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What Are You Doing?

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Coughing up a lung, that'll be the asthma. This week I r been mostly wearing fishnets.
Coughing up a lung, that'll be the asthma. This week I r been mostly wearing fishnets.
Are you wearing them over your legs.:mischief:
What Are You Doing?
Right now after reading this thread and all the other bullcrap such as "Euthanasia" and "Scooter Libby trial" threads and discovering that a fellow poster loves to dress in drag...:suicide:
Right now after reading this thread and all the other bullcrap such as "Euthanasia" and "Scooter Libby trial" threads and discovering that a fellow poster loves to dress in drag...:suicide:

Oh don't worry I'm only joking, really I'm wearing some manly jeans and a shirt. It's an image that will stain your soul forever though :D

Put up a thread about God, they always draw out the lunatic fringe.
You cough because of asthma ? :hmm:
Or is it a cough because of minor cold amplified by asthma ?

No I cough because of asthma, either that or I get a cold at exactly the same time every year.

I am currently flagellating my left buttock and typing this with my other hand, whilst several naked slaves dance ritualistically around me. Pretty standard really.
bumpin' a thread again, scratching myself vigorously thanks to some opiates, wondering why I've been impotent for at least 36 hours, trying to decide whether to open my window, browisng for a Hayek article on JSTOR, wondering whether my dad will get mad if I eat the last cookie, and trying to think of stuff to do on the internets because I dun wanna go to bed.
I used to watch tv, but find it too distracting. A lot of times I have music on, but sometimes there is nothing but silence. Right now I have itunes on random play.
I'm thinking of something very profound and philosophical. (yes i'm scratching my nuts)

I sent Rhinemetall some stuff.

I am thinking of wether i should finish that CSS tutorial today or when hell freezes over.

I am aquiring Prince of Persia: Sands of Time.

I will soon read more crap a nazi french guy wrote about Moses.
Just came home from a long day at work and then kickboxing class.
Fixing some chicken and pasta for supper; going to eat it while watching a bit of Battlestar Galactica before going to bed.
Avoiding doing any actual work at school and surfing CFC instead.
I'm pondering whether I have any vidya games that mighe be fun to play, or maybe I'll read. Oh and I just got done pulling weeds for my damn father.

This spring break is kinda boring. All my old friends that didn't turn into f-ups are away at colleges that have different spring breaks than mine, and all my friends back home except one have turned into drug addicts, and the one that isn't a drug addict is recovering from surgery. :sad:
I'm pondering whether I have any vidya games that mighe be fun to play, or maybe I'll read. Oh and I just got done pulling weeds for my damn father.

This spring break is kinda boring. All my old friends that didn't turn into f-ups are away at colleges that have different spring breaks than mine, and all my friends back home except one have turned into drug addicts, and the one that isn't a drug addict is recovering from surgery. :sad:

I've been there. What happened to the guy in surgery. Did the crackheads beat him up for $20.
attempting to download some of the stuff mentioned in the foreign music thread,
eating a curry, generally in a state of limbo til i think of something to do.
Let's see...It's 2:30 (14:30) right now, woke up at 1 o'clock...just kinda lazing around as I have a cold and am coughing/sneezing up a storm.
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