 Glory Braccus)
The Legate Democles Braccus gains the loyalty of the Sinarian Legion. (+10 Glory)
The Acting Governor Gnaeus Rufinius declares his support for Emperor Albus Praetorius’ candidacy (+20 Glory for Praetorius).
Late June 841
The Legate Caelinus’ subordinates in Triportia oversee the reconstruction of Delmium and resettlement of refugees. (+10 Glory)
The Legate Caelinus swayed the loyalty of the Leykian Legion. (+10 Glory)
The Legate Varinius Stubo swayed the loyalty of the Province and Legion of Elcius. (+15 Glory)
The Imperial Prefecture of Rhovanion declares for Legate Democles Braccus.
The War Chief Scaius Rota ravages several towns in Northern Interaltia.
The Governor Varus Aurelius has invested into Maryana in Aspea. (+5 Glory)
The Governor Theocritus has assembled a Grand Treasury in Thorvos, a sum normally only known to be held by Emperors. (+50 Glory)
The War Chief Adennakar “Starchild” reaches the gates of Vetium, the capital of Aeternia, after burning the city of Aquileum Nidum (+5 Glory).
Acclaimed Emperor Albus Praetorius lands in Valia, gains the loyalty of Vosta, and assembles an army there. There, an envoy from Valerius Ahenobarbus confirms that they’re backing his claim. (+2 from Vosta, +20 from Ahenobarbus)
The forces of Governor Paraves Anchiornis defeats the escaped Brigides rebels at the battle of Valles Arcium, enslaving the survivors. (+5 Glory)
The Governor Theocritus has convinced the Delegates of Xherisis to align with his coalition. (+2 Glory).
Acclaimed Emperor Albus Praetorius was confirmed at the delegate house of Luteti after a speech made by Governor Valerius Ahenobarbus. With Aetheria rumored to support him, he has all of Taria and many Delegate cities behind his claim. (+20 Glory)
The Governor Lucius Varus Aurelius was acclaimed Emperor Varus Aurelius at the Delegate House of Titanomuria by the Governor Theocritus. He has assembled the Legates Caelinus, Stubo, and much of the east behind his claim. (+80 Glory)
The Legate Democles Braccus was acclaimed Emperor Democles Braccus Aetacius at the halls of Thanascia by his Legion, the Great King of Aytak, and the Delegate House of Aetacia Nova. He has all of the Aetacian region behind him. (+30 Glory)
For the benefit of the playerbase it was decided that a demonstration of a large battle would be beneficial, and hopefully entertaining! Edited together by Terrance, Thlayli and myself, please avail yourself of a report of this great battle:
The Battle of Pharanc Sandarac
We turn ourselves to the fate of a kingdom, a tribal confederacy, that of the Kayuns. The Khuneroi, the Canirii - they are known by many names - but for centuries they have served as mercenaries, buffer states and petty kingdoms in the plateau north of Polynomia even as the post-Titanic chaos and the rise of the two great Empires buffeted them. Let us consider a new and very different possibility: The Khuneroi will either unify completely, and alongside a Great Empire - or their country might very well be the place where one meets its end.
An army under the command of the Magus Bastian maneuvers north of the Apasis and away from the city of Lamm; the Ashraic cataphracts sweep ahead under the command of his Captain Karqur. At the town of Ouralumos the cavalry finds the Kayun garrison there deserted, seemingly departed in the middle of the night some days prior, leaving the town back in the hands of the militia of the Wise King of Ahburanipal. Behind them the mercenaries left a message for the Solar Magus and the Kayun War-Chief, written in the Titanic dialect of Evvic:
Domneios, you unmanful wretch of a red boar. Did you think that I would not set a watch upon your camp and receive tidings of your counsel with your war-chiefs? Would that you had sought my counsel rather than your own glory, perhaps in time I might have named you co-king alongside my son. Never had you the pride or indeed the power to challenge me directly, yet now this wizard has laid some spell upon you to seek my throne. I, the rightful King of all Khuneroi before all gods! Yet you steal in the night across the rivers and streams, seeking to catch an old man abed. I say to you now, Domneios the Slave, you are unmanned unless you accept my challenge. Face me in the hills according to our rightful custom, and seize the kingship from me, or let your unworthy blood stain the rocks that gave you birth.
And as for you, Abadion Sunwizard, for I see your foul hand in all these doings, my druids promise this curse. Step not beyond the boundary of our border, or you shall never again return to your home.
Cantorix, King of the Khuneroi
Having learned of his enemy’s intent, it is clear that Cantorix seeks a battle between the armies. Although it might be couched in terms of a duel, realistically Cantorix is too old to reliably fight hand to hand in that capacity, so the swords of the soldiers will have to meet the challenge on behalf of their respective masters. At this point Domneios is honor bound to meet such a challenge. To fail it would be equivalent to abandoning claim over his host. Of course, goading Domneios into a challenge on his terms is likely exactly what Cantorix wants, or is at least the best way he can respond to being outnumbered by his enemies.
Even considering the delays involved with crossing the Apasis and the projected difficult march uphill through the famed Lulian Vale - the very Issue of Conquerors, where once Andromachos thought lost came forth with a Kayun host to vanquish the regency of his rebellious brother - the Magus Abbisdiun can nevertheless feel the omens promising a great victory within the month.
Bastian and Domneios know that it is highly unlikely that Cantorix will abandon Talosacrum. He is renowned for his grand collection of trophies belonging to the greatest warriors of history, from the Hundred Kings of Aetheria to the gilded tusks of the Sharjan of Sind. Not only would he never allow a foreigner to seize his treasure-laden hall without a fight, it would mean the end of his kingdom to do so. It is expected that the King will prepare for a pitched battle in the Lulian Vale itself.
The Magus is reported to have responded: “…we shall deliver him his greatest wish, to die upon the field of battle. Doubtless history shall remember him as a footnote to greater glories achieved by others.”
Given Cantorix' reluctance to have his capital besieged where Ashraic numbers and siege engines can play out, the Ashraic commandery council concurs that some kind of conflict in the wooded, rugged terrain of the valley seems likely before their forces reach Talosacrum.
The approaches to Talosacrum are not favorable for open cavalry maneuvers until the plateau proper. A dangerous place for a long exposed column. The Magus responds by establishing a strong guard upon his flanks as he moves forward. The vale is known to be narrow, rugged territory that will reduce the natural advantage of both sides' cavalry in any prospective field battle, but it could also give Cantorix ample opportunities to narrow his own flanks and offset his numerical disadvantage. It is reasonable for Bastian to expect Cantorix to have prepared either an ambush or a defensive position to compensate for being outnumbered.
Note: The Ashraic commander has divided his force to facilitate speed and scouting. These sub-forces have different "natural" speeds. Domneios' cavalry force is obviously the fastest, followed by the main Ashraic army, followed by the Kayun baggage train, and lastly the ponderous main baggage train. The attackers initially choose to roughly advance in a column according to these 4 natural speeds as fast as possible, later consolidating the two forward elements and two rear elements to travel in two groups - the van moves at the main army's rate of speed with Domneios’ cavalry closely attached in the event of an ambush, and the Cunic and Ashraic baggage trains move together for safety. The most secure option would have been to march with all four forces together at the speed of the main baggage train, but this would also have been the slowest.
Finally, the Ashraic scouts return with a report - Cantorix’s army has indeed taken the field, fortifying itself on a stretch of high ground next to the Lulia close to its narrowest point, with the river cliffs anchoring his left flank and forested hills anchoring his right. His infantry have reportedly dug a series of stake pits to deter cavalry charges, and the king's standard flutters from the top of the hill in the midst of his camp. The scouts estimate that about 7,000 men are encamped there, mostly infantry, likely the bulk of Talosacrum's garrison and the king's royal forces. They note the presence of several large scorpions and catapults mounted atop the palisade as well. Whether the king had time to call upon his allies and cavalry levies is unknown, but the advance parties have not yet encountered any signs of ambush.
Before too long an official challenge of battle reaches the Ashraic camp, written on a rolled bearskin. Cantorix himself declares that he intends to stand and die here to defend his borders, and dares Bastian and Domneios to meet him.
As the advance is made Ashraic reconnaissance elements make scattered reports to their commanders of individual Khuneroi scouts on both sides of the river, indicating that some of the king's cavalry are likely shadowing their movements.
So, first off - Cantorix has issued his battle challenge here, and while it is possible to ford the river and maneuver around his armies, there will be a Glory penalty for rejecting the offer of battle. It also could potentially be dangerous to do so, as Bastian now believes the king's cavalry is hiding in the woods nearby with his infantry in a fixed defensive position anchoring the easiest line of advance to the capital.
When a defender has a chance to hand pick their battlefield, they can look for advantages such as secured flanks, minor terrain bonuses, combat width advantages, and other such natural advantages. Seeking out then finding the perfect battleground is not guaranteed.
As for the location - flanking will not be possible on the left side of the battlefield, and while it will be possible on the right side, it will not gain a bonus. Cavalry charge specials will not work due to the stake walls and uphill terrain [charge may be reallowed later if the attacker subsequently manages to penetrate the enemy's formation]
Cantorix additionally has one unit of siege engines set up protecting his position. Bastian can set up his own siege engines if he wishes at an operational time cost, and chooses to do so.
Cantorix’s forces will get +1 on all their battle rolls from the defensive position, and the king's treasury grants his forces an additional +3 from Great King.
Cantorix's evolved champion power is that his Tribal Infantry and Cavalry also gain Valor at Glory Level 2. He’s not an imperial, so his forces don't get additional bonuses from Glory as a comitatus would grant. He likely knew that allowing Bastian’s siege train to reach the plateau and invest the city would be a huge disadvantage for his forces, which is why he has chosen this place of battle.
Currently, on Ashrai's side, the "camp defense forces" and the "van/main army" are two distinct forces separated by a few miles of terrain. Bastian has several options here: he might retreat his camp forces, or order them to fortify their own position, but ultimately elects to merge them, spending more operational time.
Setting the Scene of Battle
It is said that on surveying the enemy position as he advanced Bastian expressed disappointment that there hadn’t yet been an ambush by his foe - a wasted opportunity. Since Cantorix has announced a battle challenge, he ceded the initiative to the Solar Army, which Bastian will eagerly seize to consolidate his forces, fortify his camp, and establish his own siege engines to face off against the Khuneroi machines. Rumors indicate that the Solar Magus even called for the provisioning of live bees as ammunition. After several days of feverish preparation below the High King’s fortified ridge, the Commander of the West stepped before his battle line early in the morning on the 28th of May, 641 FA, stating simply:
“Ahtan has made it known through his omens that the time is now.”
Witnesses report that the Magus gesticulated mystically while his sorcerers and acolytes chanted, stoking pyres of various enthralling colours, causing one to burn low of a sudden and others to rise high with a flick of his wrist to the gathered oohs and ahs of his army. A rousing speech praises the Sun, and gives thanks that the true High King of the Kayuns should soon reign. Lastly, Bastian proclaims that he has cast a spell of weakness upon Cantorix’s army: the Sun’s Ray of Enfeeblement.
So began the Battle of Pharanc Sandarac, local dialect for "the valley of ruby sulfur".
Round 1: Proposed Deployment
The initial pre-battle deployment as it was presented. The Ashraic forces decide to employ two siege engines, leaving the third in reserve. This is possible because the battle challenge allowed for additional assembly time. The commander’s comitatus is adjusted to the second rank.
Due to the enemy’s position on a fortified hill, Domneios’ cavalry (the Cunic forces on the Ashraic right flank) would begin the assault dismounted - meaning that they cannot charge. Because Cantorix did not deploy troops in the flanking area, Domneios was able to deploy directly into a flanking position.
“Xwaran! Xwaran! Ahtan, Ahtan, Ahtan!” the chanting and clashing of swords on shields echoes up towards Cantorix’s palisade as the Solar Army advances. Bastian has donned his red and gold Magi’s armour, and marches with his fellow sorcerers and his troll-men guards. The tramping of feet accompanies the awe-inspiring display of spells as his men ascend the rugged hill towards the palisade. A few green boys from high on the hill loose slingstones, but it is too early, too soon, and they patter down the hillside as steel-toed boots stamp the oxidized soil, the mountain river burbling on their left.
Domneios unsheathes his war-axe at the head of his best men as their units begin to scramble around the broken ground on the extreme right. The lines climb higher and higher towards the palisade above, where stern-faced men prepare to meet them.
Then from the trees comes a low sound, like a war-horn. Yet it repeats, and the cultic forces slowly realize it is the sound of men singing. They sing a Cunic dirge, a prayer to the god of death, as ranks upon ranks of cavalry emerge from the dell. It is said that Cantorix's druids had cast a spell of their own: a cloak of illusion, similar to that wielded by the Lunar Mystagos, to make it seem that the king was on the hill, when in fact Cantorix and his cavalry prepare to charge Domneios from the tree line.
The Magus Abbisdiun turned to look at the commotion, and he spoke sage words before his men upon the numbers of the foe, expressing approval at the late arrival of the longed-for ambush [translated from the original Ashraic: “That’s a lot of guys”]
The troll-men gnashed their teeth [whether in dismay or anticipation, it is not said] as over five thousand additional Kayun warriors emerged from the literal woodwork. The Magus was forced to devise a response, and he drew up another rank. [tl: “We’ll form a new line from our reserves, and unleash our flesh-eating rhinoceri upon them”]
As messengers speed off to rally the reserves under the command of Bastian’s apprentice Taxilas, the charge is sounded on the right flank. For now, the War Chief Domneios has to fight his way out of the closing vice. Bastian addresses the advancing men, calling for their utmost focus on the coming battle:
“Men of Ashrai - do not waver, do not question. The Eye of Ahtan watches, let the Sun Himself witness your courage and devotion!”
Round 1 - Final Deployment
The champion on the hill line is in fact a tribal cavalry in disguise.
Deployment is done semi-secretly, and tactical surprises like this are possible. Pre-battle scouting did not find the hidden valley which led Cantorix to choose this battlefield. After deployment, the first round of combat is committed and neither side can react until after the movement phases.
Cantorix is allowed to charge on the bottom of the hill, but his bonus is decreased to +2 due to the broken terrain. Domneois’ cavalry is currently dismounted and committed to assault the top of the hill, but if they survive the round, they can remount and counter charge next round.
Round 1 - Combat Rolls
The Ashraic far left struggles as the chanting of Cantorix's tribal infantry on the hill causes the first attacking ranks to stumble and fall as brutal combat drives them back down the hill. The center is tied down with some successes and some failures as the Ahburani scorpions in Cantorix's employ begin to impale large numbers of advancing troops, while the Ashraic and Evvic siege engines attempt to respond in kind. Meanwhile, the Titanian phalanx on the right holds very firmly, dealing 2 hits and taking 1 as they dig in against the Kayun charge.
On the broken slopes of the hill, an absolute carnage of horseflesh ensues as Cantorix annihilates the dismounted tribal cavalry of Domneios' back rank. However, the blood lusted warriors go laughing to their glorious deaths, dealing heavy casualties to the king's party as they buy time for their front rank to remount, before dispersing from a renewed assault. As the dust swirls and settles, it soon becomes clear that the two champions now face each other directly, ready in-fact in the heat of battle to advance into single combat after all.
Round 1: Rout Checks, False Retreats, Unit Moves
On False Retreats: 2 false retreats hit, including for the tribal cavalry that were smashed by Cantorix but also rolled a 10. This special allows the units to "return to the battlefield the following round" . One unit will go to the reserve, and then join Domneios' reserve units in the counter-charge next round. The false retreater in the north would false retreat northward and then return to the formation there since it made a bit more sense.
On Unit Moves and Clashes: There will not be a clash in the center as the hill defenders are not going to cross their stake wall. There will be 2 clashes on the right flank between the two tribal champions and two tribal cavalry. Finally, the Ashraic side will move an Evvic Imperial Infantry unit into the gap on the flank of the hill.
Clash Results: (5, 3) unmodified vs. (7, 8) unmodified for Cantorix, so Cantorix wins both of his clashes. However, the defeated tribal cavalry that lost its clash does hit (4) on false retreat, so he joins his buddy in the north to loop back for a surprise attack next round.
On the Cavalry Battle and Cavalry Formation Move: Cantorix's heavy cavalry took serious damage in that charge, but that's why they're heavy cavalry. The small amount of ground between the hill and the forest means that the Ashraic infantry will need to go through the forest in order to encircle Cantorix's cavalry and form a new line - again, likely why he chose this place of battle. They can do so, but it will be 1 round of delay before they are able to encircle his cavalry. (Starting in round 3). Ultimately Bastian decides to send the cavalry counter charge now with Kayun reserves, and line up the infantry for the round 3 commitment.
Round 1: After Unit Move and Clash, Before Formation Move
Domneios is now down to 1 HP after losing a second hit-point in the failed clash with Cantorix. His unit being defeated doesn't necessarily mean that he dies, but we will be rolling a post-battle casualty table.
Second Round of Battle Round 1: Formation Move Completed, Round 2 Ready
After the formation move the Ashraic reserve forces have gone into the forest to ostensibly emerge on the other side and encircle Cantorix.
Ashrai has reinforced their lines and rotated the wounded soldiers from the first wave hill assault to the back using Echelon Drill. Their Evvic phalanx units have attempted to surge around the corner of the hill to rescue the bloodied Domneios.
Domneios’ false retreated tribal cavalry will counter charge on the northern flank. Cantorix has also made some moves to block the counter-charge with a few of his excess cavalry as the Ashraic mounted reserve prepares to engage on the southern flank.
Bastian’s apprentice Taxilas marshals the menagerie of slavering war-beasts, his acolytes cracking whips and blowing strange horns as they push through the dense woods, hoping to finish their maneuvers in time to enter the fray.
The cavalry line up, readying their own counter attack. The cataphracts take the front, their captain Karqur steadying his mount and lowering his lance, the brassy point glittering in the sun. He shouts a prayer to the aspect-angels as the cataphracts of Ashrai make their charge, calling for strength in battle, and extolling the virtues of Domneios while lamenting the lack thereof in Cantorix. [tl:“Press the attack! Save the king! Not the weasel one, the red one!”]
Round 2: Combat Phase
A well placed volley from the Evvic siege component and a poor showing for the damaged Kayun Imperial Infantry causes a critical segment of Cantorix's right flank on the hills to collapse. And the cavalry on his left flank crumples beneath Karqur’s counter charge. The High King himself focuses his efforts on Domneios as yet another counter-charge ensues. Even as his men fall all around him, Domneios finds a second wind in his rage and manages to stave off Cantorix. His falsely-retreated cavalry return to the field and destroy one of Cantorix’s units of light cavalry that thought they had made it around the flanks.
The Priest-General Bastian now rubbed his hands together in a most sinister fashion, knowing that soon the omens would be fulfilled in his favour. The Magus raised a prayer to Ahtan, and seeing the banner of the true king still standing, called for the release of his dread gymnosophists. It is said they delivered an inspiring oratory on the power of faith and friendship.
No false retreat for the tribal cavalry knocked out on the hill as they're dismounted. Domneios was really lucky here, he was getting targeted by the hill tribal cavalry and by Cantorix, but managed to fend them off.
Round 2: End of Combat Phase, Start of Rout Checks
Post-initial casualties, pre-rout cascades:
Cantorix's entire left wing needs to do a rout cascade check now: his damaged imperial infantry rout. That creates another rout cascade check on the local infantry, which they also fail. The next local infantry passes, but the nearby siege cohort rolls a critical miss - a 1 - their siege engineers flee as the units screening them are pushed out.
For Cantorix’s cavalry forces, all the units pass their rout checks, and one of his tribal cavalry performs a false retreat.
Additionally, Karqur's charge coincided with a push by the Evvic phalanx to destroy one of Cantorix's heavy cavalry, with action on the corner of the hill destroying the other unit.
Critically, the wounded Cantorix himself can now be targeted by Domneios’ other light cavalry - he’ll be facing attacks from two sides.
In summary, the cavalry battle is stable but the hill position is basically over. If Cantorix were not heavily engaged, he would likely know the battle is lost at this point. But things have gotten personal.
Round 2: End of Rout Phase, Start of Unit Move Phase
The Ashraic command orders a general push forward on the hill, slotting in a full morale Ashraic imperial infantry up past the wall behind the Evvic phalanx in an attempt to relieve Domneios by attacking the tribal cavalry behind him. Taxilas is ordered to defer committing the slavering war-beasts, instead moving his infantry ahead to finish the encirclement.
Note: Siege engines can target a diagonally adjacent unit if the square they are directly facing has been emptied, so the Ashraic unit was directed to target the enemy Kayun imperial infantry for the next round.
Round 2: Unit Move and Clash Completed
Post formation-moves (there is one clash, which Domneios' heavy cavalry wins, damaging the opposing force)
Bastian lit another pyre with a flourish, a great column of deep red smoke rising high into the cloudless sky - a signal that Ahtan’s victory is near, urging the men to fight harder for the final push as the companies move into position. The horrible trumpeting of the elephants and the terrifying grunts of the flesh-eating rhinoceri echo from behind Taxilas’ infantry as they emerge from the woods behind Cantorix’s war party.
Third Round of Battle Round 3: Combat Phase
Now here’s an absolutely bananas result in the final faceoff between the Kayun champions. Cantorix absolutely unbelievably got a crit while 3 sides were attacking him. This autohit takes down Domneios’ last HP - his two backup units each got a modified total of 12 vs. Cantorix's 13.
But Domneios' modified total is also 13 after granting the +2 for double flanking and the +3 for great king. And our rule is that a tie always damages both involved units. Since Cantorix was also at 1 hit point, this means both champions go down simultaneously in the melee. So it will be down to the post-battle casualty table to see if the kings themselves die or not
The mangonels adjust their positioning and between that and the advancing pincer of heavily-armed Ashraic soldiers, the last Kayun tribals on the left flank are driven off the cliffs and into the water, although some shrieking berserkers fight unto, and even beyond, their deaths. The river is stained with their blood.
Cantorix's remaining bastion on the hill collapses completely as the rightward Ashraic siege engines also hit, and the advancing line of bloodied Ashraic infantry marches through burning sections of barricade to efficiently cut down any who resist, backed up by heavy artillery.
It is said the Magus shouted with great emotion and emphatic lament witnessing the banners of both kings fall simultaneously. Bastian called for Cantorix’s remaining forces to surrender themselves and serve their true king, or face their destruction by the power of the Magi.
Ahtan’s rays beat down heavily, sapping the strength of the warriors after a long and hard fought battle. With almost all of the Cunic heavy infantry having been defeated, the remaining local troops - slave soldiers mostly, accept this offer.
The cavalry melee continues a bit longer than the fight on the hill as the cries of Ahtan crest it like a new dawn, but with the fall of Cantorix, and now essentially surrounded with Taxilas' trumpeting emergence from the forest, there is little appetite for continued slaughter, the remaining forces throwing down their arms. A dramatic result, worthy of the fulfillment of a grand prophecy of the Magi.
As the captains and acolytes and warchiefs organize and accept the surrender, Bastian and his sorcerers proceed with haste to the place of the Duel of the Kings, ready to apply their healing spells and skills should the true king Domneios lie injured.
This is the final battlefield at the end of Phase 3 combat. Calls for parley, ceasefire, surrender etc. can be made or offered mid battle.
Round 3: Combat Phase, Casualties Clean Up
Aftermath of the Battle
The stalwart Titanian soldiers raise their pikes in salute, their squares surrounded by broken ground and broken men as Bastian’s company crests the ridge to find a charnel house, with surrendered soldiers dipping their banners and casting their weapons onto piles, overseen by Taxilas’ grim line.
At the center of the proceedings, the sorcerers arrive where the two great banners that short moments ago fluttered so haughtily over the ridge lie fallen, the two standard bearers having skewered each other in the midst of the fight, their bodies leaning together, such that it is impossible to tell who laid the first blow or the last.
Both Domneios and Cantorix have surrounded themselves with the finest of men, and but a few hours ago they stood tall, hale, and mighty. Now they lie about, each covered in half a dozen wounds, a handful stumbling through the bodies to help recover others. In the aftermath of battle, all are survivors.
In the midst of the red of blood is the red beard of the War Chief, or perhaps now High King, Domneios. One hand holding his cloak tightly over a bloody shoulder while the other gestures with his great axe; it seemed that his eyes were still red with battle, although they soon returned to a more familiar shade as he greeted the Magus with a bloody grin, saying simply that the sorcerers should treat the other wounded first.
He proudly speaks of how Cantorix tried to cut his way through his men, and how he met the challenge to fight in one on one combat. The King wielded a silvered lance, which Domneios was finally able to sunder with a mighty blow. Cantorix then pressed in with a Telemnid dagger, striking him in the shoulder, before Domneios was able to gain the upper hand, smashing Cantorix’s head against the rocks.
Domneios likely absorbs many of the survivors from those who had just tried to kill him into his own guard. Such is the way of the Kayun Kings.
Domneios survived the post battle check, whereas Cantorix failed and died.
Although Cantorix has died, it seems that his son Epomaros - who wore Cantorix’s famous Vatrakertic Armor, won in Isarios, to pose as his father - has survived. The warriors Cantorix sent with his son as false champions dragged him away after he was nearly killed by a scorpion bolt, but despite attempts to sneak away to Talosacrum, they surrendered when they saw that Domneios' cavalry had retreated falsely and threatened to encircle them. It is rumored that he was taken far to the east towards the rising sun by the Magus’ guards to participate in dark rituals.
It takes the rest of the night to secure the living, and it would take many more to count the dead.
The Magi were greatly pleased by this victory, and so several most venerable personage awards were distributed amongst the commanders in the form of golden sunbursts of Ahtan:
Menander of Rovian, for the firm footing and unshakeable resolve of the phalanx of Titanians from Sind.
Karqur, for the fury of the answering charge.
Cyrus the Elder, for his bold and determined taking of the left and centre fortifications, breaking the spine of the foe.
And to Domneios, for the bravest stand and most bitterly fought struggle ever made by a man of the Kayun folk.
Honourable mention and a silver bull to Taxilas for a good maneuver through a forest, and impressive slavering war-beast vocalization management.
After battles, we assess the fates of defeated units. In all cases, the defeated side has a worse roll. Units that are brought below 0 HP are destroyed completely. Units that are brought to 0 HP have a difficult roll, and can survive intact or damaged. Finally, Units that routed at 1 HP have a good chance to escape intact, but if they were on the defeated side they are an easy target for post battle exploitation/damage.
Cantorix is defeated, and the Magi require of his vanquished oath-sworn and their servants an acknowledgement of the supremacy of Ahtan: a great ceremony was held praising their god and celebrating the Ashraic-Kayun victory, hailing Domneios as High King by grace of the sun and by proof of his strength in battle.
In the aftermath it was reported that the Magi distributed a great sum of gold amongst the Kayuns and the men of Ashrai, rewarding them for blood shed. In turn the sorcerers laboriously and with repeated prayer consecrate the ruby sulphurs of the Pharanc Sandarac, and they bring great casks of it with them as a sacred trophy, carried alongside the sanctified ashes of the city of Lamm.
With this victory and generous payment, Domneios has become fully loyal to the Priest-General, as represented by his adoption of Bastian’s heraldry on the map. The Magus can now freely redistribute the gold his subject is carrying and otherwise command him - note that removing that gold could impose a loyalty check penalty and will reduce any Great King bonuses.
We decided to grant +25 Glory award for the battle [Defeat a foreign army] since it was on the lower end of a great battle and fought against a partially tribal opponent. An additional +15 glory was awarded for protecting a client state, bringing the glory awarded to Bastian to +40 total.
Early in June 841, the War Chief Domneios was formally crowned High King of all the Khuneroi - the Kayuns, the Canirii - holding in one hand an ancient lance brought from the old homeland north of the Cheranes, and in the other a glowing amber orb, polished and engraved with Ahtan’s sun. Wearing the circlet of the High King, he received oaths from the various lesser Chiefs of the Kingdom. Some have already fought under his banner, and others were but a week ago sworn foes. But all the Khuneroi recognize strength, and valor, and they hail his name.
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