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Top 10


Aug 5, 2011
With GK only a week away, holy , I felt like writing a top 5 favorite Civs to play as. Feel free to write your own!

5. Japan. They aren't my favorite Civ to play as because of a UU that basically sucks, and not to mention they're probably looked at the biggest "n00b cannon" to play as. But what can I say? Nothing feels better than growing an army of 10 Samurais, and waving around your superior strength to strike terror in the hearts of multiplayer gamers. It's just so much fun being that guy...But there may be one better. We'll get to that.

4. Arabia. More recently started getting into them, but it's been a blast. I love being the guy with all the gold, ruling the world through market. When Arabia has an army big enough to scare off the war mongerers, and enough money to fund both them and their opposing sides, playing as Harun can feel like a boss. It's luxurious and camel filled, Arabia is simply, the .

3. Korea. C'mon, you know you love it. They're more OP than the andy griffith show. Korea is the annoyed, brainy on the street who laughs at your feeble attempts to keep up with his tech. Yes, they're probably only so good because it came out when Civ 5 was released in Korea, but who cares. It's still great to play a DLC game online and dominate through a few well placed research agreements.

2. Persia. I love Darius and his smug ways. I think that the most satisfying moment in any civ game was realizing I was going to be a in Golden Age for the rest of the game, no problem. My units ripped across the French country side while my capital city busted out yet another great artist to be thrown into the golden age fire.

1. Mongolia. Before I learned how to structure a city, or learn how to make a civ with a prosperous economy, and fast, I learned how to take down empires with my mongol horde. It's an incredible thing, not only having an incredible buff to my military through Great Khans and their manuverability, but learning how to ROCK it. Hands down, every multiplayer game I played this past year, if I played Mongolia I was at the very least, a quite annoying opponent. Maybe not the world devestating force I wish to be, hey, I'm not so great at this game, but AT LEAST I was a major factor in all diplomatic decisions: If Greece attacks Germany, just HOW will that impact Mongolia's feelings? How long do I have before the Keshiks come my way?

As Mongolia, I never care for diplomacy. I let the world know right away, you are not my friend, and I will hurt you. I understand, now, that's not the greatest way to win, but it was often times the most FUN way.
5. Spain. Although I hate the Tercio Spain is still one of my favorites to start a game with because it feels like playing slots where you either get a jackpot of lose it all. I think it is fun to see another civ get my favorite wonders and when I am done cursing them I kill them to gain the wonders benifets.
4. Iroqouis. Many of my best games have been played with the Iroqouis. Their ability is pretty solid but the other uniques are my favorite part about them. The longhouse in addition to the lumbermills makes sure my cities have great production. The mohawks are solid units but I just love the look of them great flavor. Together the iroqouis have fast production good upgradable units and fast travel, a good combo. Also love seeing his leader screen.
3. China. A really fun civ. Their building is pretty good +2 gold for every city is not bad. Their ability is a good boost for both offensive and defensive, they are one of the only civs I build citadils with. I love Chu Ko NO s! They are so much fun to play with and their blitz promotion carries over so so can get so good rifleman and beyond to.
2. Ottomans. I know nearly everyone else on the site will tell you that the Ottomans are near useless, but I have never played a game with them where I did not have fun. I feel insecure if I do not have a strong navy(even on pangea) so their ability sits great with me. Free ships is fun to me and very early in the game I can have a large naval force to screw with my enemies(I think people will change their minds about the ottomans in Gods and Kings since melee ships take cities), and their ships cost 1/3 as much as other civs. The ottomans can have almost always have naval suppremacy. The Siphai is fun since it is fast and has free pillage great for hurting rivals who have DOWd you. The Jansiaries are phemnomanal! Stronger on offensive and free healing means the ottomans should control the battle field from renassiace onward since the healing transfers.
1. Russia. I just am obsessed with Russian history, so I love to play and win as Russia. Their abilty is good so you can be sure to have enough of those crucial resources plus 1 more hammer is always welcome especially in the early game. The krepost are my favorite building replacement because with them you gain large amounts of land quickly and I don't know why but I always want to the most land on the demographic list more than any of the other catergories. The Cossack are great units to. They deal more damage to hurt units which helps to make sure they can kill more and die less. Finally I have read a good deal of biographies on Catherine the Great so it adds alot of personal fun to play as I leader that I actually know facts about and admire.
Spain. I like that the UA is a zip code lottery. It makes every game different. I like the conquistadors. Using a knight to ninja in a city on another continent is really fun. I think the Tercio isn't too bad. It's like one more level of pikemen.

Babylon. I love getting Great Persons, especially GS.

Mongols. Probably the only warmonger that I like. It's the Keshiks. Hit and run arrow attacks are the bomb.

Egypt. Even though the UU is kinda weak and the UB gives boni to the enemy, I am a wonder whore at heart.

Persia. The UU is good. The UB is good, and the UA is very versatile.

Arabia. I always enjoy being a wealthy Civ. The UU is great too. Keshik jr. The only complaint I have is that their starting bias is usually production-weak.
10. France - Culture bonus allows for flexible strategies and starts. Allows for grabbing of of territory and with ingenuity allows any decent player to be a threat. Foreign Legions amazing.

9. Denmark - Amazing units and amazing combat UA The ability to land a unit on shore and move 4-5 tiles inland and still attack all on the same turn allows for rapid flanking. Berserkers are amazing (3 movement, amphibious, and ability to raze without cost, coupled with rest of UA) and stat and movement bonuses for Norwegian Ski Infantry allow for a great combination

8. Persia - Immortals allow for rushing, UA allows player to manage wars to his advantage at any time allowing for rapid flanking. Satraps court allows for additional happiness helping your empire

7. Mongolia - Only ranks so high because of singleplayer and the power of Keshiks on it. In multiplayer not as great. Khans are nice for front line wars

6. Iroquois - Production bonuses and defensive bonuses in forests allow for protection and growth of territory. Lack of iron requirement allows for catapults galore while allowing for rapid rushes (not having to connect iron, just needing the tech) making it one of the deadliest multiplayer civs out there. Free movement and avoiding maintenance costs makes it arguably the most powerful vanilla civ

5. Spain - Very luck based, but gold from natural wonders allows for the possibility of flexibility (a free settler, worker, units, etc. can turn the tide of any early game), plus the benefits of settling next to a natural wonder can often be overpowering. Conquistadors are an improved Mandelaku Cavalry and allow for powerful fast rushes (and that extra sight can't be underestimated)

4. Aztecs - Jaguars healing bonus and woodsman bonuses gives the Aztecs early scouting advantages. Jaguar upgrades become rolling stones over time allowing near unstoppable forces and the benefit is they come early. Floating Gardens allows for either powerful tall cities or allow cities to focus more on production. Culture from kills allows better barb farming for training and for easier policy access

3. Inca - Economic benefits make this the BEST economic civ for flexibility. In multiplayer or in singleplayer you don't ahve to rely on other civs with its UA, allows for cheap roads and improvements, allows for making cities viable both in food and production and gold. Makes hills your best friends and allows for flanking and tactical destruction of your enemies. Slingers the weak link of the civ, but upgrades allow the user to make it a tactical frustration for any enemy.

2. Babylon - The free Great Scientist allows for an early academy or the ability to early rush something like Rifles even before people have knights/pikes. Enough said there coupled with the great scientist rate. Oh and those archers allow for rushes too.

1. Korea - Takes a bit longer to set up than Babylon, but very flexible and powerful civ. The science bonuses and free research agreements are just too powerful. You basically ally yourself several times with this UA and can keep researching with other players. Hwachas just kill everything too and become one of the best field units possible of the era. Turtle Ships are the weak link here, but with Gods and Kings could become one of the most powerful units in game too.
5) Aztecs - Their UA allows for a lot of different ways to play. While the UU is nothing too impressive by itself, the upgrade it has can be passed along to so many future units, which makes a huge difference over the course of an entire game. And their UB might be the second best in the game (next to the Bazaar).

4) Inca - They play very differently. My choice when going for a cultural win. With the UI, they can grow cities to a massive size, which is always fun.

3) Iroquois - It's amazing how much production one can gain with them. Their longhouse nicely compliments their UA, and they have a UU that one can mass quite easily.

2) France - While their UA does not initially appear too impressive, it allows so much flexibility. It could mean getting your first settler that much quicker. You can build up a pretty decent tall or wide empire before the UU's come into play, at which point you can go about dominating near everyone. Plus the colour scheme and music stand as some of my favourites.

1) Arabia - The only real Trade based Civ (until the Netherlands gets released with G&K). They play fairly differently, and with all those lovely resources it's amazing how much gold one can gain every 30 or so turns. They have a strong UU as well, which is ideally placed (for me) in the Middle Ages, allowing for some conquest. Gold really allows a lot of different ways to play. I've won science victories, diplomacy victories, and cultural victories with them. Overall a lot of fun.
5. Denmark. On the rare occasion that I feel like playing a domination victory, I choose Denmark more often than not. The first time I played them, I rolled a pangea map. I almost restarted when I realized this, but decided to stick it out. I figured that having a strong navy would let me harass coastal cities and make taking them over simpler, so I picked up the naval half of commerce and built the great lighthouse just on a lark. After doing so, this civ promptly Blew. My. Mind. The first time I had a berserker land on the shore, pillage four tiles and then attack a city all in one turn...I was in love. When it came time to turn on my last ally and finish the game, I went from "We have made a public declaration of friendship" to "The world has been convulsed by war..." in one turn. :lol:

4. Siam. As a mostly peaceful player, I love Siam. I can quietly build up my empire, pumping my population and culture through the roof by buying off city-states, and if anyone has a problem with it (I'm looking at you, Alexander.) they can come talk to Mr. Stampy. And let's be honest, who doesn't love popping Wats with legalism? And the absolute best thing about playing as Rammy? Not having to worry about runny into Mr. Stampy yourself. ;)

3. Korea. If you'll pardon the pun, I'm a player who tends to turtle after exploring my continent. I'll usually try to find a way to seal off a section of the map for myself using mountains, lakes, coastlines, cultural borders etc, and then hold on to my borders like they're made of solid gold. Since I don't usually get around to exploring the oceans and the other continent until the early industrial era, this civ's weakness (the turtle ship) is no weakness at all for me. Instead, it lets me lock down my coastlines just as hard as I lock down my terrestrial borders. With a Hwacha in each of my border cities, and the ability to RA with myself, I find that I don't really need to worry about invasions from my continent or rushing to meet the other civs on the map.

2. Persia. When most people think of "The Money Civ", they think Arabia. Extra gold from trade routes and double resources? Great! Yeah...unless you play tall rather than wide. :rolleyes: For the tall player, Persia walks the walk (at +1 movement) all the way to the bank. Fewer cities means less unhappiness means more golden ages means money money money. The first time I managed the stack up a 100+ turn golden age, you could have knocked me down with a feather. Whenever I get the urge to play a manipulative game where I stay quiet and bribe all my enemies into destroying each other while I build a rockin' rocket - (I'm sorry, I'm sorry) - I usually load up Persia.

1. Babylon. I know this civ is pretty much guaranteed to be in anyone's top 5, and that that makes it a bit trite, but I just can't help how much I love playing as them. Pottery and Writing are the first two techs I research in almost every game I play, no matter who I'm playing as, and popping a free great scientist around turn 20 is awesome! Playing Babylon, settling the GS, then hardbuilding the Great Library followed by the National College is probably my favorite start to any game ever. Something about blowing through the entire classical era in about 20 turns just tickles me. Add in the fact that I can usually manage to pull off a Bowman rush on my nearest neighbor's capital (On Emperor, at least.) and that I have the Walls to stop any early rushes against me, and you have the best civilization I could ever want for the style of play I prefer. :D
5. Rome- Honestly this ones laurels rest on the history and culture. Something about playing as the Roman Empire that is difficult to replicate.

4. America- Cheaper tiles combined with liberty and ideally angkor wat allow me to build a vast nation, to overwhelm my enemies with sheer size

3. Russia- Play it similarly to America, but prefer krepost, ua and especially the rich history. Long live the Romanovs!

2. Germany- Nation of choice for domination, although I have my misgivings on the interpretation of Germany vis a vis how I would paint them. liberty rapid expand backed by landsnecht+UA=truly enormous dominant nation.

1. France- The history, the culture, the foreign legion. France is truly my homeland. Viva la Bourbons! :king:

** Looking forward to adding the Austrians, under the Habsburgs, to this list!
5 - The Aztecs. I usually choose them when wanting a domination victory, and when that inevitably falls flat (by rolling continents or something) I can still culture it up by staying at war with my neighbours and killing the units they throw at me.

4 - China. An excellent defensive/offensive civ and who doesn't love the paper maker?

3 - Polynesia. I'll admit it. I really like archipelago maps, where this civ tends to shine. Hyper-expand as much as you can early game, grab up a crapton of ruins and luxes, and with the AI failing at naval warfare generally winning however you see fit. Besides, orange *is* the best colour.

2 - Egypt. I'm a wonder whore when I can, and I love their flavour.

1 - Iriquois. Besides the aforementioned production boom that they can pull off relatively early, the Mohawk Warriors are a godsend early in the game especially since unless I'm playing the Aztecs I prefer peaceful play. (I know, I'm weird like that).

Really looking forward to the Celts and to Sweden.
First time poster, long timer lurker :). This seemed interesting enough, so as a just King player, here's my list:

5. India - My first science victory and a great all around civ for small but culturally beasty empires. Great civ for defending also and those elephants were really nice for fending of unwanted intruders. Dropping the A-bomb was kinda jerk move on my part. Poor city-states, not. Although, in my defense, I was just doing what game designers wanted me to do...

4. Babylon - Oh great Babylon, how you have fallen. Anyways, it's somewhat odd, but I like Babylon just for their sheer and rich history, not so much because of their abilities, although those are really, really good. And yeah, Nebuchadnezzar is a paranoid weirdo, that also helps. Something about Nimrod and all...

3. Persia - Golden Age forever? Wouldn't we all wish for that? It's possible with this guy, and on my current achievement hunting, Alexander the Archnemesis first fell under my golden troops. Next stop, the arrogant Napoleon. Great civ with tons of money and great abilities to boost.

2. Russia - For Mother Russia! I just love to roleplay the vast and industrious Russia with all that iron and production. I also, almost always, make a Siberian town that has a vast railroad connecting both of the ends of my empire (guess what I call that railroad^^). Cossacks are also a nice unit that my dear Mongolian neighbors did not see in action. Loving those tundra starts!

1. Egypt - What can I say, the history, the wonder whoring, Tombs of Kings, Egypt has it all. By far my favorite civ to get in to while playing. Maybe not the best overall, especially on higher difficulties, but certainly my favorite from historical and personal preference. Only if Sumerians were a civ outside the scenarios would their place be compromised. But as it is, Egypt is über alles.
5. Mongols - Build a few production heavy cities while beelining Keshiks, and when I have them; ill go raze everything thats near me. No puppets, only death.

4. Russia - I use my out of the way start position to expand early for good production sites, but i always make sure I get the Great Wall. I then focus heavily on getting my borders to expand. Usually Angkor Wat, Tradition opener and Monument + Krepost in every city.
After that; Either catch up in tech or go swarm someone with cossacks or tanks, depending on age...

3. Babylon - University specialist tactics, get a vast tech advantage, then use it... Build Walls of Babylon, Castles and Arsenal in every city, build the Kremlin wonder, and get the 33% stronger cities in the Freedom policy tree = Dont really need any land units... ;)
Barracks and Armory in the best production city to produce elite and advanced units if needed.

2. Denmark - Only two or three cities, build up a large force of Berserkers and then go pillage Ramkhamwhatever or Alexander or any other usually annoying civ there is close by. :p I usually dont capture their cities, just keep the wars going and pillage every tile they have. I often wait until them DOW me though, and once they have declared on me there will never be peace again. Only burning, pillaging and Hell on earth for them. :)
Medic promotions on every land unit and they all work in pairs.

1. England - Settle only coastal cities, build harbors and never build a single road. Get the Great Lighthouse and fill out the Commercial policy tree = The sea is my highway! Rule the seas and be able to quickly bring reinforcements to anywhere I want them.
I mostly run a Market and Bank specialist economy and win by Diplomacy. Protecting my allies with my vastly superior navy.
Range and Logistics on every ship is a personal goal.
5. English - I think I will like them more come G&Ks when I will use ships more. The reason I like them now is really just because I know most about English history and I like to use my imagination when playing them, plus I like the Longbowmans added range.

4. Arabia - There's so much you can do with gold and I reached my GPT record using them, which led to a really fun game. They are the only Civ which I don't mind getting a desert start and always seem to have plenty of oil around them.

3. Rome - I like using Legions to build a long road to the AI to help me get my Ballistas around quickly, it may not be cost effective but it sure is fun! Oh and I like the purple border!

2. Mongols - I wasn't a fan of warmongering until I started playing the Mongols so I credit them with my current warmongering style of play. I love building a large army of Keshiks wiping out the AI in one continuous city razing action.

1. Denmark - As with all the DLC there's extra added flavour. I love the look of the embarked ships, love pillaging from the coast and with Vikings just been generally cool it really fires up my imagination. I'm sure I will like them even more when G&Ks comes out and the embarked units can 'truly' defend themselves.
5. Germany. Germany's UA allows for an early army buildup. I am generally not a warmonger, and I prefer to get solid cities running, and I usually don't declare war untill musketmen. But if I can just "aquire" a military from barbarian camps, it allows more time to build buildings and wonders early in game. And I am one of the few guys who can utilize tanks better than infantry. The maximum infantry I have built in any army has been 2 units. Otherwise, its tank spamming. 10% penalty against cities does not cause too much of a problem, and with the Panzer's upgrades, its much better than even mech. infantry

4. India. All about India's UA. I can spam food related buildings to punch out wonders in Delhi in almost 10 turns each. The Hanging Gardens are indispensible to build as India. Like many suggest, India is the boss at winning any game other than domination.

3. The Inca. With the no hill movement penalty, I can get some serious scouting done in the early game, and untilize hills everywhere for production bonuses and terrace farms. Although it might just be luck, because all my spawning capital points happened to be coastal, giving a very nice lead with so many hills and mountains AND the sea.

2. Tha Aztecs. Unlike most I have encountered, the Aztecs UA actually gets BETTER throughout the course of the game, as more enemy units are produced. Early game on King your usually invaded by about 10 units of Warriors, until the 20 units of just Infantry in the Industrial, and since you will be killing them all, it really adds up in terms of culture. Wherever the Jaguar warrior is lost, Human Sacrafice compensates for it.

1. France. With that +1 culture per city, its almost an unfair early game advantage for aquiring policies. France is also one of the most difficult AI units to play against, as with their UA it encourages them to imperialize everyone. For UU, the musketeer and foreign legion also seem like unfair advantages with their combat bonus. I mean, imagine if Ethiopia was gifted a Foreign Legion (you could guess what would happen). Possibly the only unit I can match with the Foreign Legion would be the Panzer, and as it is the Panzers have a tough time against these criminal mercinaries.
5. Russia - Landmass game. Expanding by quantity in the beginning can be fun sometimes. Large empire with somewhat less cities than usual. All this makes their somewhat boring start terrain bias not so irritating.

4. Inca - This is about defence and money. Defence, the terrain is terrible (although not for you) and the free maintain for improvements on hills is :thumbsup:

3. Arabia - Money, Money, Money, must be funny and it is. Arabia equals a large rich empire that have a lot of oil.

2. Babylonian - My usual playing style (I do not often play wide games) is with a small empire and Babylon is perfect for that. I know Korea, but I don't like them. Babylon is far better.

1. Germany - Well I like to start a major war during the dark age and also during the industrial age. Also i like to have a big army. Germany is the perfect choice here :)
9. Babylon - I enjoyed playing them when I dl'ed the DLC. They're a nice civ with some good bonuses. Later on I lost interest in them though, and I haven't played with them for a while now.

8. Persia - A nice civilization for quick development and expansion. I like playing with them once in a while.

7. Rome - Had no big interest in them until I tried them out. My interest into them grew further when I read more about Byzantium, I wonder who will be the strongest in G&K?

6. Songhai - Caught my interest after the first news reports of the rebellion in Mali, they turned out to be a good civilization to play with. Every game I play with them goes smoothly.

5. Greece - One of my favourites, though this is more because I'm interested in Greek history. And of course, who doesn't find it cool to have an army of hoplites?

4. Germany - Nice civilization for building up an army and to make some major-conquests after the discovery of combustion.

3. Aztec - Have some really nice bonuses, I appreciate them all. Gaining culture for slaughtering foes, awesome!

2. Spain - Nice bonuses and some nice units, I always enjoy playing with Spain. I like their unique soundtrack as well.

1. Mongolia - I just love those keshik and in overall playing with Mongolia. Also, most of the time I play with the Mongols, I find an abundance of resources nearby. Coincidence?
5. England. I am hoping that naval stuff will be much more interesting.

4. Polynesians. One way to explore a lot and see how things look.

3. Germany. I have had good military games with them.

2. Aztecs. I love Jaguars and can only hope they interact well with faith mechanisms somehow.

1. All the new Civs in some order that I have no clue about yet.
5. China - Maintenance-free libraries are tasty on their own, but CKN's and supercharged GG's are just frighteningy good. My favourite land domination civ by some margin
4. Korea - Yes, they're totally OP'd, but sometimes it's nice to just blow everyone else away as if you were playing 2 difficulty levels lower. Also, they're the only civ that gets a bonus to specialists / great people other than Babylon (I'm looking forward to Sweden a lot)
3. Inca - Not really sure why I like these guys so much, their UA, UU and UI are all OK at best, but the whole is somehow greater than the sum of its parts. Some of my very favourite games have been with the Inca
2. Persia - Once you get Chichen Itza, you're basically in a golden age for the rest of the game. What's not to love?
1. England - I absolutely love playing naval domination. It sparks something romantic in my brain about the grand age of sail... it just appeals much more to me than crushing the enemies' armies on land. There's probably some deep-rooted nationalistic reason for this preference too. Very much looking forward to playing as England with the naval changes in G+K
I'm going to break the mold and make a top 6

6. Inca- the ability to have really cheap and possibly free roads if you have a lot of hills is amazing. And the ability to go over hills without a the movement penalty is great for scouting and guerrilla tactics. The slinger is ok, but the terrace farm is amazing if you have a lot of mountains.

5. Japan- Their military bonus is great for avoiding the need to inst heal and waste a promotion, because you'll be attacking with the same strength regardless. I like the samurai because free experience is great, especially if you have a barracks and an armory to add on to it. And having more great generals is always nice. The zero fighter is ok the fighter isn't that great, so it's it is a bit pointless IMO.

4. Mongolia- The attack bonus on city states is great when you actually attack them, but when you attack to many and permanent war is declared they can be a real nuisance. But the movement bonus for mounted units is great early game and it has great synergy with the Keshik. The Keshik is one of the best units in the game. They can shoot and fall back so they don't need any protection from melee units. And they're great for running in to an enemies territory and pillaging a bunch of tiles too. The Khan is really great because you won't need a medic promotion for one of your units so you can focus more on getting three drill/shock and then getting some of the amazing promotions.

3. Babylon- Their unique ability is great, because I love GP especially the GS. they are really good for a GL rush strategy because you can get writing, get a free tech, finish GL , get a free tech, which will slingshot you through the tech tree early game. The bowman is a good early game unit, because you can send bowman around and avoid the insta kill you would usually get on a normal ranged unit. And of course a bonus on ranged strength helps you defend your unit and hit harder. And the walls of Babylon make for a great defensive civ that has synergy with the bowman, so that you can block out all foreign invaders.

2. Korea- The Koreans are a bit OP, but that doesn't change the fact that they are great. The Ability to get a science boost when you make a wonder is really great, and the +2 science from specialist buildings is not as good as the first part of their UA, but it's still good. Like Babylon they have a great set up for a GL rush, but it isn't quite as effective. the H'wacha encourages defense which it is great at, it will knock down enemy troops like bowling pins, but the negative against cities should be ignored, because if you're Korea you hsould be defending a scientific civ, not warmongering. The Turtle ship is a bit of a handicap, but if you are being attacked from sea (this is rare, but it will probably happen more in G&K) it can really help.

1. Arabia- I love being the richest civ in the game. Roads pay for themselves normally, but with Arabia they can give you bonus gold (as long as they aren't too long). It's great for a big sprawling civ, because you can have large roads pay for themselves. The oil bonus comes late, but it's good if you want to do some late game conquest, or you can trade away a lot of your oil for gold, much like the bazaar. The Camel archer is awesome, while it isn't as good as the Keshik if you pump out a bunch of these, any enemies army will pale in comparison, as arrows rain down upon them, and lets be honest Archers on camels are really cool. The bazaar is practically a unique ability. Because you don't need to build anything else to get it, and it isn't too far down the tech tree you can be trading luxuries to everyone, and getting tons of gold, or trading for other luxuries and have happy people, making more golden ages, making even MORE gold.

Note: I find it odd that a lot of people with leader screens as their avatar didn't even have their favourite civ in their list (or at least in the top ten). But I won't judge.
I've had the greatest success with these five civs:
I suppose these civs
5. Eygpt really like the UB and UA
4. Rome I just like everything but I never get iron so only the UA is good.
3. Russia I only like to play them when I get something new civrev and then civ5 and now civ5 GK
2. Polynesia I love the colour and everything accept the able to go unto oceans.
1. Babylon I love everything!
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