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Turn 167

azzaman333 said:
That fortress could be a strong hold of some kind. i suggest investigating Swampland, to check the defenses there (especially if we are planning on attacking through that way (i cant quite remember))

We are planning on going through Swampland, but it still doesn't make any sense to me for them to have the fortress and defend Swampland. We can't attack either of them unless we take Senilityville, so why not pile all their units into Senilityville instead of splitting them into 3 (Swampland, Senilityville, and the fortress)?

On the other hand, they built walls in Swampland which also makes no sense to me, and they don't have nearly all their units in the 3 towns we looked at. I would really expect no defense in Swampland. Do we want to burn more cash, or should we just storm Senilityville and see what we find?
Some numbers…with 44 cavalry, Offa’s town capture simulator says we have a 100.00% chance of capturing Senilityville. We can expect to use 23.7 cavalry – we lose 6.38 cavalry, have 2.32 retreat, and 15 kill KISS defenders.

So with a neutral RNG, we will have about 20 cavalry left over to do more damage.

3 cavalry give us an 88% chance of conquering Wilde Side. 4 cavalry give us 96% chance of conquering Wilde Side.

Looks very good to me…
:clap: I like those numbers ... and Meleet :worship: willing, we shall have even less casulties.

We will also capture some artillery units :thumbsup:

I personally don't think it is worth spying on Swampland at this time ... hit Senilityville before they reinforce it more ... the loss of those units will make a great impact to them.
The fortress and walls are puzzling… but I agree – we have to hit Senilityville anyway, so let's do that, and see what we can see.

We're sitting on a nice pile of cash, so if it turns out that we need to investigate Swampland, we certainly can.

EDIT: missed the post on the previous page.

I like the current plan! :thumbsup:
What if we let the battle decide.

Tackle the larger target first and if the Random Generator is kind, then divert units to attack the lesser targets.
General_W said:
We're sitting on a nice pile of cash, so if it turns out that we need to investigate Swampland, we certainly can.

We can't investigate once we declare war, so we have to decide whether to investigate or not before we attack Senilityville.
In that case it would be wise to see what reinforcements are nearby perhaps with peaking at the more established cities nearby as well.
Looking at the Map ... if we do spy on Swampland then it may also be safe to also spy Fortress of Stupidity as that is also near enough to house a garrison that may cause problems.
I don't know - we do have a pile of gold right now, but we really don't want to waste it. I really expect all towns other than the 3 we already looked at to be unguarded, but I don't know where their military could be, and I don't know why they built walls in other towns.

Swampland is probably about another 60 gold - I guess that one would be OK to check on since it has walls. After looking at that, we may have a better idea if it is worth checking others - if Swampland is empty, then I definitely don't see any point in spending more gold.

I really don't have strong feelings - I'm waiting to see if anyone on the team does, and I'll go with whatever people think.
If we take Wilde Side do you anticipate that KISS will reinforce their Saltpeter colony ???

Will a team of workers lead the charge by building a rail first ... or will they rail after the city is captured after in the same turn ... or at a later date ???
We can only railroad in our territory in the same turn - if our workers ever set foot in KISS' territory, then that will end their movement for this turn.

The plan is to conquer Senilityville - once that is our territory, the workers can railroad up through there. Then we take Swampland, and the workers extend the railroad through that city.

That is probably as far as we want our workers to go this turn. Any workers that railroad cannot be moved back, so we don't want to extend too far.

Wilde Side doesn't even have a road to its south, so if we take that town, then I will move 3 workers to the tile directly south of it to road next turn (I am planning on keeping Wilde Side if we capture it since it is still surrounded by jungle - other towns will be captured temporarily, have their improvements sold, then be abandoned before the end of the turn).

I'm hoping we may be able to pillage KISS' saltpeter colony by approaching from the east, but we will see how it goes. I don't know if KISS will reinforce it if we don't get it this turn, or if they expect to be able to get saltpeter from the Nuts, but if they do reinforce it, then their troops will be visible and vulnerable to bombardment so we can pick our best time to attack them.

Any comments?
Chamnix said:
Swampland is probably about another 60 gold - I guess that one would be OK to check on since it has walls. After looking at that, we may have a better idea if it is worth checking others - if Swampland is empty, then I definitely don't see any point in spending more gold
This seems sensible to me.
The KISSers may be idiots... but they're not stupid. :confused:

anyway - the walls there really make we wonder… we just got Strong to KISS last turn… If I was a betting man, I'd have to guess that KISS didn't expect us to be able to take more than 1 or 2 border towns on our opening move. They have therefore stationed some reserve forces behind the front for a counter-attack.

Now – I think this is a BAD strategy… but it certainly seems plausible.

My vote is to check out Swampland – and then based on that – make a judgment call on the other towns.

After we get Military Tradition, I think we'll go slower on Science for a few turns at least and accumulate an even bigger pile of gold… so money really shouldn't be a problem. (not that we should waste it!)

Finally – the road/railroad plan sounds good to me.
OK, I’m home a little early.

Microsoft Word – open.
Microsoft Paint – open.
CFC – open.
Image Shack – open.
Adult beverage :beer: within reach - open.

All systems go, so I fire up civ.

Flaxon Musk completes worker, starts cannon.
Tarkingrad completes cavalry, starts cavalry.
Parga completes worker, starts cannon.
Abdera completes cannon, starts cannon.
Phi Beta Kappa completes marketplace, starts barracks.
Old Lagoon completes worker, starts cannon.

Investigate Wilde Side, Effing Whomping Rower, and Senilityville for a total of 149 gold.

Investigate Swampland also for 65 gold. Here is the pic:

It is defended by 1 musket. Maybe everybody on KISS quit and the AI is playing the Celts? I don’t understand, but I don’t think it is worth investigating anything else.

Next up – the Battle of Senilityville.

1 Musket?!?!
The idiots!! :lol:

Yeah - no more investigations. Totally agreed.

(this should be fun! - come on RNG!!!)
Move all mounted units to Olympus Camp to make things easier later.

Call up the “Way Too Cool Dudes” for a conference. OK, how the heck do I declare war? Try renegotiating peace then taking peace off the table. It works! Let us destroy them! They are scum!

Battle of Senilityville:

3/4 cav (after cannon hit) vs. 4/4 musket -> 4/4 musket, cav dead.
¾ cav (after cannon hit) vs. 4/4 musket -> 3/5 musket, cav dead.
4/4 cav (cannon missed) vs. 4/4 musket -> 2/4 musket, ¼ cav.
3/4 cav (after longbow hit) vs. 3/5 musket->2/5 musket, ¼ cav.
4/4 cav (longbow missed) vs. 4/4 cav ->4/4 MIA cav, KISS cav dead.
4/4 cav vs. 4/4 cav ->2/4 MIA cav, KISS cav dead.
4/4 cav vs. 4/4 cav-> 2/4 MIA cav, KISS cav dead.
4/4 cav vs. 4/4 cav->2/4 MIA cav, KISS cav dead.
4/4 cav vs. 4/4 cav -> ¾ KISS cav, MIA cav dead.
4/4 cav vs. 4/4 cav ->3/4 MIA cav, KISS cav dead.
4/4 cav vs. ¾ cav-> 2/5 KISS cav, MIA cav dead.
4/4 cav vs. 2/4 musket-> 3/5 cav, musket dead.
4/4 cav vs. 2/5 musket-> 2/4 cav, musket dead.
4/4 cav vs. 4/4 MDI->3/4 MDI, ¼ cav.
4/4 cav vs. 4/4 MDI->2/4 MDI, ¼ cav.
4/4 cav vs. 4/4 MDI ->2/4 MDI, ¼ cav.
4/4 cav vs. 4/4 MDI->4/4 cav, MDI dead.
4/4 cav vs. ¾ MDI->4/4 cav, MDI dead.
4/4 cav vs. 2/5 cav -> 1/5 KISS cav, MIA cav dead.
4/4 cav vs. 2/4 MDI -> ¾ cav, MDI dead.
4/4 cav vs. 2/4 MDI -> 4/4 cav, MDI dead.
4/4 cav vs. 4/4 longbow -> ¼ longbow, cav dead.
4/4 cav vs. 4/4 longbow->4/4 longbow, ¼ cav
4/4 cav vs. 4/4 longbow->3/4 cav, longbow dead.
4/4 cav vs. 1/5 cav -> ¾ MIA cav, KISS cav dead.
5/5 knight vs. ¼ longbow -> 5/5 knight, longbow dead.

MIA captures Senilityville with 3 cannons and liberates 16 gold.

Pictures next….

That is a barricade, not a fortress, and it has 1 musketman, 2 cavalry, and 1 cannon.
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