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What Are You Doing?

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I've been there. What happened to the guy in surgery. Did the crackheads beat him up for $20.

hah no, he's having laser eye surgery. I suppose I could hang out with him, but we'd have nothing to do because he's not allowed to do anything for a few days (no tv, no movies, no vidya games, no reading, no playing sports, no nothin!)
Hating on whoever hacked my account on the 24th

Online classwork


the usual...
Practicing my flute, reading a book, uh...nothing much. :D
Clogged my arteries up a little bit with a chipper supper, am now lazing around between games of Close Combat. I also keep thinking it's Friday, for some reason.
Contemplating what I'll cook for supper, thinking I should go and cook it pdq as it's 11pm, making my list of things to do tomorrow, browsing www.dailykitten.com, collecting quotes into a txt document, searching for a quote of Bozo's where he had a hilarious "misspelling" of Ahmadinejad, listening to the muttering and key-clattering and computer fans of a computer cluster in the library, having stomach pains 'coz I'm so hungry, wondering how to find out the correct usage of hairpins (I've been trying all week to control my hair by pinning it to my scalp, and they just fall out as soon as I shake my head), feeling vaguely guilty about resting my feet on my bag which has all my shopping in (oh noes my food will be squashed), wondering if I would like to learn another musical instrument (flute? French horn? Bassoon? Tuba? Also, where would I get one, where would I practice, would I get a teacher?) wishing I was home, worrying about this essay due for Thursday which I've only just started, worrying about how to catch a friend to swap notes we're missing, and thinking that actually eleven at night is probably late enough and I should go home and cook and eat and go to bed pretty soon.
Putting off writing a lab report.

It might be a few hours before I get started, but I've got the easy part of it this week.
Just woke up from a nice lil' nappy.

Excited about the wonderful food I eat every day when I am at home (tonight we're having NY Strips I believe!)

dont really feel like taking movies back but I suppose I should
wanting to rip my bloodshot eyes out

trying desperately to make sense of my online work, but alas, my brain has become mush after five straight hours of the course (and CFC of course) and my eyes desire to explode

so now perhaps I sleep...
Waiting for my daddy to come home so we can cook some delicious steaks!

(secretely though I kinda wish we were going out to mexican for some reason, but I can totally be fine with steaks!)
Having finished the aforementioned lab report, it's an evening of CFC and hopefully (yeah, right) sleep before midnight.
Obsessively washing my hands to try and ward-off the pinkeye that my dad has. About to clean the kitchen, then will eat swedish fish and fiftychat.
Trying to complete three massive term projects all at the same time. :cry:

Why is it that every prof has some 25 page essay that will change your life and get you a job, without realizing that if every other prof assigns one, the student will just do a half-assed job in all of them...
Well today I watched a movie, The Lives of Others (Das Leben Der Anderen). Very good one. See it if you haven't yet.

Now I should probably be heading off to beddy bye time.
Regretting my one-meal-a-day money saving scheme.
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