v92 released

Have you removed all other mods?
The only other mod I have is Hormigas Enhanced Map Pack. I've tried Rhye's with Hormigas enabled and disabled, neither works.

I haven't played Civ5 in several years, so I may be missing something. My DLCs are: Gods & Kings, Brave New World, Conquest of the New World Deluxe and Genghis Khan's Mongolia. They are all enabled.

My civ version number is:

I tried another game as Egypt, it also said I was defeated as soon as it loaded. I noticed that there was some text missing in the loading screen.

Way to Role Playing Victory: TXT_KEY_RPV_CIVLIZATION_EGYPT
2 weird things i notice from the logs.

lua.log shows this at the very end

[90003.109] InstalledPanel: Refreshing Mods
[90003.109] InstalledPanel: GetModBrowserListings()
[90003.125] InstalledPanel: Refreshing Mods
[90003.125] InstalledPanel: GetModBrowserListings()
[90014.859] InstalledPanel: Refreshing Mods
[90014.859] InstalledPanel: GetModBrowserListings()
[90014.859] InstalledPanel: Refreshing Mods
[90014.859] InstalledPanel: GetModBrowserListings()

which implies some mod conflice

net_message_debug.log shows this

[89967.187] Net SEND (0): size=52: NetRegister : Version=403694 FINAL_RELEASE, My Version=403694 FINAL_RELEASE, From=-1
[89967.187] Net SEND (0): size=342: NetInitInfo : m_szLoadFileName="", m_szMapScriptName="C:\Users\Alex\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\Rhye's and Fall (v 92)\Maps/Rhye's_Earth_108x64_v11.Civ5Map", m_bWBMapNoPlayers="false", m_eWorldSize=2, m_eClimate=0 m_eSeaLevel=1 m_eEra=0 m_eCalendar=0 m_iGameTurn=0 m_bGameStarted=0 m_eGameSpeed=2 m_eTurnTimer=3 m_szGameName="My Game" m_uiSyncRandSeed=89951714 m_uiMapRandSeed=89951714
[89967.187] Net SEND (0): size=28: NetLaunchGame
[89967.187] Net RECV (0) :NetRegister : Version=403694 FINAL_RELEASE, My Version=403694 FINAL_RELEASE, From=0
[89967.187] Net SEND (0): size=33: NetPlayerRegisterComplete : PlayerID=0, m_initialRegister=1
[89967.187] Net RECV (0) :NetInitInfo : m_szLoadFileName="", m_szMapScriptName="C:\Users\Alex\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\Rhye's and Fall (v 92)\Maps/Rhye's_Earth_108x64_v11.Civ5Map", m_bWBMapNoPlayers="false", m_eWorldSize=2, m_eClimate=0 m_eSeaLevel=1 m_eEra=0 m_eCalendar=0 m_iGameTurn=0 m_bGameStarted=0 m_eGameSpeed=2 m_eTurnTimer=3 m_szGameName="My Game" m_uiSyncRandSeed=89951714 m_uiMapRandSeed=89951714

which implies that it's trying to setup a random map
From my experience, all other mods need to be uninstalled, not just disabled.
iirc, I had to completely re-install civ5 to get RFC to work. Delete all old mods and have RFC be the first mod I installed. I've gotten it to work with a few other mods that I installed after though.
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my net_message_debug.log looks very different
I dont have all those Net SEND (0) messages

[81904.343] DBG: Civilization 5: App Version: 403694 FINAL_RELEASE, GameCore: {83F34FF0-3D60-43E7-AEDB-82C79867EE3F}, version 1.0.0
[81916.937] DBG: Civilization 5: App Version: 403694 FINAL_RELEASE, GameCore: {83F34FF0-3D60-43E7-AEDB-82C79867EE3F}, version 1.0.0
[81930.718] DBG: Civilization 5: App Version: 403694 FINAL_RELEASE, GameCore: {83F34FF0-3D60-43E7-AEDB-82C79867EE3F}, version 1.0.0
[81976.671] DBG: Evaluating Map Path: (Success)
Original Path: C:\Users\gabri\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\Rhye's and Fall (v 93)\Maps/Rhye's_Earth_108x64_v11.Civ5Map
New Path: C:\Users\gabri\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\Rhye's and Fall (v 93)\Maps/Rhye's_Earth_108x64_v11.Civ5Map
[81976.718] DBG: changeNumGameTurnActive(1) m_iNumActive=1 : setTurnActive() for player 0 David
[81977.218] DBG: SetTurnActive() called without changing the end turn status. Player(22) OldTurnActive(0) NewTurnActive(0)
[81977.218] DBG: SetTurnActive() called without changing the end turn status. Player(23) OldTurnActive(0) NewTurnActive(0)
[81977.218] DBG: SetTurnActive() called without changing the end turn status. Player(24) OldTurnActive(0) NewTurnActive(0)
[81977.218] DBG: SetTurnActive() called without changing the end turn status. Player(25) OldTurnActive(0) NewTurnActive(0)
Set up screen:


Ready to start:
Ready to Start.jpg

And... I'm dead:
And Dead.jpg


got it.

Runtime Error: C:\Users\Alex\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\Rhye's and Fall (v 92)\InGame\RhyesCatapult.lua:248: attempt to index field 'IMPROVEMENT_MOAI' (a nil value)

You possibly lack polynesia dlc?
So, should we have all dlcs for it to work fine?
Also which nations or regions would you recommend to try out?
So far I tried India and Israel but both crushed around 301 turn so I did not write a report, now I am starting Egypt.
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