Unclear on what changes are part of the Community Patch


Jan 1, 2008

I'm interested in trying out the base Community Patch but not going for the full Vox Populi mod just yet. Currently I use a lot of whoward's Pick'N'Mix mods and it seems like some of their functionality, which has become essential for me, are incorporated into the Community Patch but I cannot for the life of me find any conclusive list on what changes have been made in Community Patch to try and figure out which of the Pick'N'Mix mods I still wanna keep in and which are redundant or incompatible if I start playing with the Community Patch. I read your pinned FAQ and the installation instructions post but I couldn't see any information on that topic there. Any advice on where to look?
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I honestly couldn't tell you as we haven't kept a running changelog - that's something we need to create eventually. You won't be able to find that documentation as it doesn't exist.

As a general rule of thumb, most of them have to do with combat (e.g., civilians withdrawing when military units on their tile do, ships being able to move across deep ocean to visible coast tiles) or to make a mechanic more AI-friendly. Core things like policies, beliefs, and technologies should be largely the same.

It's possible that VP changes are bleeding into the Community Patch Only mod unintentionally, as we don't get a lot of feedback for it. If you notice something that doesn't look right, feel free to open an issue on our GitHub Issues Tracker and we'll fix it if it's a bug. For example, we recently fixed trade route yields having unintentional VP additions.
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