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Vincentz Infinite Projects [VIP MOD]

TBH I never made it to transhuman era in any game I've played, which makes it a low priority for me atm.

Oh... :( ... adding at least the "Next War" mod stuff would be really nice - pretty please ;) I have reached that eras and it was a let-down , felt like the mod was unfinished.
If You're not planning on adding anything there why do You keep those techs ? Remove them from tech tree or at least get Space Ship techs available earlier so it's still a valid victory option for the player ;)

I added tech diffusion, so weak AI's can catch up, and reduced strengths for later-than-medieval, so combat is still a challenge (It was pretty easy with cavs and rifles to beat knights and arquebussiers before).

That is a really good idea ! :goodjob: I like it :)

Regarding the corporations, I started to look at Platy's wonders, and want to include tons of them. One of them doubles output of corporations, which might not make them cheaper, but atleast makes them profitable

That's a great idea too ! ^^ :)
@ Platy
1) Yeah, I thought about it. Actually thought about another way to show the techs, as the icon is often so small its difficult to see what tech it is.
How about :

2) Dont "clean" too much up ;) . Also, would something like the "Double corporation output" and others similar be workable as National Wonders or even normal buildings, or would they only work as World Wonders?

@ AdamCrock
....I have reached that eras ...
Wow! That alone will give you a place in the Credits :)
Was it somewhat playable all the way to it? No crashes or other funny gamebreaking stuff?
I'll add some units and other stuff, so they not feel so empty. Never thought anyone actually made it to there.


  • BigTechIcon.png
    32.2 KB · Views: 303
1) is doable.
2) is doable if I bother to rewrite the codes.
The existing codes won't work for non world wonder
Having a near perfect start, good neighbors, even got a religion (prolly my son, as he is half viking half buddhist ;)), yet the AI are going strong as Im last on scoreboard. I have a good feeling about this build/version :D

Spoiler :

Historic events
Spoiler :
Stonehenge 5800 bc
Hinduism 2700 BC
Oracle 1600 BC
Judaism 1550 BC
Pyramids 1400 BC
Colossus 920 BC
Lighthouse 720 BC
Temple of Artemis 620 BC
Hanging Gardens 400 BC
Statue of Zeus 340 BC
Patheon 220 BC
Chitchen Itza 100 BC
Kashi 60 BC

edit :

Got pwned :mad:
I spread buddhism to Alexander and he declared on Asoka, I joined. All was good. A couple of hundred years later he makes peace with Asoka, next turn he declares on me and takes a city. I was behind teching, so I had focused on buildings and growing. Lesson learned... Game over...
Spoiler :
Uploaded VIP 0.95 Platy Edition

Please make notes about bugs/unbalances/suggestions and post them in this thread.

Thanks to all who contributed to this thread and thereby helped develop the mod, and a special thanks to Platyping who listened to my crazy ideas and made it happen.

Future plans are : extending the FuturePack modmod, Adding a ExtraCivPack modmod and adding new buildings to late'ish eras.
I guess I had learned in doing 94 earlier versions, but apparently not...

Never make big last minute changes. Especially if it concerns something as important as a government center. AI isnt very good at researching Caste System, which pretty much breaks the development as they wont get an all important Throne Room.
Guess a day1 patch is in order :( Will upload asap.
Good catch. Glad I decided to peruse the thread before DL'ng. Waiting on the goodies. Oh, meant to ask, do we need to delte previous version before updating to the new?
Nice to see you are still molding and shaping VIP vincentz.

Hope you are feeling well and the family is good too. :)

Well, my wife (and myself) is a bit impatient as she should have given birth a couple of days ago, besides that everything is fine :D

On the bright side, that gives me a few moments for modding ;)

I thought about why I'm still sitting with good ol Civ4, but honestly I cant find anything quite like it. It STILL is the best game in the world imho, and looking at the amount of downloads of the 0.95 vip, I cant be the only one thinking that :D

Maybe VIP is finished around next year when Civ 4 celebrates 10 years of anniversary :lol:

Currently testing game with a speedplay on Noble, and will upload later this afternoon if all is well.
Is Alexander 3 or 4 now? And is the new one going to be a girl or a boy, ultrasound and all that you know. Congratulations on the soon coming new family member.

And I just d/l'd v96 too.

Be Blessed my friend.

Thanks :D

Alexander turned 3 in the beginning of this month, and is just starting to do small word spelling and simple math, which makes his logically thinking dad proud ;)
We're going to have a little babygirl, and thinking about naming her Vanessa (sounds the same in danish/english/thai).

Hope you will enjoy 0.96. AI might be a little bit too aggressive though. Last 3 games I had to give up because I was invaded from different sides in the BCs.
I wanted to download, but immediately got a message "Still not downloading ? Repair your download." As that sort of things makes me suspicious, do you know whether that´s okay ?
I wanted to download, but immediately got a message "Still not downloading ? Repair your download." As that sort of things makes me suspicious, do you know whether that´s okay ?

I just tried, and I'm not having any problems downloading. I'm using Firefox with Addblocker Plus (no adds showing) and AVG antivirus, but any browser should be able to do.
The link should go directly to the file at MediaFire. I didnt put it in a zip file, as I personally dont like when downloading a .EXE file to have unzip it before unextracting.

Are you using a Download helper? Maybe download directly from browser (though I doubt MediaFire blocks for download helpers).
Are you on a MAC? I dont think Apples iOS can unpack .EXE (and I'm not sure VIP works on apples version of Civ (???).

It sounds for me like you clicked one of those annoying DOWNLOAD HERE adds. It should look something like this :
where DOWNLOAD (137.18 MB) is where the download starts
Spoiler :

are anyone else having problems downloading?


HOLY CRAP! I just tried it with Internet Explorer, and what a f...fest of adds :( :( :(

I REALLY recommend anyone to use Addblocker Plus. I got the Still not downloading ? Repair your download, and its a way for MediaFire to get more pop-up adds. It should work however if you click it, and you might have to authorize download, but then it should work.

Anyone who can recommend a better site without all those f..... adds and still good download speed?
Sourceforge and ModDb are really decent Vinz, quite a few modders use those.
Uploading to ModDB. It will take a couple of days before authorized, so until then MediaFire is the way. I've been using Addblocker plus for a long time, so I havent seen the horror that MediaFire have become... Its a shame, coz its really fast at downloading speeds, and no "you are waiting as #419, please wait 5 minutes before downloading".
I wanted to download, but immediately got a message "Still not downloading ? Repair your download." As that sort of things makes me suspicious, do you know whether that´s okay ?

I too use Firefox with ABP and Microsoft Essentials (AV) and had no problem at all with the D/L.

IE on the other hand is back to what it was like before Popup Blockers became the norm.

Vanessa is is pretty name! :goodjob: And excellent to hear Alexander is picking up the early recognition skills fast.

Back in the 80's the wife and I used the magnetic letters and numbers on the fridge to get our kids to learn to spell and do basic math early. The 3rd child (2nd son) was reading the Berenstein Bear books by 3 1/2. We still have some of those magnetic letters and numbers on our current fridge for our grand kids to play with.

JosEPh :)
Playing on Archipelago map, Huge, default AI (11) I've made it to 600AD.

Several things I've encountered/noticed:
1. I tried to use Perfect Mongoose map 1st but the Mod/Civ IV stopped responding during Initialization.
2. At 600 AD +/- an AI has already circumnavigated the world while I have just been using Triremes for the last 200 game years. Research rates for player on Monarch seem too restrictive. But this could also be related directly to.....
3. City Maintenance....When it's 600 AD and you have no one on your archipelago but barbs and you cannot support 5 cities with out research slider at 15% or below and Maint Costs are 7/8ths of your budget they are a bit high. Or there is not enough buildings available to increase Gold. I understand that the tile improvement Trading Post increases your gold on that tile but when the AI will center on them you can't build any production up or city growth is extremely slow. So imho City maint need reduced at least 20% or some of the early buildings need a +1 gold attached to them. I have to run at least 1 city on Trade to keep from going into Strike (either my Capital city with pop 9 or my 2nd largest city at pop 6) This really puts the screws to research and keeping up with the AI,
4. Visibility promotion for units maybe needs to come a bit quicker.

Other than the obvious need for Gold or maint. relief the Mod plays smoothly and I've had no problems with play. Love the terrain and terrain features.

Just a short report to give you some feedback. Once I start meeting other AI I have a feeling that my little empire will expire rather quickly.

Savegame attached so you can see how things are going.

Appreciate the mod, and thank you for continuing with it.

JosEPh :)
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