I´ve seen here in the forums, in different topics, people describing vastly different approaches to the game. So I was wondering - what´s your play style? Describe your usual game. Do you start slow, building up a few cities or do you sprawl out fast, trying to grab as much land as possible? How do you deal with neighbors? What about the Indians? Are you going for an early revolution, do you think about winning the game or are you just winging it, roleplaying or something else? Do you have one production center, fed by small towns or many bigger self-sufficient centers? Are you a micro-manager or do you let automation do the work? What difficulty do you play on?
I think it`s wonderful that WTP doesn´t push players into a narrow box and you can experiment and still succeed and have fun. I guess some approaches make more sense than others, but essentially there is no right way to play.
I think it`s wonderful that WTP doesn´t push players into a narrow box and you can experiment and still succeed and have fun. I guess some approaches make more sense than others, but essentially there is no right way to play.