TSL players, what was your most interesting Alternate History?


Jul 17, 2015
I think one of the broad appeals of playing on True Start Location (TSL) earth maps like YNAEMP is being able to relive history. To play out iconic ambitions and events in history. Sometimes they go as history intended, and sometimes stuff gets weird.

What are the most interesting Alternate history stories that resulted from your games playing TSL on Earth maps?
Off the top of my head, in V as Korea I conquered Eastern Asia before launching off the planet to go Beyond Earth as the Pan Asian Collective. We pursued a harmonious path, but ultimately determined the other sponsors unfit to continue to destroy the new world and conquered them all. With our firm base of development on our new planet, we launched into an effort to enforce Harmony in all nearby systems, with the firm force of our military Starships.
I virtually never play TSL despite usually playing on one of the Earth maps from YnAMP, but a few games ago when I did turn on TSL I watched Montezuma consume the entirety of Mexico, all of the US west of the Appalachians (Teddy had the Atlantic coast), and much of Canada before proceeding to conquer Kyoto not once but twice (he lost it quickly to loyalty pressure both times). :eek: I made sure to stay on his good side, because my Mapuche Empire was just to his south. (Brazil was in the game, but I managed to get my expansion in gear faster than Pedro and controlled most of South America--I was fortunate to have all of South America's natural wonders in my empire. :D )
Playing a Hotseat game with 18 civs inspired by the Rhyse and Fall civs of Medieval Era (except Ottomans, Mali, Inca and Portugal being replaced by Mapuche, Georgia, India and Korea), so far.

- Tamar and Saladin are in the most enjoyable Religious Warfare, initially Saladin had the upper hand but slowly started losing it but now is on the up-bringing and may eradicate Eastern Orthodoxy.
- Vikings have become a serious power house, but struggle in conquering northern Germany (but managed to take Danzig).
- Amsterdam has fallen, but this is simply due to the pressure problems that Europe faces, but it was a fun race, England nearly fell as well but recovered.
- France has turtled but taken majority of Spain leaving them with merely 2 cities and likely will fall within the next 20 turns due to Golden/Dark age cirucmstance (France got a Golden Age while Spain got into a Dark Age)
- Germany joined the war against France (France initiated it against Spain, and Germany helped out) and took both Amsterdam (owned by France) and Paris and soon Tolouse.
- Mongolia has completely been lackluster and struggled to get out of their situation against China.

I'm around turn 160 of 500 and the game has just entered the Dark Renaissance period (all but 4 civs got a Dark Age), and I can't wait to see what happens next, it's but so fun.
- Amsterdam has fallen, but this is simply due to the pressure problems that Europe faces
The Netherlands doesn't last long on TSL maps if Europe is densely packed. One of my early games of R&F I played as Scotland on Firaxis' TSL Europe map, and The Netherlands just couldn't maintain loyalty being packed between Rome, France, Norway, and myself.

- Mongolia has completely been lackluster and struggled to get out of their situation against China.
Mongolia is a powerhouse on random maps, but it's my observation that Mongolia struggles to compensate for its awful starting location on TSL, even if other Asian civs are sparse.
The Netherlands doesn't last long on TSL maps if Europe is densely packed.

One of the first mod to install when when playing a dense YNEMP TSL is "Slightly Reduce Loyalty Pressure" and maybe also "YNEMP faster movement speed".
I play on YNEMP Giant earth map old world only with 30 CIVs including some mods quite a bit.My CPU is great but turn time still get up to about 10 seconds late game.
I sometimes play with capitals don't lose loyalty mod when playing on Earth TSL maps. I recommend it.
In Europe, Germany made the EU - they took out Greece, France and some city states. England still had Britain, and a colony in Greenland (for that city on another continent bonus?). Russia expanded into Kazahstan and conquered Scandinavia from Norway. In Africa Zulus took out Congo and were blocked to the north by Nubia. Nubia conquered Mecca and South Egypt. Cleopatra was forced to expand into subsaharan West Africa - Nigeria, Ivory Coast and so on. Sahara was a big spanish colony. In Asia, Gilgamesh managed to keep his Mesopotamia, Persia expanding north. India was pretty much like in real life, the same for Japan. The Khmer expanded into whole Indochina before being conquered by the mighty horde. Indonesia had only one city until well into the modern era. China was the first victim of the horde, so not much to talk about. New world was one big happy family: Cree had West Canada and Alaska, Monty had whole central America, Mexico and the west of the USA, Teddy had everything east of the Mississippi. in the South, Pedro had practically Brazil, while Mapuche has all the spanish-speaking regions.

The horde conquered China in the ancient era, afterwards colonized peacefully the uninhabited regions of Siberia and Central Asia. They met the russian and the persian to the east, but there was enough room for everybody. Genghis thought about invading Japan, but without some effective ships decided to let the japanese be. A really peaceful classical period and medieval beginning, and we trained hard to shoot our arrows while riding at full speed. Out of nowhere, Java tried to convert OUR cities to his pagan religion. This insult must be bathed in blood. Keshiks and swordsmen with a few catapults and galleass conquered his puny empire. Now the khanate spread from the cold Siberia to the warm waters of Thailand.

Meanwhile we explored and met many other civilizations of the world. Afterwards, the irish cried for our help - some barbarians from England conquered their beautiful city. They were not the first to beg for the help of the khanate, but before we didn't quite know where Vilnius or Kabul are located. Now we had ships, mighty galleass which were prepared for Japan. They received a new target - conquer England. Oh yeah, and liberate Armagh if you get there quick enough.
Some 50 years later, England was conquered and with the help of our governors remained loyal to the horde. The khanate was the largest empire, but lag in military might behind Germany, Russia and the south african zulus.

Getting a few more years of peace, we developed our navy so that they could travel further without supplies. Some savants theorized that if we sail east from our main ports in Shanghai and Seoul, we could reach our english colony quicker. We set sail and discovered a NEW World! We could make friends with almost all the leaders there, and made some great deals with our pals Teddy, Monty and Lautaro. Pedro was a nuisance - what's his problem if the great people love Genghis? We thought about conquering Brazil for his insolence. But it was really too far away, so we let him live... for now. On our continent we were best buddies with Gilg, really a great guy. Our traders came everytime with useful information from him.

Another cry for help came to our ears - this time Geneva was being conquered by the germans. We now knew where Geneva was, but we still had only a navy in England. Our land forces were half a world away. We decided to liberate Geneva with a mixed sea-land attack from the mediterranean region. Germany would live to see another day. We bought right of passage from the spaniards, since they controlled the Strait of Gibraltar. And when preparing for war with the germans... the russians start a surprize war against us in Kazahstan. We had now the two world's strongest armies against us.

They say don't fight a land war in Asia... They're wrong. We fought. We fought for fifty years. At first, we lost many keshiks and knights against the new russian cossacks. We managed to kill a few, and our scientists managed to create the same weapons for our horsemen. We called them cavalry, and that's when the tide of war changed to our advantage. We even managed to convince some of the cossacks to fight for us - great fighters, they pushed forward after the fight, even when our cavalry remained on the battlefield to lick their wounds. City after city, we pushed to Moscow... and Moscow fell to the horde.
On the german front our navy ruled the waters, and bombed every german soldier and city in range into oblivion. But we didn't have any army to start taking these cities for our own. We managed to conquer one puny city on the coast - Nantes. To our surprise, the mayoress came to thank us for liberating them. Since Cathy was nice, we let her keep her city as a vassal to the khanate. Now we had a landing bridge in Europe, and from there managed to send some quickly trained riders to liberate Geneva. The swiss bankers payed us a huge amount - we were swimming in gold.

So we decided to sponsor some festivals in the russian cities and pushed from Moscow forward into Germany. We found and liberated Vilnius, but they said we were four centuries too late and didn't pay us anything. After a few more years the khanate spread from the Pacific to the Atlantic. The nantese people of Cathy revolted, killed her, and decided to join us. Shame, I kind of liked Cathy.

Our empire developed peacefully, we made a great industrial revolution. We even learned to drive in machines! These tanks were much more powerfull than knights, but we still kept our cavalry and our quite large army of ex-russian cossacks. We made more friends with the small independent cities. The people complained that the khanate isn't fit for governing our huge empire anymore. So we made a real revolution, and now we are called the Soviet Republic of Mongolia. I am still Secretary General, of course.
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(Genghis cont.)
Since our history was so rich by now, we decided to document the earlier happenings. We taught some people to go look on the battlefields of the past and find artifacts for the glory of Soviet Mongolia. Some advisors pointed out that visitors from other countries would also come to Mongolia, if we also found and displayed some foreign trinkets. OK, but where to get these foreign trinkets? We needed to dig in foreign lands, or to make these lands mongolian. One of these new archaeologists came with a third option: he told us that he managed to dig something in India, and when the police came, he gave them one of the comical russian terracotta statues from Sankt Petersburg and they let him go. We promoted him to Head Secretary of Culture, since no one before could discover what is the use of those statues. So we let our archaelogists loose upon the world. Some of the leaders protested, that impertinent Pedro even denounced us for about the tenth time, but who cared? It was not our problem that all of their policemen let themselves be bribed with these statues.

On other issues, we found out that the big southern continent was still pillaged by barbarians and decided to civilize it with our not yet battle tested tanks, and colonize it with good law abiding mongolian citizens afterwards. We named it the Soviet Australian Republic. The spaniards attacked Carthage, who begged for our help. Shaka surprised us since he joined us in this fight. First liberation war with allies in the mongolian history. We liberated Carthage and Lisbon and conquered Spain while at it. We split the carthaginian money equally, although our generals swore they didn't see any of the zulu armies north of the equator.

On a personal note, we've grown more and more close with Cleo, who really loved our big... army. She also loved money, so we also became very good economical allies.

Out of nowhere, Darius attacked our best buddy Gilga, and even conquered Mossul. This could not go unpunished. I ordered his head! We woke up our huge sleeping army and rolled over whole Persia. We liberated Mossul and Kabul and conquered Teheran and almost all his other cities. Our soviet advisors pointed out that we could anger all the other countries if we kill Darius. Having the experience with Cathy, we decided to let him be killed by his own people in his smallest town, surrounded by the mongol soviet republics of Iran and Pakistan. This strategy worked - after about ten years the few remaining persans killed Darius and decided to join Soviet Mongolia.

Our Soviet Union covered now Australia, Asia and Europe, except India, Japan, Sumerian Irak and the nubian Arabia. In the same time some of our young learned to fly! Yes, literally! They couldn't fly very far, but they demonstrated they could throw grenades on enemies from the sky. THAT was a great news, and we told them to train so that they manage to fly further than a keshik can ride in a day.

The people of Kabul didn't pay us for liberating them, but they promised to teach our soldiers how to better learn from their experiences. That sounded interesting and we couldn't wait to test it. Pedro denounced us again when we were finishing Darius, so he presented himself as a wonderful target. A part of our navy and army from Europe took sail for Brazil. We would have loved to send our new flying toys with them, but not one could manage to takeoff from the deck of a battleship. We didn't need them, this was the quickest war by far. We generously shared the loot with our friend Lautaro, although the mongolian army did most of the work. Since they had to put up with Pedro as a neighbor for a few thousand years, we even let the Mapuche execute him. The promises Kabul made were more than fullfilled. All our soldiers and sailors came back home much smarter than we expected.

The fat girl from Africa was jealous of my relationship with Cleo I think. Amanitore declared war on Egypt. Now we got to play with those planes! From the deserts of Sahara to the jungles of Cameroon we bombed her people into oblivion. Cleo begged me to let her kill her, and I accepted.

Now we had peace again, and our scientists learned to send satellites into space and to make a bomb which could obliterate entire cities. We comissioned a few of these bombs and even tested one on a rebel city in Africa. That made Gandhi of all people jump with joy!

We now owned Australia, Europe, Asia (except India, Japan, Sumeria and a few island cities in the south), Brazil, North and Central Africa (except the cities we let Cleo play with). We could conquer all the world, but why? We liked Cleo, we had some great buddies in Gilga, Monty and Shaka, even Toki and Teddy were friendly with us. The mayoress of Jakarta was a little annoying, but everybody ignored her.

So in the soviet congress we decided to introduce the Pax Mongolica and reach for the stars. That was also done!

/JJOne aka Genghis*
disclaimer: English is only my third language. So please be gentle with my inherent writing mistakes.
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Who knew life as Hitler would be so difficult?

I am struggling with Greatest Earth map with Hitler. This map has always seemed more challenging than random continents, fractal, or island plates maps. I'm at Emperor difficulty, and facing threats from all sides. Too similar to reality I say. I've had a few beers, so the AI has some advantages. And of course I'm surrounded by on all sides by hostile AI's. Who will come out ahead?

Biggest problem so far is a dark age is putting a serious cramp in my style. The loyalty system kind of sucks sometimes. There, I said it. I'm sure the real life Hitler never complained about loyalty. ;) Warsaw uprising notwithstanding. Seriously this dark age has been a serious problem. I'm struggling to even get monuments built. This game is giving me serious challenges. I can't get enough builders built, or enough buildings. I can't even get the basic building builts in order to start work on Hansas. I'm determined not to give up on this game. There must be some light at the end of the tunnel. The 3rd Reich shall prevail.

So far Winston Churchill is in the lead. I must find some way to take him out. I took out Benito Mussolini, but he was a serous challenge. Production has been a serious problem this game.

Maybe tomorrow I will be able to break out of this mess. I'll play a little while longer tonight.
My game is actually turning into my most interesting alternate history. After struggling to move up in power after conquering Benito Mussolini above, I built my empire up for thousands of years (mostly Hansas and Commercial Hubs) before I was attacked by the dastardly Russians and Norwegians in a war for territorial expansion. I was intending on attacking them anyways, but not quite that early. Slowly but surely I took Norwegian and Russian lands.

Russia turned out to be very necessary since I had no coal and no aluminum. A Russian city fairly well East of Moscow had both. Otherwise I would have struggled without battleships and bombers. Because after that I attacked the #1 player in score- Winston Churchill.

He had like 4 times the Navy I had, and his spitfires were heavily damaging my bombers, and even shot one down. His dreadnaught fleets/armadas could take out my battleship armadas in one turn with concentrated fire. And he had many more submarine armadas than I had u-boat armadas. My bombers were the only thing that saved the day and opened up the sea lanes. In the end, Hitler prevailed and took all the British Isles, and the Battle of Britain was won.

I made peace with Winston, he still has a lot of cities somewhere. My scouts kept getting killed, so I never got a chance to see the map. I may launch a satellite just to see the map even though I have that victory disabled.

For whatever reason Spain joined an emergency to defend an English city, so now I'm fighting against Isabella (I don't have all thematic leaders, I only had a few downloaded that I used). Spain also had a lot of submarines giving me trouble. And I'm slowly winning the battle against her. And that's where I stand right now. Hitler's domination of Europe is almost complete. Of course I'd like to take every city in the world.

I'll include the save if anyone wants a crack at this (unfortunately I don't have a save before the Battle of Britain- that was the most interesting war), keep in mind you'd have to have the same mods enabled. All mods were downloaded using steam workshop.

Screenshots of the conquered British Isles and the ongoing war in Spain/North Africa
Spoiler :

Spoiler :

EDIT: It was fun while it lasted, but I'm running into some bug that won't let me end the turn. I quick saved and exited out of the game, but now the save won't load. It was in the turn 1800 if I recall correctly. Some of my mods must be conflicting with each other. But I really only have religion expanded and Ynamp along with several leaders. Hmmm.

re-edit: Okay it seems the problem may not have been with the game mods. 100% of my CPU cycles was being taken up by something called qtwebengine process (4 different versions of it running actually). Only thing I found on a google search was it was related to Origin client, but I don't have that open. I think maybe because I had a youtube window open on my browser in the background along with the game.


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