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- Oct 26, 2017
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Humankind made me realize the importance of arbitrary victory conditions: I am glad that Capitals' Monopolies (Domination), Space Colonialism (Science), Cultural Alienation (Tourism) and World Bribery (Diplomatic) exist. Religious victory was a mistake. Clunky, but here they are here. Having only the Score victory is quite "meh" in fact. I understand the reason behind it: the value of a Civilization is not be cultural dominant just before a guy land a Spaceship somewhere.
For the Domination victory, Humankind has great ideas. If I try to translate it into Civilization VI's mechanics, it is like War Weariness / Grievance were the main ones instead of actual War effort and conquest. Basically, you want your enemy's War Weariness to be so high that it can no longer fight, so you force them into Peace Treaty. Peace Treaty is unilateral: you can take as much you can and your enemy cannot oppose anything. Meanwhile, you have to manage to get high Grievance toward them so you can claim a lot from them: a lot of Gold (even more than they have, to the point of Bankrupt them into negative Gold), Cities, or... become their Lord. Which is great! They have a Liege / Vassal system that is incredible, and Civilization VI should update their Domination victory to that system. Instead of having all Capitals in the world in your Empire, you should have all Civilizations as Vassals instead.
For Science, I believe they went too far: you cannot research Technologies from eras later than you current era. You either rush the Eras so you can research everything. If not, all that Science are wasted if they are nothing left to research. I like the way of Civilization VI better, even if perfectible: Technology / Civic split, Eurêka / Spies as catch-up mechanic. But it is perfectible: more mechanics should be added to prevent further runaway or discount to technologies already discovered. Maybe Peter's ability should be universal.
For the Cultural spreading, the system is weird and I didn't really understand. They have Influence (→ Culture) which allows to settle cities or territory to their Influence. Some civilizations has tools to spread their Influence through Culture Bomb, which is a way to put a city/territory under your influence. Religion is also a powerful tool to that. But I do not understand what was going on. I was the dominant Influencer of the world while doing nothing except have high Influence output. I believe I have some Gold out of this too?
I do not really like the "pick a Culture at each era". Because, well you cannot play more than 10 players since they are only 10 Cultures per era (already picked Culture are unavailable), and it is a "rich gets richer" mechanic. If a player focus on one side, it would pick the best / better suited each time and snowball harder. The remaining will have the leftovers.
Furthermore, it doesn't have any sense. If I was successful with the Celts, therefore the Celts would not be replaced by the Franks or the English in that scenario since they are the dominant force, not the other way around. Or Aztecs will not become Mexicans if they are no Spaniard in the game. And so on.
I like the "Pick a Civilization for the whole game" from Civilization's franchise betterr, even it is silly too. They could still be able to mimic a "Pick a trait" at each era, like something like Secret Societies in Civilization VI (but more choice) or Civics in Civilization V. Each civilizations could have different choices or even unique trees or advantages.
For the Domination victory, Humankind has great ideas. If I try to translate it into Civilization VI's mechanics, it is like War Weariness / Grievance were the main ones instead of actual War effort and conquest. Basically, you want your enemy's War Weariness to be so high that it can no longer fight, so you force them into Peace Treaty. Peace Treaty is unilateral: you can take as much you can and your enemy cannot oppose anything. Meanwhile, you have to manage to get high Grievance toward them so you can claim a lot from them: a lot of Gold (even more than they have, to the point of Bankrupt them into negative Gold), Cities, or... become their Lord. Which is great! They have a Liege / Vassal system that is incredible, and Civilization VI should update their Domination victory to that system. Instead of having all Capitals in the world in your Empire, you should have all Civilizations as Vassals instead.
For Science, I believe they went too far: you cannot research Technologies from eras later than you current era. You either rush the Eras so you can research everything. If not, all that Science are wasted if they are nothing left to research. I like the way of Civilization VI better, even if perfectible: Technology / Civic split, Eurêka / Spies as catch-up mechanic. But it is perfectible: more mechanics should be added to prevent further runaway or discount to technologies already discovered. Maybe Peter's ability should be universal.
For the Cultural spreading, the system is weird and I didn't really understand. They have Influence (→ Culture) which allows to settle cities or territory to their Influence. Some civilizations has tools to spread their Influence through Culture Bomb, which is a way to put a city/territory under your influence. Religion is also a powerful tool to that. But I do not understand what was going on. I was the dominant Influencer of the world while doing nothing except have high Influence output. I believe I have some Gold out of this too?
I do not really like the "pick a Culture at each era". Because, well you cannot play more than 10 players since they are only 10 Cultures per era (already picked Culture are unavailable), and it is a "rich gets richer" mechanic. If a player focus on one side, it would pick the best / better suited each time and snowball harder. The remaining will have the leftovers.
Furthermore, it doesn't have any sense. If I was successful with the Celts, therefore the Celts would not be replaced by the Franks or the English in that scenario since they are the dominant force, not the other way around. Or Aztecs will not become Mexicans if they are no Spaniard in the game. And so on.
I like the "Pick a Civilization for the whole game" from Civilization's franchise betterr, even it is silly too. They could still be able to mimic a "Pick a trait" at each era, like something like Secret Societies in Civilization VI (but more choice) or Civics in Civilization V. Each civilizations could have different choices or even unique trees or advantages.
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