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Tweaked Out Civ III mod completed

Hi Hikaro:

Tried downloading the patch but the link didn't seem to work...thanks for the minuteman/merc switchover. I have to say, I don't even play the original game anymore, whenever I'm just playing the normal game (and not starting up theme mods like NA or TAM) I usually just load tweaked. The social democracy gov alone is worth it (although the coffee and hotsprings are nice)! I wish people paid more attention to this one.


I'm glad you enjoy the mod. I've fixed the link, it seems that they've added a new directory to the ol' FTP since I uploaded the 1.5 patch and I forgot to take that into account:wallbash:

Thanks for the C&C though :)
Nice mode, Hikaro :cool:
Hey and something 'bout balancing the happiness : maby if Mass Media itself instead of reducing war weariness should make anarchy periods during the government change much shorter - then the radio station instead of producing content faces could reduce war weariness :rolleyes: What do you say?
...Well, social democracies ,say, like Austria maybe don't face everyday threat to its safety, but right here in Israel we do have a militery police - its nessesery here...so the militery police IMO is just fine for Soc.Dem. :)

I was thinking along those lines for the National Mass Media, but there is nothing in the editor/game coding that reduces anarchy time except having the "religious" civilization trait. Also, the happiness bonus provided isn't that large or overly unfair since byt the time you can build this small wonder, you'll need a FP type building in your newest settlements. Unless you're playing on a Pangaea map, that means it will be on a different continent than JS Bachs, or where your main capitol is. This is mainly an attempt to get those otherwise worthless late-game colonies geared up to a semi-productive state. About the SD, I figured with the economic bonuses, and all the other mood-enhancing improvements plus two additional Luxury resources, at the most, you might have to sink 10% of your income into luxuries to keep your citizens happy, if even that (In the playtest game, I only had to do that when I was fighting a long, gruelling 40+ turn war with the Arabs, and my cities were beginning to experience war weariness).

Well, I hope that explained things a bit. I hope you like it otherwise.
I was playing this mod yesterday and noticed something kind of interesting. I was fighting a war against the French on Monarch (I was the Iroquois) and they had managed to found Marseilles on a mountain. I don't think I've ever seen the AI do that before--it was just a mountain in the middle of nice arable land, fields, etc. But letting them do that basically made Marseilles impregnable--I was using a stack of 10-15 elite and veteran Mounted Warriors and I couldn't kill 2-3 green spearmen, kept having to run, rejuvenate, make new ones and come back to the (now) elite spearmen force. The only way I could take the place was with several trebuchets. Anyway, keep founding on mountains in this mod--it was a great change from the usual stack of doom attacks. :cool:
I hate to think what they would have done to a bunch of knights vs. pikemen, eheh.
I was playing this mod yesterday and noticed something kind of interesting. I was fighting a war against the French on Monarch (I was the Iroquois) and they had managed to found Marseilles on a mountain.

Ah, yes, I believe I mentioned that you could found cities on the mountains in this mod (I'm fairly sure I also added something about that to the civilopedia). In the playtest game for version 2.0, the screenshot of which I've attached about 4 or so posts back, my capitol, Istanbul is on top of a mountain that I took to calling "Mount Arreat" (as in the one near the Turkey/Armenian border where Noah's ark landed, not the one in Diablo II), which also turns out to have had Uranium:nuke: :eek: in it. Needless to say, I was cranking out wonders fairly quickly with that city (I also won the game with a 20k culture victory, coincidence?).

The reason I allowed building on mountains, is because I've (literally) been halfway around the world, and I've seen so many cases of cities bieng constructed on top of mountains (in order to keep the bad guys out), that they were the rule, rather than the exception. It didn't matter wether it was China, India, Japan (especaially Japan, then again, since about 75% of the country IS mountains, the Japanese didn't really have much of a choice). Civ II (my first Civ game) allowed building cities on mountains (which were just as hard to capture, unless you nuked them :nuke: ). I think the original reason for Civ III not allowing you to put cities on mountains is because they thought that it would make the game too "hard," however, as I discovered in my game, it didn't matter wether the city was on a mountain or not, my modern armor and TOW infantry could still take it :D.

Well, thanks for the comments, and FYI, depending on what new stuff pops up in the forums, and how my Final Fantasy Mod is coming, I might come out with a version 2.5 sometime, so if you have any suggestions, just drop 'em here.
Just a question about the Israel UU: why is its stats lower than the unit it replaces???
Originally posted by soren
Just a question about the Israel UU: why is its stats lower than the unit it replaces???

Because it has the 'treats all terrain as roads' ability.

Maccabee Israeli UU, uses the Enkidu Warrior GFX, and is available with Iron working. Has 2 att, 2 def, 1 movement, and treats all terr as roads. Replaces swordsman for Israel, and requires Iron
one small comment: great mod but shouldnt Hot Springs be a luxury item?
the100thballoon said:
one small comment: great mod but shouldnt Hot Springs be a luxury item?

I tried that, but the way C3C distributes luxury resources, they tend to be clumped together in one small area of the world. The only resources that are distributed fairly evenly are bonus and strategic, but bonus resources can't be used as a requirement for buildings. The other reason I went strategic is because a production based city improvement, the Geothermal plant, also needs hot springs to build. I was considering adding a Soda factory improvement that boosted cash revenue that required hot springs (for the carbonated water) and cocoa (okay, I know that cola is derived from the kola nut, but it's in the same family as cocoa and I've already got too many luxuries as is), but I decided not to.
I really want to use this mod...but can someone tell me how I to get it to work.... I dont understand what you are supposed to do to get it to work. I checked other posts seeing if someone would explain how to get them to work but I havent found one yet....can someone explain to me how to get this to work in C3C for me, I cant seem to figure it out. Like if someone could give me instructionson how to put mods into C3C. Because I have never put one in and I really want to start using them. I have put in simple things, like a new road but thats it.

Thank you
Keep up the great work Hikaro (and hello after a prolonged trip into a world without civ)!
Okay, here it is, from the first post (kinda hard to see, I suppose).

How to properly add this modpack:

The files go into the \whatever the Civ 3 folder path is\Conquests\scenarios\. Create a sub-folder called Tweaked then create one called Art. All the Files from the TweakedUnits.zip, TweakedTerrain1.zip and TweakedTerrain2.zip go into the \whatever\Conquests\scenarios\Tweaked\Art\ path, as do all the files in TweakedTerrain31.zip with the exception of the Tweaked.biq file and the Text folder The Tweaked.biq file goes into the \whatever\Conquests\scenarios\ folder, and the Text folder goes into the \whatever\Conquests\scenarios\Tweaked\ folder.

Fortunately, the version 2.0 patch was small enough that I was able to include the full path, so you just simply extract (or if you have Windows XP like I do, copy and paste) the entire contents of the zip file into your \whatever\Conquests\scenarios\ folder and chose "yes to all" when it asks you if you want to overwrite any files.

Hopefully sometime within the next 3 months or so, I'll have enough time to update this mod with a few of the things I've wanted to change/add, such as the Judahism tech, which allows the construction of Tabernacles (low cost, 1 CPT, double sacrifice), and sacrificial lambs (same cost as swordsman, can be sacrificed for culture), the Mounted Special forces (modern cavalry, same stats as TOW infantry, but higher cost and 3 movement), and two UU's for each civ.

Unfortunately, I'm deep into my FF mod, and all my spare time is being devoted to that particular effort, while all my other projects have been moved to the back burner (especially since I've started unit making).
it's missing files

Which Files?

Last I checked, it was complete, however something may have gotten deleted during the "Great Hacking".....

I'll try to re-upload the mod (with some changes.... I didn't realize at the time that pollution-reduction improvements don't stack, and I'm going to have the Mercs upgrade to Guerrillas or TOW Infantry, so that they aren't a CONSTANT annoyance from the late Middle ages on, not to mention that I'll give the Guerrillas and TOW infantry (which will likely be replaces by "Special Ops Infantry") the Stealth attack abilitiy.
Which Files?

Last I checked, it was complete, however something may have gotten deleted during the "Great Hacking".....

I'll try to re-upload the mod (with some changes.... I didn't realize at the time that pollution-reduction improvements don't stack, and I'm going to have the Mercs upgrade to Guerrillas or TOW Infantry, so that they aren't a CONSTANT annoyance from the late Middle ages on, not to mention that I'll give the Guerrillas and TOW infantry (which will likely be replaces by "Special Ops Infantry") the Stealth attack abilitiy.
it said something about socialism
techchooser/Icons/socialism small-vp.pcx
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