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Too Old to play

What age groups play CivIII

  • 0-10

    Votes: 18 0.5%
  • 11-15

    Votes: 381 10.8%
  • 16-20

    Votes: 719 20.3%
  • 21-30

    Votes: 1,192 33.7%
  • 31-40

    Votes: 739 20.9%
  • 41+

    Votes: 424 12.0%
  • been playng so long that I've lost track of my age!!

    Votes: 66 1.9%

  • Total voters
30 Years old and been playing since the original Civ in 1991! I lost numerous girlfriends due to this game but in retrospect...it was worth it! LOL
19, will be 20 in November. I've been playing Civ since I discovered Civ I all those years ago. To some of you it may have been just 10 years (or around that) but for me Civ has been a lifestyle for half of my life.
Hi, I'm 66 and still kickin' with Civ (at least Civ3 PTW) and I started in 1992 with Civ (dos). I don't think that I lost a lot of girlfriends as my own wife would have been driven mad by the issue. I must admit that after '96 when I started to play at home on my computer (before I used the one I had at my work place)sometimes I had some bitter commentaries about "what a shame! loosing time gaming like a kid or a teenager". LOL
I'm 18..I figured reason the 21-30 category had the most people was because college students have a reputation of playing games on their schools' computers. :lol:
Just the other day I told the last of my hardcore gaming friends, the one who actually introduced me to Civ, that I was done with being a hardcore computer gamer.

No more servers, no more top-of-the-line upgrades, no more all-nighters. With the recent flops (IMHO) from Blizzard, the fall of the Master of Orion series (IMHO), the multi-player cheating (FPS & RTS genres), and the lack of consistant time to play - I am throwing in the towel.


That's when I paused a second....reflected....and said "Well maybe I won't quit yet. I'll be a casual gamer. I mean when you've got a well-balanced, realistic, challenging - yet easy to play game like Civ... heh, as long as they keep making it - I'll keep playin' it. Even when I am married with children, I'll find time. It's the right thing to do."

Sourboy 26
No man, I just think that the 21-30 class gets the highest figure is the sign that human beings is in full posession of all is potentialities in this period of age (21-30). Before that HB are just newbies after that they begin to slide on the slope of "has been".
As I'm on the low side of the hill, I would never try to compare my abilities with a 21-30 guy!That's life but that doesn't prevent from having fun!
Originally posted by wilbill
Crap, somebody figured it out. Time to change, I guess:) You mean they still teach Latin in H.S.?

I've been taking Latin longer than I've been playing Civilization! (And I started playing when I was 10!) At least I'm pretty sure few people have bothered to translate my signature, but if they do, I can always fall back on my old favorite quote, "Eheu, mea columba est morta!" (Came up with that years ago... :D)
A middle-of-the-road 30 for me. I did play Civilization, but not for long. I was only introduced to it in grad school by some sadistic friends. When Civ II came out a couple months later, I went into that.

And I've gotten better at each successive incarnation. I'm really looking forward to "Sid" level in the next expansion -- what'll it be? 40% cost factor (e.g. 60% reduction?) and two free settlers?

I'm 31 .
Play Civ since CivII .
Got a feeling I'm gonna play Civ till death ( may be from starving
near PC , my poor wife :cry: )
I'm 39. I'm been having a blast playing through this with my 12 and 10 year old sons.

We get to talk about goverments, culture, military, trading, or in other words, all the aspects of the game. What a great learning tool. Their last combined report card of the year consisted of 3 B's, 4 A's and 5 A+'s. It also helps that their mother's IQ is about twice mine. All I ever got from my father was that people that are different from us were bad.

And we also get to laugh our heads off at the end of that dominated warlord game using our stockpiled nukes to turn our most annoying neighbor's country into a complete wasteland. Then we launch to Alpha Centauri because who's interested in hanging out on a glowing wasteland.
I'm 43. Which makes me too old to vote. :cry: Either that, or the poll is closed. :rant:
Hmm... I'm truly out classed I'm 16 now, and have been playing for 6 years, started with Civ 1 and then went to Civ 2 and now to Civ 3... But I must say over all these years (hmm that seems too epic for 6 years) my favorit is still Civ 1.
lol quasar. :lol:
im 15 so ive got alot of playing time left before im six feet under.
You're right buddy, impossible to forget the first, although with a somehow poor look(compared to today), not so clever, not sounding with beautiful taunts but it was a big surprise and something really appeared wiht it. But nostalgy leads nowhere...
I play since i was 8 years old...Civ 1...2...3......
That;s mean- 12 years...
remember the ugly graphicks and the choose - EGA16 colors or something like that?
And sound blaster and all these ugly things...

Ye,,,more then half of my life....

As a matter of fact I don'tplay to much now, I just look for the ultimative scenario or thinking about how to improve the game....

I must say that civ it's really a cool game at least from one reason- I like huge maps- so you v'got a lot of time to wait and during all these time I mostly read...

I think that i read more then 200 books while wiating for my turn...

Also you can do a lot of important stuff while waiting between turns...You can't do it if you play some real time startegy or a shooter...

By the way- I played some enormous time only chieftan- then in 3-4 days I jumped to Diety.
And never lost a simple game in my life!
Well I'm one of the younger ones here being only 13. I started playing 8 months ago and haven't stopped since.
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