VP Congress Session #6 Opens


Already Looping
Dec 19, 2017
Hey all,

Welcome to Session #6 of the Vox Populi Congress. As of tomorrow (October 1), we have reached the first anniversary of the Vox Populi Congress system. It's come so far already! It's also stress-tested and highly functional. I hope most people are happy with it! :)

Thanks again to @axatin, @Stalker0 and @Hinin (the three Magi) for their very helpful support during Session #5. They will once again be in charge of managing the VP Congress proposals for this session.

I'm making only a few changes to the rules based on last session's feedback:
  • The Sponsorship Limit is removed. Instead, we will handle this more informally: if the Magi or Host notice that a sponsor has taken on a huge workload, they can reach out and ask if they need a backup sponsor. The [Backup Needed] thread prefix will remain in case it is needed for this purpose.

  • Rather than tagging unsponsored proposals as Easy, Medium or Hard in difficulty, the Magi will list the required skill sets to implement the proposal: [Database], [UI], [Artwork], [DLL] or [Complex]. Complex proposals involve changes to multiple areas of the code. Thread prefixes will be updated accordingly. This is less subjective and more useful to prospective sponsors. Also, for clarity, this can be done before the Sponsorship Phase, though it will need to keep up with any amendments that take place.

  • The formatting for proposal titles is now the simpler (X-nn) Proposal: Proposal Title / (X-nna) Counterproposal: Proposal Title. This change was informally made during the last session and is now formalized.

  • Tied votes between Nay and any Yea options will now automatically fail for lack of a majority. Tiebreaker votes will only be held if they take place between two or more non-Nay options.

  • Listing or calling people out by name to analyze, criticize or insult their vote choices on proposals (unless the person brings up their vote choice themselves first, in which case polite debate is allowed) is not cool. Please don't do it. The reason the voting is public is so that everyone can be confident that the people voting are real people from the community and not a legion of anonymous alternate accounts. It isn't to facilitate any of the above.

The following rules were added without a CivFanatics announcement during the last session; they were only announced on the Discord server. For clarity to everyone, they are hereby announced (and located under Judgement Call requirements for new proposals):
  • Multiple proposals may be submitted by the same proposer which affect the same area of balance, as long as the proposals do not directly conflict. In that case, it is possible to include in one proposal a flexible part that depends on the outcome of the other ("If proposal B is passed, change X of this proposal will be modified as follows: …"). Flexible parts are to be used sparingly and may constitute only a small part of the proposal. The Magi may require that proposals be merged together if they are by the same proposer, if they deem that it is in the best interests of the community. They may request the merge of non-conflicting proposals by different proposers if they feel they would be better combined, but the proposers are not required to agree to this.

  • If a large proposal is submitted which affects different areas of balance ("multiple distinct proposals lumped into one"), the Magi may require that the proposal be broken apart into separate proposals, if they deem that it would be in the best interests of the community.

The Vox Populi Congress Guide has been updated with all the latest changes. As usual, I encourage you to refresh yourself on the rules before making new proposals.

I hereby remind the community that proposals will be renumbered and it is therefore wise to include the link, not just the title, if you are referencing a proposal outside of its discussion thread.

Session #6 of the Vox Populi Congress is now open. I look forward to seeing your proposals for this month! The Proposal Phase ends and the Counterproposal Phase begins on October 16, 2023 at 10 AM CST.
Not sure where the proposals are happening, but I would have 2 things that would be a nice addition in my opinion.
-Having a faith project, as converting can get pretty hard late game due to faith costs. Would also help if a bit of faith is missing for a building purchase on the next turn.
-adding some gold or production to camps at Refrigeration. I think it makes sense tech-wise and camps are the weakest improvement late game.
Not sure where the proposals are happening, but I would have 2 things that would be a nice addition in my opinion.
-Having a faith project, as converting can get pretty hard late game due to faith costs. Would also help if a bit of faith is missing for a building purchase on the next turn.
-adding some gold or production to camps at Refrigeration. I think it makes sense tech-wise and camps are the weakest improvement late game.
Here's the link:
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