I'm putting this here and not on the part of the Forum dedicated to Humankind despite the Amplitude title in the Thread title, because I want to focus on what can be adapted, rejected, modified, stolen or otherwise found useful specifically for Civ VII. And I'm focusing on Civ VII because I don't want the discussion to be constrained by what is possible with the Civ VI mechanics and game engine.
Having played about 6 games of the Humankind Victor Open Dev, I've got a better 'feel' now for what works and what doesn't in that game which prompted this in the first place.
First, I absolutely DO NOT think that Civ should simply copy anything from Humankind. Aside from little matters of legality under copyright/trademark law, the two games have very different basic concepts, and even the most enjoyable part of one game will not translate to the other game without modifications.
Case in point:
Humankind allows you to change Factions up to 6 times in the game, whereas Civ has always had you play One Civ, One Leader from start to finish. Civ has built on this concept of theirs by throwing a massive amount of resources into making the One Leader fully-animated, voice-actored character in its own right, whereas Humankind presents you with 'avatars' that are pretty generic and not tied to the individual Civs/Factions at all.
So, keeping Civs' Leaders, how do we get the chance to modify our Civ in-game to cope with changing in-game conditions? IF I start playing a Civ that is all characteristic (Unique) attributes and units from the Ancient or Classical Eras (Egypt, Sumer, Qin's China) how do I open up my ability to modify that Civ when faced with, say, a Modern Era major war?
Right now, Civ VI provides Uniques that are tied to the Civ and others tied to the Leader - which allows scope for Alternate Leaders, but that doesn't mean you can 'alternate' during a game, you just start out with a slightly different set of Uniques for your Civ. Providing a whole range of Alternate Leaders you can adopt during the game is simply impossible given the amount of resources required for each one.
However -
What if the Leader remains the same, but the Unique attached to that Leader can change during the game? You pick, perhaps, from a set of characteristics provided that are either historically semi-accurate or appropriate to the Ancient/Starting Era, but under certain conditions, you may attach different Uniques to your Leader later in the game. These might replace or augment what you started with (I like the continuity of augmenting rather than replacing, and it makes more sense if we are maintaining the 'Immortal Leader' as at least the figurehead of our Civ)
We might have a historical Attribute for a Leader that is appropriate for his/her time and place in History - Ancient for Hatshepset of Egypt, Renaissance/Early Modern for Phillip of Spain, Modern for Adenauer of Germany, etc. IF the Leader chosen is not contemporary with the start of the game, there could be a set of Uniques available from which to choose that are appropriate for the given Era. Adenauer could start out as a religious megalomaniac Tomb Builder, or Roosevelt as a pastoral tribal raider. The 'generic' Uniques available could be tied to the Leader's later ability or his/her historical character/ability (or what we think we know of it) or they could be completely generic, allowing considerable leeway to the gamer. I personally like the idea of having both: you can embrace the fantasy or the historical at your whim.
That's for a start. Other points of discussion I'd suggest are:
1. Maps: Humankind's are drop-dead gorgeous, but don't show the infrastructure on the map. How can we keep the gorgeous and also keep the on-map visibility of structures and infrastructure that we've come to expect from Civ VI?
2. Combat: In a nutshell, 1UPT, 1UPT modified, or Tactical Battles with stacks and all the trimmings? Humankind's tactical battles are intriguing and open up possibilities for all kinds of 'tactical attributes' for unit types, but no question, they are almost by definition Micromanagement.
3. City Management: Civ's Builders versus Humankind's automatic exploiting of surrounding tiles, regions versus individual tiles, 'generic' or near-generic Districts versus very specific District/Quarter types, etc.
4. Victory Conditions and Types: Civ has lots, Humankind has exactly one, but several ways to get to it. We've batted around Victory types in these forums for ages, maybe it's time to Simplify?
5. Resources: Humankind requires multiple types for some Units, Civ requires 'stockpiles' of amounts to build, both tie resources to Trade but Humankind has a lot of additional benefits from specific resources besides generic Luxury, Gold, Food, etc. How complicated do we like or want it?
6. Tech Tree: Humankind basically goes back to the Civ V and earlier type of 'complex' multi-Tech tree, compared to Civ VI's 'bare bones' tree with Eurekas. Is there a way to get the best of both, or do we think both types suck like a starving leach and want to try something new - we can ring in other games' examples here, like the 'tech bush' of BE or the Blind Tech of SMAC.
7. Civics/Social Policies. Civ VI separates them, Humankind has a lot fewer, but each requires a decision that 'moves' your Faction in one direction or the other. Humankind has a whole bunch of 'triggered' decisions that range from temporary one-city bonuses or maluses to more permanent changes in your Civ/Faction. Again, how complex do we really want to go? The Humankind system reminds me a lot of the EU "Events and Decisions" random events, which was Modded into Civ V and maybe deserves another look for Civ VII in some form.
Historic accuracy: Most of the Civ games has a starting age of usually 4000 BCE. In reality. All the major Continents had been reached by about 13,000 years ago. So maybe Civ VII can have starting date of maybe 10,000BCE would be more appropriate. This would give Civs time to develop things before reaching the Common Era(0 AD).
Realistic Map: One game franchise that Civ can learn from in this regard. SimCity. Especially SimCity 4 and 5. Maybe Civ VII can includes streets and roads and terrain, like seen in SimCity, within a Civ territory. Bring back public transit from Civ III. And maybe even have little people walking about.
The Black Market: Narcotics can be a resource to trade with. Start with Opium which was a major course of trade at the turn of the 20th Century.
Casinos. This can be part of the Entertainment district. And a major boost to culture.