[TSL] Yet (not) Another Earth Maps Pack


Super Moderator
Oct 4, 2004
YnAEMP is a map pack using a custom advanced setup menu and realistic random resource placement. Now you can use a TSL map with custom option : select exactly how many and which civilizations you want in game, set your victory condition and other game options usually unavailable when using this kind of maps.

menu screen :
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option list :
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City-States Placement : placement option for the city-states
- Only TSL : use only CS that have a TSL (40 available for giant earth, 23 for huge and 12 for standard)
- Random and TSL : this option will use TSL for the CS that the script can place, and use random selection for the others or those which were too close of another civ
- Totally random : All City States get random placement

City-States separation : minimum distance between CS and other civs. This will not be used when using the Totally random option, and will replace randomly a CS with TSL that is placed under the minimum distance when using the Random and TSL option. When you use it with the other options, the script may not be able to place as much CS as selected in the top slider.

Resources : a coefficient appliqued to the number of resources placed on the map. Note that by defaut the number of resource is also scaled depending of the number of players (CS included)

Bosphorus Strait is a sea : place a sea tile between the Black Sea and the Aegean Sea. If not checked, a river will represent the Bosphorus and Dardanelles straits.

Remove United States from game : if you want to use a random selection of civs and be sure that the USA won't be present in the new world 2000BC, then this option is for you. If you choose to play at the USA, this option will have no effect.
It will remove the US units at the start of the game, so if you select 10 random computer civs and USA was one of them, you'll get only 9 civs in game...

Add major deposits of strategic resources : will try to place the deposits defined in the ResourceRegionPos.xml file. Currently, all major oil and coal deposits are defined (see the <Resource_YagemGisementPosition> part of the XML).

Use true geographic resource placement : this option will prevent some resources to be placed in the wrong region. For example, Ivory will only be found in Africa and South-Asia, you won't find spice or silk in europe, no horses in America, etc... The region position are defined in the ResourceRegionPos.xml file, and the resource exclusion is set in the ResourceRegionExclude.xml file.

Add specific resources at starting positions : Place resources (set in the CivilizationsRequestedResource.xml file) for each civilization. You can set up to 5 resources to be placed for each civs.

Don't scale resources with players : when checked, the resources won't be scaled to the number of players, without this, if you launch a game with 20 civs and 40 City States, you can get a map with more ressources than you may want...

The realistic random resource placement options are only available for the giant and huge maps.

Actual map list

(screenshots size are relative to map size)

- Yet Another Giant Earth Map (180x94) : edition and convertion of Genghis Kai GEM for civ4.
Quadcore CPU and at least 4 gb of RAM on 64bit OS are recommanded to use this map.
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- Yet Another Huge Earth Map (120x80) : Dale's huge Earth edited with Europe and Japan upscaled
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- Standard Earth Map (80x52) : a cordiform projection version made by smellymummy
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- Standard Europe Map (79x73) : Dieter's Europe CiV
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All civs have true starting locations for those maps. The TSL for civs and CS are set via XML files, this way custom civs and CS could be added without needing to edit the maps...


- Important : when updating always remove the previous version of any mod from your mod folder

- update your version of Civilization to at least patch
- download the civ5mod file to your mod folder (..\My Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS).
- launch civ5, go in the Mods menu and wait a few seconds for the files to be extracted. If the automatic extraction is not working, use 7zip to manually extract the mod (the .civ5mod file is a 7zip archive) in the mods folder.
- find the "Yet not Another Earth Maps Pack" line and activate the mod.
- from the mod section, click next, go to single player and then to custom game
- do not use the classic set up game option, to get the new advanced setup menu, you must go in custom game, then select Yet (not) Another Earth Maps and click on Load Mod

As a complement, there are independent city-states mods with TSL designed specially for this map pack (see attachment) :
- Madeira's Selection of ancient city-states to use with the giant map only (still beta version)
- Ynaemp City States for vanilla Civ5, without overlapping start positions and less CS to give more place to European civs.
- Ynaemp City States Extended, with 45 CS with TSL. Due to game engine limitation, only 41 can be loaded in game, and on those, some may be erased at start because of overlapping start location.
- Ynaemp City States for G+K: Add new CS to G+K, you can then use YnAEMP only spaced CS for G+K to remove CS that are to close from other Civilization (require G+K Expansion)

The add-on mods for vanilla civ5 shouldn't be activated at the same time, if you do it the custom game setup menu will tell you and refuse to launch. The add-on for G+K can be used together (And I'd suggest you to use both)

And I also suggest the use of my conversion for YnAEMP of mihaifx's City States Leaders mod (see screenshot below)
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- Some files may need to be merged : MapGenerator.lua and WorldBuilderRandomItems.lua if they are used by another mod.
- This mod reinitialize and change 3 resources table : Resource_TerrainBooleans, Resource_FeatureTerrainBooleans, and Resource_FeatureBooleans. Any mod updating those tables should be loaded after this one.
- Since version 0.2, the YnAEMP City state Leader mod does not override any file.


- Add a new TSL for a custom civilization / city state
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you can add a TSL for any custom civ by editing the CivilizationsStartPos.xml file (or MinorCivStartPos.xml for a city state).

you need 2 things :
- the civilization type name (like "CIVILIZATION_ARABIA") that you'll find in the custom civ mod files.
- the tile location of the map you want to use it in.

for example, if you want to add the dutch TSL on the giant map, open Earth_Giant_blank.Civ5Map in the world builder, locate the plot here (edit plot tab) and note it (I'll use plot 16,70).

then find the tag <Civilizations_YagemStartPosition> (or <MinorCiv_YagemStartPosition> for CS) in CivilizationsStartPos.xml (or MinorCivStartPos.xml for CS), and add a row like this:


(search/insert in the <Civilizations_YagemStartPosition> tag for the huge map and <Civilizations_CordiformStartPosition> for the standard map)

(note that I havn't checked if "CIVILIZATION_DUTCH" is the right type, verify in the dutch mod ;) )

save your change and try to start a game selecting the Dutch, if all civs start at random pos, then you may have made a typo in the XML file.

you're limited to 22 major civs in game atm, if you have all the DLC then you'll have at least one civ missing in game if you use any custom civ.

- Add a new TSL directly in a mod including custom civilization(s) / city state(s)
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In your mod properties in modbuddy, go to the Associations tab, and in the References section click Add Mod then enter the mod title (YnAEMP) and the mod ID (36e88483-48fe-4545-b85f-bafc50dde315)

This way YnAEMP will create the needed table in the DB before your mod is loaded.

Then you just need to add the XML code in one of your files to add the position of your civilization in YnAEMP tables.

For example to add the Dacian TSL on the Large Europe, the code would be

The YnAEMP tables names are found in CivilizationsStartPos.xml, MinorCivStartPos.xml (for CS), and CivilizationsRequestedResource.xml (if you want to add specific resources around your civilization TSL if the corresponding option is checked in the setup screen)

Patches for Custom Civilizations (thanks to JFD)

Patria Grande
Colonialist Legacies


If the game crash when loading the giant map, try the old version, aka YAGEM (loaded the "normal" way, ie mod -> single player -> set up game -> choose map). If this version alone lead to a crash, then you're probably limited by the the actual civ5 executable and/or your hardware.

Before reporting a bug, please try the following :
- Delete the content of your game cache folder (..\My Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\cache\)
- Enable lua loging : open the config.ini file (in "..\My Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5") with notepad or any other text editor, find the line with "LoggingEnabled = 0" and replace by "LoggingEnabled = 1"
- Launch YnAEMP, and if you still have the bug go to the "..\My Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\Logs" folder, open Lua.log with your text editor, and send me a PM with a copy/paste of the content of the file with a description of your problem. (or save the log as a .txt file and post it here)

Minimum Civ5 patch version required :, I can't provide support for older version of Civilization V.

Known bug

- Crash may occur when loading/using the giant map due to the amount of computer resources used

Credits and Thanx :

Genghis Kai, Dale, smellymummy, Dieter VonClam for their great maps :goodjob:
Ambrox62 for his maps and the AMC mod
Madeira, PseRamesses and everyone on this thread for test reports, comments, suggestions and help debugging the mod
mihaifx for the City States Leaders mod
Ekmek: CS TSL for the cordiform earth
Montijin: TSL for BNW Civs on the Huge Earth Map
Al-Iskander: TSL for all Civs and CS on djvandyke's standard sized Earth Map
JFD: patches to add TSL for custom civilizations


All the vanilla civs (including Babylon and Mongolia) starts at the good place.
Dont really understand how to get the civs in the good place :P

in fact, I don't really understand the question : can you describe how you get the civs starting at the wrong place using that mod ? :D
To me this is a really cool mod! Its the first time I tried an Earth map because of it ;)

I have one sugestion, when I start a game, I like to pick the civs that will be in it, and I always use one of two selections, either ancient civs (Rome, Greece, Egypt, Babylon, Persia, India, China, Japan, Aztecs and maybe Iroquois) or more recent civs (America, France, Germany, England, Arabia, Ottomans, China, Japan, Siam, Songhai, India). So yesterday I tried your mod with the ancient selection, playing as the Romans, and CS in TSL (love that one), got 3 CSs in northern Italy, one of them couldnt even build a city because it was too close to Rome, and then there's the problem of having more recent CSs mixed with ancient civs.

So my sugestion is, add an option to only use one of these selections, with perhaps Americans and Iroquois as options in 2nd selection. If im playing as Americans I would like Iroquois to be there too so im not playing alone in N. America, but I suppose they could also be converted to a CS.

Then, add a few more CSs so we could have a nice list of both ancient and more recent CSs. I can help with ideias if you want to take my sugestion. The idea is, if playing a game with ancient civs, only ancient city states are placed on the map. If playing with more recent civs, only more recent CSs are placed, plus some others that were still around in renaissance times ;) Also logical would be to create CSs to represent Rome, Athens and Alexandria for instances, since they're no longer full civs in the 2nd selection, they should still be on the map as CSs.

Let me know what you think, I currently have no time to do mod work on Civ5 since im still working on Civ3 :p, but I can help with sugestions like this ;)
To me this is a really cool mod! Its the first time I tried an Earth map because of it ;)
thanx :D

I have one sugestion, when I start a game, I like to pick the civs that will be in it, and I always use one of two selections, either ancient civs (Rome, Greece, Egypt, Babylon, Persia, India, China, Japan, Aztecs and maybe Iroquois) or more recent civs (America, France, Germany, England, Arabia, Ottomans, China, Japan, Siam, Songhai, India).
I've not started to work on the civs selection part (resource first in the todo now), but I plan to add a menu allowing some kind of preselection (as it's already done for CS), and modern/ancient is a good sugestion for those list, I'll use it I think :)

So yesterday I tried your mod with the ancient selection, playing as the Romans, and CS in TSL (love that one), got 3 CSs in northern Italy, one of them couldnt even build a city because it was too close to Rome, and then there's the problem of having more recent CSs mixed with ancient civs.
which separation setting did you use ?

normally the default (minimum) should prevent a CS starting so close of another that it can't settle at it's starting position. Only the "no check" option should lead to such a case, so maybe it's a bug that I need to check if you can confirm it.

The map preselection use a list of 26 city that aren't too close of each other and will fill the map nicely. I've tried to used the most ancient one in this list...

So my sugestion is, add an option to only use one of these selections, with perhaps Americans and Iroquois as options in 2nd selection. If im playing as Americans I would like Iroquois to be there too so im not playing alone in N. America, but I suppose they could also be converted to a CS.
yep. on a side note, the civs are placed before the CS, if a civ and a CS representing that civ are loaded (let say Edinburgh and Scotland custom civ - and if Scotland TSL is set in the XML), then the CS will be removed from the game leaving only the civ if you don't use the "no check" option for separation.

Then, add a few more CSs so we could have a nice list of both ancient and more recent CSs. I can help with ideias if you want to take my sugestion. The idea is, if playing a game with ancient civs, only ancient city states are placed on the map. If playing with more recent civs, only more recent CSs are placed, plus some others that were still around in renaissance times ;) Also logical would be to create CSs to represent Rome, Athens and Alexandria for instances, since they're no longer full civs in the 2nd selection, they should still be on the map as CSs.

Let me know what you think, I currently have no time to do mod work on Civ5 since im still working on Civ3 :p, but I can help with sugestions like this ;)
As it is, the mod is ready to be made compatible with any CS mods, the only thing to do is setting the TSL of each city in the XML file. (I'll add a section about this mod customization in first post later - resource first !)

Of course, I can also add more CS to the existing ones (there are something like 10 already added, coming from my yahem/yagem maps)

And custom selection could be implemented, I'm already using one set as a table in LUA, I could convert the function to use XML instead, then you could simply make/add your own selections...

On another scale (and much more conditionnal), I'll really like to add dynamic city naming to those maps. Something using true name for cities based on geography, civilization and eras... But that would need a huge work, maybe not much in coding, but in research and Database/XML filling... not something I could do without help ;)
Thats cool Gedemon! Good luck with the resource placement thing!

I used the default minimun separation, so yea, probably a bug ;)

About civ placement overiding CS, sounds good, then all thats necessary is to create the custom CSs. If working with the XML is easier, I'll have some fun with it when you do that and I have some time :)

The dynamic city namming is a good idea, but like you said, huge work! I suppose it would be something like: If civ A builds a city near X,Y then name it Blabla instead of picking next name from citylist
then add a bunch of other conditions if you want to make it depend on era and stuff, and you have a job for a few weeks, hopefully with some more people helping you LOL
updated to v0.2 !

the realistic random resource placement is done and available for the giant map :D

there are two options related to resources :

- the first is Add major deposits of strategic resources, it will try to place the deposits defined in the ResourceRegionPos.xml file. Currently, almost all major oil and coal deposits are defined (see the <Resource_YagemGisementPosition> part of the XML)

- the second is Use true geographic resource placement, this option will prevent some resources to be placed in the wrong region. For example, Ivory will only be found in Africa and South-Asia, you won't find spice or silk in europe, no horses in America, etc... The region position are defined in the ResourceRegionPos.xml file, and the resource exclusion is set in the ResourceRegionExclude.xml file.
I used the default minimun separation, so yea, probably a bug ;)

Using Rome, I wasn't able to reproduce this one, but I've found another that need to be fixed (see the to do in first post)

About civ placement overiding CS, sounds good, then all thats necessary is to create the custom CSs. If working with the XML is easier, I'll have some fun with it when you do that and I have some time :)
working with the XML is a matter of copy/pasting at the correct place ;)

the new CS are set in MinorCivAdded.xml and their positions are set in MinorCivStartPos.xml (where X, Y are the coordinates found in the WB - edit plot tab)

The dynamic city namming is a good idea, but like you said, huge work! I suppose it would be something like: If civ A builds a city near X,Y then name it Blabla instead of picking next name from citylist
then add a bunch of other conditions if you want to make it depend on era and stuff, and you have a job for a few weeks, hopefully with some more people helping you LOL

yes, that exactly how I want to do it, and yes, it's a full time job :D

but if I manage to do the code part, with a small exemple (let say a part of europe), then it's just a question of "who want to edit a few tousands of XML lines ?" :)
but if I manage to do the code part, with a small exemple (let say a part of europe), then it's just a question of "who want to edit a few tousands of XML lines ?" :)

ok, good luck with that ;)

I'll take a look at the new version now, the resource thing seems excelent!
I've noticed that there are too many resources placed on the map right now, I'll post later a new version with a fix, and while I'm at it, a new option to set the quantity of resources to be placed...
v0.3 is uploaded, see first post for the new option description, changelog :

- fix a bug allowing (sometime a lot) more resources than needed to be placed
- added options: one to specify the quantity of resources to place and the "don't scale the resource with number of players" option
- tweak the resources placement
- use better code for deposits placement
- allow water resource to be placed really offshore
some little notes on the city states (presellected)
- tyre and sidon are to close to eachother, gues you can remove 1 of them and add a citystate in africa or something (maby you could rename one of them to Jerusalem?, that city had so much impact on world history as we all know)
- Could you move Brussels one 1 tile up and name it Amsterdam, think that city is more important and gives the frech a bit more room
- I Like your add of Monaco but You have to remove florance and genua, their is simply no room. Venice could stay
again maby move the 2 citystates to africa/australia/america/asia
Gedemon, I have no time for this at home, but I can do a few things at work, so im working on an ancient CS selection. I already made a list of CS for America, Africa and Europe, other regions will follow. Then I'll add them to the MinorCivAdded xml file. However im going to need some help with the MinorCivStartPos xml file, I dont have worldbuilder so I know of no way to determine the X Y locations for them.

I'll post the list of CS soon. By the way, I believe its Ile Ife, not Ife Ife :) That one is included in my African CSs too.

While working on the European list, I thought about making various Celtic "cities" minor CSs, since they're not in the game as a full civ, but then we would end up with a crowded Europe because I would have to do the same for other "barbaric" cultures, so I just kept Vienna and Genoa and see them as Celtic and Ligurian CSs. Another idea that crossed my mind is rename the Greek civ to Macedon and add a few Greek CSs around southern Europe, but that would make it seem like a scenario and not so much as an Epic game, but go ahead and comment :)
LOL, yea! :)

but only for ancient civs flavour ;)

Here's my current list, havent worked on the far-east yet, that will need some research. This will be the complete list, meaning whats not here will not show up if you're playing TSL only:


Cahokia (Mississipian)
Culhuacan (Anasazi)
Teotihuacan (Totonac)
Tikal (Maya)
Cuzco (Inca)


Carthage (Punic)
Ile Ife (Yoruba)
Meroe (Kush)
Zimbabwe (Zulu)


Tertessos (Tartessic)
Ragusa (Sicilian)
Vienna (Celtic)
Genoa (Ligurian)
Troy (Trojan)
Hatussa (Hittite)


Tyre (Phoenician)
Anshan (Elamite)
Petra (Nabatean)
Marib (Sabean)
Harappa (Harappan)
Thanjavur (Chola)
Ecbatana (Mede)
Bactria (Parthian)
some little notes on the city states (presellected)
- tyre and sidon are to close to eachother, gues you can remove 1 of them and add a citystate in africa or something (maby you could rename one of them to Jerusalem?, that city had so much impact on world history as we all know)
- Could you move Brussels one 1 tile up and name it Amsterdam, think that city is more important and gives the frech a bit more room
- I Like your add of Monaco but You have to remove florance and genua, their is simply no room. Venice could stay
again maby move the 2 citystates to africa/australia/america/asia
normally, the "preselected" option will place 26 civs on the giant earth map, all of them being far enough of each other.

When you use the "Only TSL" option on the giant map, you'll get up to 40 CS placed, depending of your separation option. With the "no check" option for separation, you'll end up with some CS not able to create their first city... Using the "Only TSL" option, you should set the separation to "minimum" or "close", then you'll get Tyre or Sidon on the map, but not both... note that with the minimum separation option Europe will be crowed.

I thing that with the resource code done now (I'll post the new version after a few test when I get back from work) I'll move the preselected table to XML for easier editing.

That will allow you to set exactly which CS you want in game :)

Anyway, I'll put more preselection, starting by Madeira's one I hope !

Gedemon, I have no time for this at home, but I can do a few things at work, so im working on an ancient CS selection. I already made a list of CS for America, Africa and Europe, other regions will follow. Then I'll add them to the MinorCivAdded xml file. However im going to need some help with the MinorCivStartPos xml file, I dont have worldbuilder so I know of no way to determine the X Y locations for them.
for the X,Y, the map screenshoots in the first post may be of some use... the ratio is 5 pixels/hex, so with an image editor (like paint) you can convert the X and Y using this formula :
X = image x / 5
Y = 94 - (image y / 5)

well, I've just noticed than I wrongly scaled the screenshot for 96 height, but you should get a close approximation... :D

for the other maps, use 80 and 52 instead of 94...

I'll post the list of CS soon. By the way, I believe its Ile Ife, not Ife Ife :) That one is included in my African CSs too.

While working on the European list, I thought about making various Celtic "cities" minor CSs, since they're not in the game as a full civ, but then we would end up with a crowded Europe because I would have to do the same for other "barbaric" cultures, so I just kept Vienna and Genoa and see them as Celtic and Ligurian CSs. Another idea that crossed my mind is rename the Greek civ to Macedon and add a few Greek CSs around southern Europe, but that would make it seem like a scenario and not so much as an Epic game, but go ahead and comment :)
Yep, I'll correct Ile Ife (or use yours)

You can set multiple CS at the same plot (ancient / modern versions), as long as we don't put both in a selection or use the "minimum" separation option with the "only TSL" option, only one of those will end in game (or I need to squash a bug here)

Talking about scenario, if you've tried the "american nations" selection, it may give you some others idea... ;)

Looking forward to your list :goodjob:

edit : like it !
v0.4 upped in the mod database. The "Add specific resources at starting positions" option is finally here :D

You can set which resources to place at starting position of each civilization by editing the CivilizationsRequestedResource.xml file. The XML is a kind of a draft to test the function, feel free to edit it at your taste or propose change here.
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