Oki guys I'm almost finishing my first full game of Sapiens so if i had only use one sentence to summarize difference between VP and Sapiens its how VP makes it tough to progress and bad decision in the early game can make you lose your run. Sapiens is way more forgiving.
So few advices for anyone suffering with crashes, im 562 turns on Epic so I figured out few things:
-Sapiens collection is 55 mods, all of them are working good but one is not, extra civilizations is breaking the game every time, sometimes after 100 , sometimes after 220 turns you can get fudged, dont use it yet
-you can play with different map scripts, ive tested tectonic v6, milae's map v14 and communitu 79a. Dont like pangea maps, all the games are the same on them. Also ive tested Jarcast's bigger communitu 79 fork, which forces huge maps to be bigger.
Now there is a trick to play those map scripts with Sapiens and not everyone will like it, you have to run game on DX9....I know I know, it will make a lot of scrolling but it works. Otherwise you will get missing font bug starting from medieval era, even with quicksave/autosave every turn you will not get around it.
There is still quite a few bugs:
-double improvements (e.g. industrial complex from vanilia game and one from sapiens or gaia)
-some missing descriptions on tech/wonders/buildings. Took me a moment to figure out why I cannot take exploration policy.
-special units suppose to have cap on how many u can get, well so far I have 9 super carriers and limit is 2, also some of them are not working as described, like sky fortress unit (nice cyberpunk idea)
-balance issue, yeah, the mod is not balanced after enlighten era ;0 some crazy stuff is gonna happen in your games. like in my game Ethiopia had 29 wonders in their capitol cos being advanced in tech means u can build them with no restrictions and fast ;0 I just wage a 150 turns war and conquer them. But since you didnt build them yourself some of them dont work, like the ones which suppose to give you trade slots ;0 so next time I'll try to just raze the city and build them again.
Since there is no forum for Sapiens here it is now I guess.
VP is very polished and everything is clicking, making sense. You can see all this years of development. But Sapiens has some rly neat ideas, sea improvements reminds me of sea cities you could build in civ3 ;0