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VQ02 - Predetermined City Placement

If I remember correctly, neither hatty nor us had alphabet so I have no clue about tech...

Yes, definitely finish off hatty or she will just resettle the area we took before we get back to that tier. Finishing SW, NW, NE before attack would be good too.

Variant question - how do we deal with the edge of the map?
I guess we just settle normally, and if a city cn't be founded due to the edge of map, we just continue on with progressing into the next teir.

I am in full agreement with leaving vic alone for now, but I do want to brng a point into consideration .... the later we bring a war tovic, the more useless our UU become, and the more likely vic gets to use her UU. But that's just a minor point, and its most probably the warmonger in me that's talking ... :satan:

Abt victory condition, my guess is most like domination again or conquest. With our variant, its unlikely we will get diplo (razing holy city and all that). With all the plains, might be difficult to get space win. Conquest would means we stop most likely after teir 3 (=21 cities), and go on a razing spree.

@oldbustedjorn: When we hit the edge of the map, we just stop expanding in that direction, and continue on in the other 3 directions.

As for the win... Remember that domination would be very hard to achieve... since we expand out very slowly, and have to raze any cities we take that are further out! So space (which may still be possible once we get a few good production cities in the east) or conquest are the two best bets.
Wow, if we're going conquest - we have our hands full. That could just be because I've never one a conquest that wasn't on a tiny map. Or maybe its because Ghandi will have infantry when we have grenadiers...

Ok, not that bad, but is there any way we can continue with vicky? While generally we would stop and wait, conquest is only going to get harder. Of course (thinking out loud now), our cities are spaced apart and 21 cities will take up a ton of room... Domination isn't out of the question - either way, I don't think we can fully decide for a bit yet...
Conquest... yeah we want to hit civs that have late game UUs with our early game UU. The thing is the distance between us will quickly become ugly for any real war. If there was someone west of Hatty that almost makes the most sense. Too bad WW will really kill us at that point.
Well, we won't have to stop by virtue of upkeep costs because of our variant, and we should have money from plunder. My concern is other AI's filling the void with settlers and running away - seriously, Ghandi isn't far from running away with tech - we aren't on noble any more toto...

There are two schools of thought here IMHO:

- We could make sure that we finish off every civ we war with, so that they can't put settlers out. The problem is that the extra time it takes will allow other civs to expand.
- The other idea is to continually "wound" other civs, and just have settlers to fill in as needed.

I don't really know what method is best. I think we should finish off hatty because we are so close, but even for conquest, marching across the map to finish off a civ would take the whole game (unless you had a huge tech advantage).

There is still something to be said for balance here. We could expand, and only war as necessary. As long as we don't have to take a superior civ to expand, we can catch up in tech via sheer size. Thats a big if...
How do we know Gandhi is running away with the techs? We don't know Alphabet so we can't really see what Gandhi has. What wonders did he build?

Oh for the variant how do we do the next tier? Is it like this:






(Maybe I should have did a picture.)
Edit: Ah the spaces didn't work. I think you know what I mean though.
My understanding was tier 3 was pure N, S, E, and W.

Then tier 4... dunno pure sw/se/nw/ne ?
OR w & e of N ... w & e of S ... n & s of E ... n & s of W???
Oh I didn't think about that way the first 4th tier.

It might be harder to defend but it would be easier to get our culture border set and then the next tier is just filling it in. Then again the latter 4 would give us more choice in what sites we want to settle first.

If we do the latter 4, tier 5 can be going pure N, E, S, W.

Edit: Good work with Paint! Not quite as good as the comic though.
Ah but then its a diamond and not a square :rolleyes:

We could do either, but seeing as we are already at the north border, think of pushing TWO south!! I don't even think we can see that far. I would lean toward square before diamond because our culture will hopefully help us out, whereas another push "out" would require more war (they'll be plenty GreyFox, don't get worried)...

Did that make any sense? I'm :confused: myself...
If it was not clear, the variant calls for us to expand into a square before we expand further out.

I don't know if we'd even get past the 4th tier fully expanded... that's 26 cities. By that time Greyfox will have :hammer: every rival off the map. :thumbsup:
My vote is for the second 4.

Then Tier 5 would fill in the corners to complete the box.
Lurker's comment: That layout for tier 4 is nice - it's the same as a city radius scaled up, which is a pleasant symmetry. For a thread titled "Predetermined city placement" there's a lot of discussion about where to place them :D
That's cause we're all scared of actually talking about something that might matter - winning! ;)
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