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TSG24 After Action Report

Poped writing in a turn 10 hut -swear on my 1.
Let me guess. You also had WLTKD from turn 49. :rolleyes:

Moderator Action: Does this add to the conversation? Don't think it really necessary. If you're trying to hint, why not just say it?

I am happy with the clarity of my post, thanks.
i popped writing early on a re-run. i had half built a worker at the time and switched production. not sure id have been better getting that worker out first.
I should have rushed Robotics instead of waiting for all my techs. That's the key i guess, i started Apollo only at turn 215. At which turn did you start Apollo, Tsaghen?

In fact it was a counter intuitive idea from mine to have tought that. Since capital is the only city to build all the parts, you have time to discover other techs needed.
If I remember correctly I finished a RA on turn 203, build Oxford in two turns and burned a few GS to get to Rocketry to start Apollo so that should put it on turn 205. Got my 3 GP on turn 208 when I used a turn and GE to finish the Louvre. Also started the permanent golden age then.
I waited to finish Apollo to bulb Satellites then waited to finish the spaceship part to bulb to robotics etc ... so I could make the best of the RAs I still had running.

Forgot one thing that really screwed my game, the first luxury I was asked for "we love the king day" was Dyes which was never able to get my hands on for the whole game, that's a huge loss especially when research and the end game depends mostly on your capital's population.
Game: Civ5 GOTM 24
Date submitted: 2011-11-20
Reference number: 25216
Your name: Zikkurat
Game status: Science Victory
Game date: 1909AD
Turns played: 329
Base score: 724
Final score: 1113
Time played: 6:24:00
Submitted save: TSG24 1113 - 1909 n. Chr..Civ5Save
Renamed file: Zikkurat_C502401.Civ5Save

Hi there. This is not only my first try at GOTM, but also my first post. I'm not a very experienced player of Civ V, but a big fan of the series since the days of Civ I. Also this was my first try ever of OCC. I enjoyed the challenge quite a bit ;)

I started off settling on the hills W of the starting position, as the gold resource was still within the 3 hex radius, the city was still between the rivers, but got also the defensive bonus. Assuming, that I would end up on the receiving end of pointed sticks I thought it a good idea. Also I was lucky and got an additional cow in the 3 hex radius. Huts did OK for me, first gave me some 50g, second gave me a pop, but I was not able to snatch many. 5 or 6 in the whole game tops. I started up building a monument, then scout, planning to make early contact with everybody as soon as possible. For wonders I went straight to Great Library, then Oracle, Hanging Gardens and Porcelain Tower which I managed to have at turn 129.

I didn't have much of a plan regarding diplomacy besides signing RA as early and as many as possible (and I learned in the course of play that AI lacked gold to cover my needs :) ). Also I wanted to be friends with every CS friendly to me, so I got some militaristic friends, who gave me pretty much all the units I commanded during this game. Only exception was a war elephant, which I needed to get rid of a barb camp in the east, which harrassed me quite a bit and delayed my access to gold.

I also wanted to learn and understand how the AIs were working together and wanted to join the 'bigger faction'. As said, I'm not very experienced, especially in diplomacy so I thought it would be a good idea declare 'friends' with the AIs I beliefed to be together. This worked well for most of the time, but somehow I guess I have missed shifting friendships in the last part of the game as in the end it turned against me and I barely managed to have neutral status with the lot. Bismarck was a constant pain, but I had enough units from my CS friends to withstand two onslaughts. The peace treaties he offered were quite generous. He didn't stop nagging me, so the third time he declared war I wiped him out. Napoleon was also not friendly, but it was just an on and off war with not many encounters. The military successes I had turned my focus more on the battlefield than on development and research, so I didn't concentrate on the tech-tree...oh well.

Apollo Programm was ready at turn 291. With that I changed the focus of my city from science to production and build the space ship.
Hi there. This is not only my first try at GOTM, but also my first post. I'm not a very experienced player of Civ V, but a big fan of the series since the days of Civ I. Also this was my first try ever of OCC. I enjoyed the challenge quite a bit ;)
:wavey: Welcome to CivFanatics and GOTM.

Glad you decided to join us and congrats on your first win. :goodjob:
Forgot one thing that really screwed my game, the first luxury I was asked for "we love the king day" was Dyes which was never able to get my hands on for the whole game, that's a huge loss especially when research and the end game depends mostly on your capital's population.

I had the same thing, dyes, and still waiting for someone to hook up 2, on turn 270+
but that was the least of my problems. By abusing AI in gpt deals, I got warmonger rep and have been mostly unable to trade. Paid huge sums to keep RAs going and then got dowed by Egypt one turn after signing an Ra which cost me 600+ then few turns later mass Dows from every single civ but Arabs who stayed my friends, costing me 6 Modern/future era RAs well on their way to completion. :cry::cry::cry:

I think I will replay this one and I am sure by being peaceful I can shave off 50-60 turns.
Game: Civ5 GOTM 24
Date submitted: 2011-11-20
Reference number: 25222
Your name: danglading

Game status: Science Victory
Game date: 1958AD
Turns played: 378
Base score: 886
Final score: 1181
Time played: 7:52:00
Submitted save: Gandhi_0378 AD-1958.Civ5Save
Renamed file: danglading_C502401.Civ5Save

This one took forever, so I'm sure I need to learn some things about efficiency. Basically I pushed up the science part of the tech tree towards universities, and sold everything I could for cash for RA's. I had 2-4 RA's going pretty much the whole game, even when I had to subsidize my "competitors" to make it happen. At one point I got so far ahead in tech that I had to wait well over 20 turns for any of the AI's (Civs or CS) to get aluminum to be able to trade it to me. I could see it there on the map, and couldn't use it. =(

Other than a couple of invasions by Germany and one by Egypt, all of which were soundly rebuffed, it was a pretty quiet game. The last 50-100 turns were either "End Turn" or finding things to do with bored units. I had GA the last 40+ turns, and still had a scientist, two generals, and an engineer waiting to make more GA turns. I didn't realize you couldn't rush spaceship parts, so I hoarded the engineers and then turned a few trading posts into manufactories to help speed up the production at the end.

So I was sitting on a huge pile of cash, buckets of science and $ per turn, and just know it took me way too long.
Glad to hear there was retribution for abusing the AI. :thumbsup:

Sorry it had to happen to you. :(

Thanks Leif

That's what I get for reading the exploit thread and deciding to try it out right away. Seems it might be a good strategy to use in domination game where you just need some units fast and you will be Dowing everyone anyway. In this Case I think it's better to stick to one Free Dow. At least it makes it more of a strategy with it's own drawbacks and benefits rather then exploit.
Science Victory
Game date: 1812AD
Turns played: 276
Base score: 835
Final score: 1518
Time played: 18:22:00

I have replayed this one, wihtout AI abuse and finished in 243 turns despite messing up during spaceship construction, i have had Apollo but no tech to build parts, for 6 turns and few one turn blunders. Missed coverting one hillside farm to mine. Maybe 10 less turns if everything works. Had 3 RAs broken, but mostly in industrial when US, Germany, Russia and Songhai declared at once following US Dow. But after major drubbing for US and then lots of unit losses for the other they all sued for peace one by one on generous terms and stayed friendly. Probably b/c i was by then #1 in soldiers and close to the bottom at the time of DOWs. In first game despite being #1 most of the game (military CS quests) and having freed everyone's workers i still got mass DOWed and they were semi-permanent or permanent wars. Previous map knowledge might have helped, but not much it being OCC and i have settled in same place. I did focus on city growth 2nd time around and beelined for CS, but i think a major 33 turn reduction came from the fact i was not a warmonger and everyone still traded with me and less RAs broken

So AI milking in this type of game definitely comes at a price. I am still wondering how much Tommy milked his and how did they behave throughout the game.
comfortable, easy win, played to HoF-rules. Hardly any wars on my side, Germany backstabbed me t150 or so, then 190. During the end phase I decided to take them out to have something to do and secure another GG for GAge.

Spoiler :

Made a stupid mistake on 1RA that I forgot to focus on the bottom part, that delayed me 17 turns towards Apollo, I now started around t205 if I recall. Probably costed me 10-12 turns in total.

AI's were all friendly to me till close to the end. The AI's fought one war after another, as a result I had only 3 AI's that had money. The others were constantly broke. I typically had to gift them money to get an RA going. I only had 17 RA's, 1 broken by Germany. Last RA signed on t187.

I read Tsaghen had 26 RA's signed!! WoW, I would have wished for that.

On gameplay:
settle in place, scout, monument, Granny, Glib (for CS), HG, NC. Use philosophy to get a temple. Then PT, HS to get to astronomy and Rationalism. Bought me stoneworks and watermill asap.

SP: full tradition, left side of Rationalism, Freedom right side.

No CS's allied, didn't have an army till Germany attacked.

Missed out on CI, but got me Kremlin, Louvre, SoL, ND and Sistine. ND was unnecessary!

Last 35 turns I was in constant GA, via 3 GA's, 2 GG's and a "normal" GA. Only had 1 GE around t215 (together with GA and GS) (and a 2nd GE on t239!)

All in all an easy win, but then again, Warlord difficulty.

Tx Staff for a nice game again!
So AI milking in this type of game definitely comes at a price. I am still wondering how much Tommy milked his and how did they behave throughout the game.

In Bavaria we got this saying "Hast schonmal nem Nackadem in ´d Hosen glangt?"
Meaning -did you ever get something out of pockets from a nacked man - how get money from some1 brokken?

There wasnt much to milk and also I had to stay peaceful anyway as I had constant Ras running - did DOW Germany and England early -and maybe 1 or 2 more after.
But past turn 60 I had constantly 6+ RAs running.

But even with this Dowing only once - all civs apart arab (which I found late and never dowed) were in "cautious" status all game.
This game I never declared war and everyone was friendly until around turn 200. That allowed me to have 3 rounds of RAs with everyone (8 + 9 + 9).

The AI was broke most of the time and since I quickly was one and more eras ahead I had to pay extra for RAs. Good trick is to have resources ready to trade to get back the era penalty money right away.
Game: Civ5 GOTM 24
Date submitted: 2011-11-26
Reference number: 25246
Your name: kcd_swede

Game status: Science Victory
Game date: 1986AD
Turns played: 406
Base score: 755
Final score: 932
Time played: 6:14:00

Not enough RA's to make it fast. I did get aluminum on my own, by using culture bombs down to the south aluminum. Got me oil and marble as well. Didn't need them after all since CS's eventually got those for me.
Slow, but... I had too much fun killing everyone who declared war on me. Bismark got a big can of whoop-butt opened on him twice. :D And that English dame doesn't know when to beg for peace, does she? Anyhow, I got bored with it after a while and had to give her peace for nothing after cutting a swath through her empire and levelling London. :confused:

I tried gifting units to allied CS's which unwisely declared permanent war on Washington. I tell you, it is painful to watch what this AI (CS's) does with those units... wasting them doing really stupid things. Washington eventually conquered him despite getting an advanced unit per turn (mech inf, paras, and helicopters...against arties and rifles... mostly gifts from city states, inculding from the CS I was trying to save :lol:).

So the comfort level was enough that I was able to play around and have some fun experimenting with various features. The OCC made it endurable despite the late game. Now... if I was the AI, I would simply have nuked my butt over and over. That would have surely slowed me down some. But I guess they figured I was going slow enough all on my own. :lol:

Fun game, Leif! :goodjob:
Game: Civ5 GOTM 24
Date submitted: 2011-11-27
Reference number: 25251
Your name: VulturuL

Game status: Science Victory
Game date: 1931AD
Turns played: 351
Base score: 886
Final score: 1265
Time played: 3:58:00
Submitted save: Gandhi_0351 AD-1931.Civ5Save
Renamed file: VulturuL_C502401.Civ5Save
Turn 214
Score 1804 (758)

No stealing, dealbreaking or other exploits. Ruins brought us a variety of goodies, among them the location of Washington, 2x culture, a survivor and Trapping, but very little gold.

Our goal in this OCC game was growth, rather than to maximize the number of Research Agreements. When a ruins gave us 20 culture on turn 4, the idea came up to get to Landed Elite and the completion of the Tradition tree as soon as possible, wasting Legalism on a mere Monument. :mischief:

Sadly though, our growing plans were severely hampered by Delhi's poor choice for its first WLTKD demand (Silver). Furthermore, Germany became guarded from the moment we met so it wasn't until we encountered another AI (Songhai) that we could buy a Worker. :mad:

This was especially tough since we didn't build one either, but had set our eyes on the Pyramids instead. Still, it all worked out in the end. :)

Songhai grew fat in our game, and eventually conquered England, fortunately after the completion of our RA with them. But they were our eternal friends, while Germany declared on us twice for no reason. :scan:

Key turns
65 Great Library: Civil Service
94 University
103 Rationalism
113 Observatory
125 Bank
134 WLTKD 1
158 Public School
163 Golden Age 3 (until end)
179 Statue of Liberty
186 Rocketry
191 Apollo Program
196 Delhi=40
204 Nanotechnology
214 Stasis Chamber

Research Agreements
61 England, France, Songhai (94 Education)
64 America, Egypt, Russia (101 Astronomy)
121 Songhai (153 Chemistry)
123 America (154 Scientific Theory)
153 England, Songhai (185 Radio)
154 Arabia, America, France (186 Flight)
168 Germany, Egypt (199 Electronics / Mass Media)
172 Russia (203 Atomic Theory)

4 Tradition
9 Legalism
15 Landed Elite
30 Aristocracy
52 Monarchy
69 Oligarchy - tradition complete :goodjob:
84 Patronage
103 Rationalism (Oracle)
105 Secularism
124 Free Thought
137 Humanism
152 Sovereignty
167 Freedom
179 Philanthropy
192 Scholasticism
204 Scientific revolution - rationalism complete :goodjob:

Spoiler :
9 Pottery
16 Mining
25 Masonry
32 Calendar
36 Animal Husbandry
42 The Wheel
47 Trapping (ruins)
48 Writing
59 Philosophy
61 Archery
65 Civil Service (Great Library)
68 Mathematics
72 Construction
79 Engineering
81 Bronze Working
83 Iron Working
89 Metal Casting
91 Horseback Riding
92 Theology (3 RA)
94 Education :)
95 Sailing, Optics, Compass (3 RA)
101 Astronomy :)
107 Machinery
110 Currency
115 Chivalry
121 Banking
125 Physics
130 Printing Press
137 Economics
144 Navigation
148 Acoustics
151 Steel
152 Gunpowder (RA)
153 Chemistry
154 Scientific Theory (RA) :)
160 Military Science
169 Steam Power
170 Replaceable Parts (Oxford University)
174 Archaeology
182 Biology, Electricity (GS)
184 Fertilize, Metallurgy, Rifling (2 RA)
185 Radio, Dynamite, Railroad, Combustion (3 RA)
186 Flight, Radar (GS), Rocketry (GS) :)
191 Satellites (GS)
199 Telegraph, Electronics, Mass Media (2 RA), Computers (GS), Rocketry (GS) :)
203 Atomic Theory
204 Particle Physics, Nanotechnology (Scientific Revolution)
213 Nuclear Fission

Spoiler :
5 Scout
9 Monument (Legalism)
14 Worker 310g
19 Granary
22 Warrior #1
28 Warrior #2
36 Stoneworks 320g
42 Water Mill 400g
44 THE PYRAMIDS - 2 Workers
65 =10, THE GREAT LIBRARY - Civil Service :king:
78 War Elephant 310g
79 Aqueduct 400g
82 =14
90 Workshop 580g
94 Great Engineer #1, University 660g
95 CHICHEN ITZA, Manufactory #1, Great General #1
100 =21
103 THE ORACLE - Rationalism
107 Stable
113 =25, Observatory 780g
115 Market
117 Great Scientist #1
121 Mint
125 Bank
131 THE PORCELAIN TOWER - Great Scientist #2
136 =30
141 THE HAGIA SOPHIA - Great Scientist #3
146 Windmill
147 Great Engineer #2, Great Scientist #4
148 Manufactory #2
149 Garden
150 Temple
154 Opera House
155 WLTKD (Silk)
158 Public School
162 =35
169 BRANDENBURG GATE - Great General #2
171 Great Scientist #5
180 WLTKD (Ivory)
186 Hospital 1050g
188 Great Engineer #3
189 Manufactory #3
195 Great Scientist #6
196 =40
197 SS Cockpit
201 SS Booster
204 SS Booster
206 SS Booster
210 SS Engine
212 Great Engineer #4
213 Manufactory #4
214 SS Stasis Chamber
Great write-up Ribannah. Great game!

Too bad, turn 212 and 213 elements didn't come earlier.
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