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What great people do you feel are weak and tend to pass on?

An extra Big Ben, actually. The Forbidden Palace gives you a bonus Wild Card slot; Adam Smith and Big Ben give you bonus Economic slots.
Well yes but it doesn't double your treasury and 90% of the time you'll use your wild card slots for economic policies. So in practice it's close to the Forbidden City I'd say

But yes, close enough
Well yes but it doesn't double your treasury and 90% of the time you'll use your wild card slots for economic policies. So in practice it's close to the Forbidden City I'd say

But yes, close enough
Fair enough.
I sell the great people I find useless and extra 800-2000g or so. The generals/admirals I like are the ones that create a corps/army from one unit or the ones that make a advanced unit. Their are 2 industrial and 1 modern great engineer I like James Watt, Joseph Paxton, and Nicolas Tesla. The classic great merchant that gives a free luxury from anywhere in the world and Adam Smith industrial age is the best great merchant but all great merchants are good. The rest of the great people do not stand out.
The great engineer who gives the rocketry boost + production toward space ship parts, I pass on quite a bit, unless I'm going to for a science victory, he's nearly useless.

Getting satellites can be good for revealing the entire map, and getting the moon landing gives you a very strong one time culture boost. Getting a spaceport in a high production city and the space great people to do this very quickly can be worth it for that.
The Merchant that goves you 200g + envoys, forgot his name. He just feeels so underpowered.
I like Merchants and Scientists the most. One of the many reasons why i like playing as Kongo, double merchant points means I gobble up all the merchants. Unfortunately its the same reason I hate seeing Kongo as the AI, oh and starting next to Russia on deity...

I hate the late game +1 amenity + 1 housing guy or the +1 diplo visibility. Adam Smith is amazing. Also I quite regularly get late game scientists who are completely obsolete whom provide a eureka to something I already teched eras before...

Can be annoying to be the only nation with 20+ points rolling in but get given a dud great person as a choice, can't pass on it as the AI's aren't producing enough GPP.
I find that the great engineers that give a boost to wonder production are pretty bad. The boost is just too small to make much of a difference.

They are decent considering they have 2 charges. So if they say it gives 200 prod for a wonder, it's 2 charges of 200. Nice that you can use them on diff wonders.
They are decent considering they have 2 charges. So if they say it gives 200 prod for a wonder, it's 2 charges of 200. Nice that you can use them on diff wonders.

But, around the same time, as you get 2x200 prod from a great engineer, a wonder will cost ~800. So your great engineer is worth only half a wonder.
if you pass on any of them it gives the other civs to get them at a discount so don't.
WRT having nowhere to put Great Works: why not just sell the old ones?
I never pass on any of them. If I've accumulated enough points to earn one I'll recruit them. If they serve no obvious purpose to me immediately then I'll disband them and get some gold. Some may see that as being cheap or cheating, but it's part of the game so I'll exploit it if it's possible.
if you pass on any of them it gives the other civs to get them at a discount so don't.

They can have Boudicca ... Unless you're extremely lucky, you're either going to get units killed and her stolen. At best you get one horseman. Woo-hoo.....
In singleplayer I don't pass any, as I've had situations with the AI where I've been locked out of GP for the rest of the game, because they wouldn't take any either. In multiplayer it's situational.
But, around the same time, as you get 2x200 prod from a great engineer, a wonder will cost ~800. So your great engineer is worth only half a wonder.

Half a wonder is still useful. That's probably 10-15 turns that your city can put towards building something else instead. No, not as good as an extra economy slot,but much better than just building ancient+medieval walls, or increasing appeal. And depending on the situation, potentially better than the engineer who gives an extra district slot (although that one can also be very useful if you're not growing your city too big).
i don't pass on any of them. if i get one i don't need i just delete him and get 1k :p

What the...I didn't even know I would get gold for them (it feels like Blasphemy to sell those great people)! But I just tested and got almost 2k for one of the last Great Engineers in the queue. This is great - how much am I going to get for the early ones?
Half a wonder is still useful. That's probably 10-15 turns that your city can put towards building something else instead. No, not as good as an extra economy slot,but much better than just building ancient+medieval walls, or increasing appeal. And depending on the situation, potentially better than the engineer who gives an extra district slot (although that one can also be very useful if you're not growing your city too big).

Even more useful if you want that wonder but have to place it in some scrub city due to terrain restrictions or district arrangement. Half a wonder can be a lot of turns in that case.
There's absolutely no reason to pass on any unless you want one that comes after and you won't get to it first because of the relative GPPs of the other civs.

If you don't want them just take them and sell them, or house them. At the least that denies them to others.
also don't forget great ads and gens gives boosts to your units surrounding them so if their special powers suck than keep them for the +5 atk boosts.and they CAN stack.
also don't forget great ads and gens gives boosts to your units surrounding them so if their special powers suck than keep them for the +5 atk boosts.and they CAN stack.

The movement bonuses stack too, so if you're lucky enough to get 2 generals that overlap an era, you can essentially have 4-move crossbows or field cannons, for example. Especially if you've got them up to get the extra attack, that's deadly, deadly fire there.
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