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What insturment do you Play?

I play guitar a bit. Teaching myself as such. It is quite fun but often frustrating...hopefully sometime in the near future I will get someone to help me with it. But have been thinking lately that perhaps I would be better suited to bass guitar.......have tried it a couple of times and it was pretty cool. So if I get an oppurtunity I am gonna try that sometime.
11 years of piano. (And hoping I get college scholarships!)
5 years of tenor saxophone.
3 years violoncello.
2 months jaw-harp. (Man, that thing is hard to play...)
ComradeDavo said:
I play guitar a bit. Teaching myself as such. It is quite fun but often frustrating...hopefully sometime in the near future I will get someone to help me with it. But have been thinking lately that perhaps I would be better suited to bass guitar.......have tried it a couple of times and it was pretty cool. So if I get an oppurtunity I am gonna try that sometime.
Get lessons! I wish I had :( . If you teach yourself for longer than 2 years or so, you'll end up like me (i.e. you'll have taught yourself so many bad habits there's no hope for learning properly).
I've never taken a bass lesson, and I managed to correct by bad habits before they got too pronounced. I agree it's better to take lessons though, but only for so long. If you spend all your time learning to play what someone else tells you, you don't develop your own unique traits and style.
I used to play guitar for a few years but then I got bored and realized I really didn't enjoy playing music, but I do love listening to it.
Incidentally, if anyone actually has visited my website and listened to the sample music on there, that's not really representative of what we play now. That was before I joined and before we got a drummer. We just havent had time to update it. We play much heavier stuff now.
Guitar-electric and acoustic. And I have an accordion I need to learn how to play.....
I've played viola for eight years, and harmonica as a kind of amusement.
zjl56 said:
Well it's good see most of people on civfanatics play some sort of insturment.

Either that or the ones who don't aren't posting to say so.

I no longer play an instrument, unless you count the fine art of whistling. Most people don't, because they're philistines.
I read somewhere that being musical was linked to higher mental activity. I should be a freakin genius if that's true, so I guess they were wrong.
I play the Triangle.

I play the oboe!
I do too! Oh... no wait, I was just strangling a Canada goose. I get those two sounds confused easily.

Just kidding, I like the sound of an oboe played well. My sister played for a few years, so I remember the sound of someone just learning to play (i.e. dying Canada goose).
Percussion. Snare, Bells, Timani, Piano, the works. Timani followed by Piano being my favorite (even though I'm not that good at piano).
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