... without any real roadmap or a clear design.
Actually there is a
roadmap for the mod although it might not be that visible or known to everybody.
And also I personally have a
very clear vision of the mod and the
game design I would like to achieve.
Here I had once posted my personal
long term plans. (Although the post is
not 100% up to date anymore, it still kind of my orientation.)
Most of the
features I
implemented were
originally on that list and were removed once implemented. (It used to be
almost twice as long.)
Well guys, we often stumble over ideas and then we inform you about stuff like the concepts below. (All full concepts that already exist.) This is written without a certain priority: (Just listed the concepts as I found them in my local repository.) Actual Triangle Trade (already on the...
I have
never been implementing features
"just to add something new" or without considering its impact.
All of the features that have been implemented were to
enhance the vision and were
carefully integrated in existing gameplay.
And just to clarify:
1. WTP currently does not have any "incomplete features" and WTP also does not have any AI problems.
2. Every 4X game in history has the problem to keep late game interesting, it is nothing that WTP suffers explicitly from.
3. About 50% of the changes we have implemented were not adding new content but overhauling existing gameplay.
.... on polishing the current mod ...
Ah yeah ... polishing the mod is also happening in each release ... so I am not really sure what you want to say with that.
Like e.g. performance improvements, better advisor screens, pedia improvements, better texts, balancing improvements, overhauled game mechanics ...
And that had lead to such mods being incomplete after years, ...
WTP offers a
full and fun game play experience without suffering from anything missing. So it is
But the mod development is still
not "finished" in my eyes because there is
still gameplay that we want to add or improve.
questioning the vision of the mod just by the fact tha
t not eveything has yet been implemented is
complete non-sense.
Especially not if we look at the simple fact that
this mod is by far the most successful Civ4Col mod ever created ...
To summarize:
The mod is
"complete" but it is
not finished".
But each release brings us a bit closer ...
Sure some changes require more work but at some point you have to consider the years put on this ...
I am very much aware how much effort modding is and I am not really afraid of investing time and effort into a mod.
I have already invested about 15 years into it and intend to invest ever more years into it.
I implement new features and overhauls as fast as I can, but I still mod in my spare time only.
To fully achieve my vision it may need further 15 years probably ... but I was always aware of that and can live with it.
Also I am fully ware that not all of my suggestions and ideas will make it into the WTP core mod. Personal tastes are just too different.
So my goal for the core mod is just to get the "biggest common nominator" done together and then implement the rest in my private version.
... but also really give a different experience from start to end of the game ...
Fully agree with that and I am actually convinced that WTP gives a different gameplay experience than any other mod out there.
It has much deeper gameplay mechanics for building your empire is much more complex than anything else ever created for Civ4Col.
But still we always wanted to implement "Colonization 3" - meaning to build and improve on a good gameplay foundation.
We never set out to turn a 4X empire builder into something totally different like a war game or whatever.
Also modding is about personal taste - so the stuff we implement is the stuff we acually agreed on that we like it.
And quite frankly in modding the game experiences that matter most are the game experience of the people contributing.
Some questions -and thoughts- which may help the team ...
Honestly none of those questions have really helped me anything because they are completely unrelated to my vision for the mod.
Also most fo the time it is just vague talk of problems that I don't see this mod has without offering any real solution or actual active contribution.
Our problem is that the people that are actually motivated to work do not have enough time to implement all their good concepts.
There is no lack of ideas that never get worked on and there is no lack of people that talk but don't have enough motivation to invest effort.
The WTP core mod basically intends to serve as a "biggest common nominator" base for team and community to implement / customize their private modmods.
All the features in the mod are basically designed to be easily customized or even deactivated if people don't like it. It is what people contributing to it want.
So endless talking does not really help anybody anything, since modders will always implement their own ideas and their own private taste.
The only thing that will shape the mod is to actually contributing to it ... because then you can really decide what is implemented and how.
Seeing how the mod has evolved during years, ...
I am not really sure what you want to say with this, but in my opinion
WTP 4.0 is the
best version of RaR / WTP
we ever had.
So when I myself am "seeing how the mod evolved during these last years" I am
extremely proud of its evolutionary development.
So seriously, I am a bit
confused about what I read up there ... because it feels to me like you and I talk about
different mods.
And honestly it sounds like you
accuse us of bloating the mod without having any plan of what we are doing ...
So I really hope I misunderstood a lot of the things I kind of read between the lines.