What leaders and/or nations do you want in Civilization VII?

The problem is not the history, it’s the name. Soviet is not a geographic or ethnic name; it’s a name for a specific form of socialist local worker organization. It’s essentially the same problem as calling a civ “The Old Republic” and then having them pick monarchy while keeping the name.
1) Some nations are refered to by the ruling body / dynasty. I am from formerly SU country and we do coloquially refer to them as Soviets, even if it were more so label for the decision-making government, it was used umbrella-style for russians.

2) We have today handful of self-proclaimed democracies whose democracy is questioned. And then theres China who is Communism mask on Capitalistic heart. Not to mentoin how seemingly liberally the term Empire was used in history, or at least thats how I feel about it. Well and then there is HRE as a name, too, lol.
I think this is like the 3rd or 4th time I've suggested Micronesians in some form (though the first for Civ7), and each time it get's quietly ignored by all. I'm not sure the cause of such disdain, to be honest.
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But sure a separate Mughal, Maurya, and Chola civ etc. could work too. I just don't see that officially happening, at least for Civ 7.
Looking back through the thread for civ concept ideas and stumbled on this... times sure have changed, huh?
Looking back through the thread for civ concept ideas and stumbled on this... times sure have changed, huh?
Never would have thought they would introduce civ switching. :crazyeye:
Honestly any Southeast Asian leaders/nations. I don't really care which ones. It would be cool to see Raden Wijaya or Hayam Wuruk as imo those are the other two notable ones for Majapahit other than Gitarja and Gajah Mada.

But otherwise anyone from maritime or mainland SEA. I especially like mariners and explorers. Zheng He is not Southeast Asian but he would be sick, but not sure how feasible

But if I had to choose one, definitely Hayam Wuruk dude was a baller
Honestly any Southeast Asian leaders/nations. I don't really care which ones. It would be cool to see Raden Wijaya or Hayam Wuruk as imo those are the other two notable ones for Majapahit other than Gitarja and Gajah Mada.

But otherwise anyone from maritime or mainland SEA. I especially like mariners and explorers. Zheng He is not Southeast Asian but he would be sick, but not sure how feasible

But if I had to choose one, definitely Hayam Wuruk dude was a baller

I've been mulling around with a Philippine civ (Modern Civ might be a bit weird with timelines, but at least they could come from Spain like how Mexico does).

For exploration I definitely think the Sultanate of Sulu (or Maguindanao as a backup) can work, even with Majapahit already existing in the game. They fit very well with Firaxis's description of what an Exploration era civ should be, being able to resist colonization from Spain, as well as being a maritime power in their own right. (And also the reason why the US Army adopted the M1911)
Its too much work for me...

I just want one dictator, War focus.
Male or female generic science focus character
Male or female generic culture focus character.

Rome~ Julius Caesar. I just need him. Full stop.
Italy got later Catherine dei Medici, but she was sent to France. So.... Leonardo Da Vince for science
and... Hippolita of Syracuse for culture?

Greece instead could have both Alexander and Hypatia and... Plato?
I mean he wrote the Republic literally...

Micronesia as a semi-blob might be a nice, neglected corner, with navigation stick charts, stone money, warriors with shark-skin armour and shark-tooth-studded spears and maca-like weapons, and Nan Madol as a wonder.
It’s a very interesting idea for a Civ, but I personally don’t like the name Micronesia. I would prefer if they were a Pohnpei-focused Civ. Perhaps a broader "Micronesia" blob but centered primarily on Pohnpei? That might work better, though I don’t know much about it.
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