UKNES3 Reloaded - Forged in the Flames of War...

huh? how come the map got bigger?

I picked my nation because I thought it had the protection of the seas :cry:
Thanks for letting me join, UK.

Can we start diplo now (form alliances, declare holy war, etc.)?
From Libya
To Egypt:
From Egypt
To Libya but also The Ottoman Empire and Morocco should read

We would be happy with an alliance but in order to be reasured of your freindship we would need you to leave 75 alone for Egypt's use and would encourge you to seek med Islands such as 70, 26 or 27. Also a Muslim powers alliance with the Ottoman Empire and the Moroccians would be benificial to stop infighting when the infeidels stand so close to us.

EDIT sent orders
From Egypt
To World

Egypt declears N to be the waters of Egypt and the Ottoman Empire only. Here by i givestanding orders made here to any other nations fleets in these waters will be sunk and a state of war declerared. The only reason a fellow fleet would be here is to invade the Islamic world. This statement will be revicsed if another nation was to border that area. Egypt would also like for the Ottoman Empire to match our promice in order to better inforce our right to be without fear of invasion
To Egypt
From Kingdom of Morocco

We would agree to an Islamic alliance. The children of Allah have no need to quarrel amongst themselves.
To: Austria
From: Prussia

We propose an alliance. Fellow Germans need not fight each other.
To Spain
From Papacy/Italy:
We agree. May God be with you.
From Libya
To Islamese nations:
Islamic alliance would sound good to us too. Death to the heretics who call themselves Christians :mad:

sending orders now..
From Libya
To Morocco:
Leave 22 to us, you'll have enough land without it anyway, while we are leaving 75 to Egypt.

OOC: I'm considering withdrawing from this NES, the spot I have after the map enlargement is not one I wanted to play.. I'll stay for a while more and see how it ends up being like.
To Libya
From Morocco

Oh yes, you may certainly have 22. Just let us take 19, 72, and 73, and you may have 74 and whatever else is available.
lol if you Islamic nations are joining an alliance together, why don't one of you download the map, cut it to just the African part, and show a possible split of the provinces? That might help against all this number business lol.

And Finmaster, I know it's not the position you wanted, unfortunately things had to change. You could either swap with another player, or actually stand up for yourself against Egypt and allow them 76 but not 75 - since with the splits currently suggested, you having 75 instead of them, but them retaining 76 would a) be easier for Egypt to defend, b) would split Africa up equally - at least 6 provinces per nation, which is the average number for this NES, and c) Egypt is going to get about 8 provinces or more if you let them have 75! Look at the Middle East!

Basically, I know the situation has changed, but being too meek in diplomacy can make the situation worse, whereas being a bit more iron-willed can give you a decent nation.

Right, due to the many people unhappy with Africa as it is, and due to my own disastisfaction with the fact that there are less than 7 provinces for each of the two new nations, which was the exact average amount on the old map, I'm doing a quick little redesign.

It will be posted very shortly, and everyone will get equal shares in Africa and equal security, so no more whining!

New map:

If anyone has any serious complaints, and ones that are actually justified, I can change back to the old map, I've still got it, but this one is fairer on the African nations (all can get their fair 7 province share now without war), and if each of them looks at the map they will realise that the new provinces are within reach of them nicely.


Now Libya can claim more territory, rather than being bullied by Egypt, Morocco isn't so cornered, and Egypt still has a chance to be a major power.

If the Islamic Alliance holds fast and takes their fair share of provinces each, they could prove to be a superpower with a very strong base to invade Europe...

Looks perfectly good to me.

I think that I should get 19, 20, 21, 71, 72, 73, and 74. Libya can have 22, 23, 24, 25, 75, 76, and 77. Egypt can have 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, and 84, plus whatever else they can grab in the Middle East. Seems fair to me.
Hey then Russia should be expanded and divided too :mischief:
lol Gelion don't go giving Roddy ideas ;)

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