What is the largest city you've ever made.


Feb 17, 2003
Detroit, MI
lots of wheat, rice, river, did it include neighborhood? I don't think i've ever gone much past 20.

Also kind of wondering the advantage of entertainment centers, playing at King/Emporer, they just don't seem like the improve much of anything. Maybe a patch for entertainment is in the works.
Can't really remember. Judging by the screenshots I've taken, it was just this way back when I started playing a few months ago. Was on Prince.

And yea entertainment centers are probably the worst districts. They don't become relevant until zoos and even at that point you just want to build just enough to control happiness.
Population 44 Cities...one with Great Zimbabwe the other was Petra and Ruhr. Aztec.

I would include my tries with Kongo but that's not the norm you could technically hit above 100 with them.

All hail internal trading.
I rarely go past 16 cause why would I need it? So it's production focus as soon as the size for enough districts is reached.
Like Rosty K, I pretty much never try to grow my cities especially big. Doesn't seem very beneficial. I also dislike it how cities take forever to grow their borders to the third ring, so I usually just settle them close to each other and happily keep them modest in size.
I got the size 30 city achievement with I forget who, the Kongo I think, but once I got to 30 the pop kept going and going and I think it was maybe at 40 or a bit more before I finished the game.. I originally had a ton of food trade routes, and even when I rerouted them after getting the achievement, I still had a lot of surplus food in that city.
I've gotten cities into the 30's, but it's been a long time. I can't quite remember what my largest was. My previous game as Indonesia I got a size 30 city (it was a former English city) which had 2 hexes that benefited from Kilimanjaro. I don't believe I ever got over 40. I was really pumping out entertainment districts trying to get my population up with Indonesia, could only get to 30 though. But I wasn't concentrating trade routes or running communism (or I believe it's the policy card that comes with it). If had focused purely on one city, I could have gotten Newcastle pretty big.
In the very first month after release, I got a Japanese city with the Great Zimbabwe and lots of trade routes up to 39 and I was barely in the Industrial era , plus still had +60 in Food, so I'm pretty sure I could have got to 50. I don't play those long SP games much anymore though. It is very easy to get a city over 30 if you play Kongo.... in fact, it's hard not to :lol:
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