Welcome to Rhye's and Fall of the Greek World (Revived again)

The Carthaginians have a really rough starting location. No production tiles (hills, quarries, etc.) within the BFC of the starting city
Hi, I really enjoy this mod! But I have some questions: How to discover calendar as Minoans this early?! I only discovered mining and animal hushandry from the techs that don't lead exactly to Calendar and when the deadline came to Calendar discovery I was in the middle of
Mathematics, had 2 cities - 5 and 7 with one scientists working in each and stable cash.
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Most of the later civs in 900 BC scenario have TXT_KEY_UHV instead of win conditions, such a shame, because I wanted to play as Bactria or Numidia...
Hi, I really enjoy this mod! But I have some questions: How to discover calendar as Minoans this early?! I only discovered mining and animal hushandry from the techs that don't lead exactly to Calendar and when the deadline came to Calendar discovery I was in the middle of
Mathematics, had 2 cities - 5 and 7 with one scientists working in each and stable cash.
View attachment 673398
You've done part of it - in the first few moves of the game, capture a city in the Nile delta. Tanis is usually Barbarian when Minoa spawns, and you get several free wins against Barbs, so if it's available - if Egypt hasn't already taken it - I always nab it in 2660 to 2600 BC, using my starting Warrior and Ereta (Knossos doesn't need a defender that early). You can then pop a Settler from this delta city to build another city.

Keep your number of cities to a minimum: Minoa's only stable plots are on Crete, the two one-tile islands north of Crete, and the southern Peloponnese. The coast of the Nile delta has some plots with Settlervalue 70, but unless @bluepotato has changed things, that's not enough to make them stable. You can afford some unstable cities however.

You can use the Settler for for Zau, or, better but riskier, Athens (has Silver, but after 1600 BC also has pesky Mycenaeans poking at it). If Mycenae collapses, you can try capturing Pylos, but in any case avoid settling the Peloponnese until after Mycenae spawns, as any early cities you put there will flip to Mycenae.

You can also settle either or both of the small islands, but although their plots are stable those cities will not grow fast enough to help you with the Calendar UHV. They are, however, safe from the Sea People. If Hiram settles Phoenicus (likely), Rhodes will soon get covered by Phoenician Culture, but if you Open Borders with him you can sit a Settler and a military unit on Rhodes and hope for Phoenicus/Mira to be captured by Sea People (after 1200 BC) or Hittites (before 1200 BC).

Stack on Scientists, but not so many that your cities can't grow to their happiness limits. Some micromanagement is required to keep every city pumping out its maximum beakers. Don't waste beakers on techs that don't advance you towards Calendar.

Make friends with every neighbour you can (Mycenae will declare war on you but Egypt, Phoenicia, Babylon and Hittites are initially amiable; chatting up Hatshepsut is a way to keep Egypt peaceful) and keep talking to them every couple of turns. Techs they won't trade to you initially will sometimes come on the market later for no obvious reason, speeding your research.

One more thing - you must settle Knossos on your starting plot on the Cow. This location is checked for UHV #3, and if you don't settle on the spot, you will fail UHV #3. (if (bestCity.getOwner() == iPlayer and bestCity.getX() == 33 and bestCity.getY() == 21)) It kinda sucks - better would be to accept any city in Crete - but that's what you have to work with.

Here's a winning playthrough (contains spoilers!). It was played with v2.0, but the UHV conditions are the same as v2.1.
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Just (re)discovered this mod - is it (unfortuantely) dead? Would be nice if it at least got a graphics update - such as removing modern sprites from this ancient history game.
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