Visible improved forests for elves


Oct 24, 2006
Every elf player hates how farms and towns totally blank out the forests they're built on. There's instructions on how to fix this by someone else, but apparently lots of people miss them or are too afraid to try and make the changes themselves.

Attached is a fix you can download. Send it to C:\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Beyond the Sword\Mods\Fall from Heaven 2\Assets\XML\Buildings and replace CIV4PlotLSystem.xml

Patches break this. You'll need to reapply this every time you patch the game, either by redownloading it, or by keeping a copy of it and pasting the copy into the right directory.


I posted it in another thread as some might notice, but I'll bet you many people who'd want this quit reading that thread a long time ago.

I can't make this work on windmills (if someone has a way to fix them post it in this topic) but everything else I'm pretty happy with.


  • CIV4PlotLSystem.rar
    9.7 KB · Views: 174
/me runs off to change his name to 'Someone Else'

Glad somebody took that wall of text and put it to use :)
Did a diff on the xml files, and found:
> 		<ArtRef Name="

Haven't tried the xml file yet, but was this modification intentional, or an accidental select & carriage return?
It looks like patches break this. It'll have to be redownloaded every time you update FfH.
or just download to another folder on your computer and copy/paste after an update
It automatically would. His approach was to change how the improvements interact with the features. The farms were set to remove all tree visibility, even though in base BtS it is impossible to have them on a feature anyway. He just undid that extra, useless chunk. And for the cottages it is just a matter or reducing their impact on the surroundings, which FF had already done (and Vehem brought in the other bit already IIRC, so FF should already have this fix for lizards)
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