What is the best Gamecube game?


Jul 13, 2004
935! 935!
I think the best Gamecube game is "Super Smash Bros. Melee!" or "Mario Kart". They're almost as addicting as Civ 3!!! :crazyeye:
From my experience: metroid prime. I also reaslly like phanstasy star. I never played zelda: windwaker...When Metroid Prime: Echoes comes out, it will be awesome (multiplayer!), but personally, I think the new Zelda (forget title ATM) will be the greatest.
Super Monkey Ball or Super Monkey Ball 2
SSB-melee definately
Although the first one was better :)
For multiplayer, easily SSBM, I don't think that game will ever get old.

For single-player, Zelda: The Wind Waker. The game is simply beautiful, although I don't think many will agree with me. The game is just so complete and so full of little details that despite the lack of difficulty and sailing, I still like the game a lot.
Well, Multiplayer it's still SSBM here. Single player, well, I'm split. Wind Waker is lovely, but too easy for my taste. Metroid Prime, I love it, but I'm just not comfortable playing FPS games on a console in general. After I go and play other games and return to this one, I just can't get back into the swing of it so easily. For me, the game I keep coming back to is the remake of Resident Evil. I know it probably isn't the best, but hey: it has gorgeous graphics, the controls are intuitive (at least to me; I don't understand why so many people complain), it doesn't take a major time investment, and the challenge is decent.
My favourite game would have to either be SSBM, Soul Calibur II or Gotcha Force!! Haven't heard of Gotcha Force? Not surprising... Just search it up on Google... Everyone who's played it is in love with it!!
Dabomb18359 said:
Is skies of arcadia any good? And what about Tales of Symphonia?

Skies of Arcadia is quite good, in my honest opinion. It has a fairly cliche storyline that is brilliantly executed, characters that you can just fall in love with, and an incredible variety of places to visit. There's also the whole "ship-to-ship" battle aspect which is really quite interesting too! Gets a bit easy at the end, but it's quite a fun game to play through.

I haven't played the latter game, though I've heard many good things about it. ^^
Dabomb18359 said:
Is skies of arcadia any good? And what about Tales of Symphonia?

I loved both games, but like Skies of Arcadia a little more than Tales of Symphonia.

In terms of graphics, Tales of Symphonia has an unbeatable style. However, Skies has graphics, while dated, are tremendously detailed, and it's obvious that the developers put their technology to the limit while designing the graphics. The amount of contrast and details in the cities are just amazing. Tales, while has a good style, has an overworld that just screams laziness by the devlopers, it's that ugly.

In terms of animation, both have extremely awkward feeling cutscenes, although Tales naturally has better animation. Their cutscenes still feel really awkward, though.

For storyline, both are extremely cliche'd in their own ways. I think Skies is more cliche'd in that their towns are pretty stereotypical (their Aztec-based village could not be more Aztec, their Japanese-inspired town could not be more Japanese), which I actually like. While the story is extremely basic, it has this certain charm to it that makes the characters so likeable, despite how lacking the character development really is when you look at it. Tales lacks the charm, and I felt pretty unconnnected to the storyline, although the character development is far superior.

For setting, Skies wins no contest. Honestly, pirates in a sky-based world based on one of my favorite anime movies of all time, it just doesn't get much better than that. Not to mentioned how incredibly varied the towns are, and how incredibly diverse the world is. All the towns in Tales have pretty much the same western feel, save one Japanese-based village.

Music, Skies wins this one easily. That soundtrack is nothing short of spectacular. Tales soundtrack has some really strong battle-themes, but the rest of the music... solid, but nothing special.

So what does Tales have that makes me love the game? Battle system. I love the battle system. I love the battle music. I love how random battles are pretty much optional. Tales has the best battles I've ever seen in an RPG. Skies battle system is extremely slow and has way too many random battles.

So in the end, I like Skies of Arcadia a little more. The game had the ultimate RPG feel when the credits rolled, the same feeling one gets when one finishes reading a really good book. Tales of Symphonia did not have the same feeling, but it was a good game nonetheless.
Out of the ones that I've played, definitely Wind Waker.

Super Monkey Ball 2 was also pretty fun, although it's not ever going to be considered a classic by me or anyone else, unlike WW.

Metroid Prime is overrated IMO (not that it's bad, though). And Super Smash Brothers is WAY overrated IMO. Perhaps it's because I don't own the game and so never got to truly learn it, but it seems very mindless and repetitive.
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