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What insturment do you Play?


Apr 23, 2004
I just would like to know if anyone plays insturments here or not. I play the the alto saxaphone.
I used to play tuba.
and SeleucusNicator's whine.
Trumpet - 10 years
Bass Guitar - 6 years
Guitar - 4 years
WickedSmurf said:

Man do I want to learn that.

I play drums, on and off. I don't have the patience to practice by myself, but I'm sort of in a band, so we practice.

I was also pretty good at piano and trumpet before I gave up on them. I would have tried to pick up piano again if we didn't have to leave it behind when we moved.
i used to play trumpet but highschool band is too much so i quit. now i want to play bass guitar.
Im a band geek thru and thru
I play all percussion instruments. Drums...Steel Drums..Bells...the works

I also play the harmonica, and a little bit of Bass and Piano.
Well it's good see most of people on civfanatics play some sort of insturment.
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