Suggest Alternate Leaders for Civ6 base civs

While I'd love to see Thomas Jefferson as a leader for the Americans it would be cool to see a good Cold War era US Leader. Harry Truman, for instance, could have a "Marshal Plan" bonus that gives better yields for countries/city states that you trade with plus extra envoys.

Brave New World really needed some World War Two or Cold War scenario to showcase the ideologies they added. Maybe that could be rectified in Civ 6 at some point. In which case Churchill, Stalin, Mao/Chiang kai Shek, and De Gualle would be welcome alternate leaders.

And on that topic, how about Konrad Adenauer as a leader for Germany. They've never touched post Hitler Germany in the series before.
And on that topic, how about Konrad Adenauer as a leader for Germany. They've never touched post Hitler Germany in the series before.

"Never touched post-Bismarck Germany" would be more accurate)
But I understand what you mean by that. Adenauer could be an interesting addition.
Adenauer is on the list for Germany. I'm reluctant to add Stalin and Mao to the list, for various reasons. :(
Kind of surprised nobody is yet to suggest Nehru and Indira Gandhi as possible leaders for India.
More leader choices
Germany(some of them might be not great leader but did play important role)
Arnulf of Carinthia
Wilhelm I
Philip of Swabia
Rudolf I of Germany(he can be also leader for Germany)
Gustav Stresemann
Theobald von Bethmann-Hollweg
Chlodwig, Prince of Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst
Joseph von Radowitz
Karl August von Hardenberg
Frederick William(Elector of Brandenburg)
Louis the German
Charles the Fat
Frederick II(Holy Roman Emperor)
Otto IV
Adolf of Nassau
Karl Theodor Anton Maria von Dalberg
Thedo of Bavaria
Heinrich von Gagern
Frederick William III of Prussia
Frederick I of Prussia
Maximilian I of Bavaria

Tokugawa Iemitsu
Hosokawa Katsumoto
Yamana Sōzen
Hōjō Tokimasa
Ashikaga Yoshimasa

Alfonso V of Aragon
John II of Aragon and Navarre
Henry II of Castile
Philip V
Elisabeth Farnese
Francisco Serrano, 1st Duke of la Torre
I tend to prefer alternate leaders to reflect a different period of their civilization's history, and I also happen to have a bias against modern leaders and civilizations, so:

America: George Washington and Abraham Lincoln are obvious picks.
Arabia: I wouldn't mind Harun al-Rashid again.
Brazil: No idea, sorry.
China: The Yongle Emperor aka Zhu Di.
Egypt: Ramesses II or Hatshepsu.
England: Alfred the Great.
France: Either Napoleon or Charlemagne.
Germany: Frederick the Great.
India: Asoka or Akbar.
Japan: One of the shoguns from the Sengoku Jidai would be okay, but I would prefer someone more recent.
Rome: Gaius Marius, Julius Caesar and Marcus Aurelius all sound tempting.
Russia: Alexander Nevsky.
For Egypt, I'd really like to see Anwar Al Sadat
He successfully led the Egyptian army into the Sinai peninsula which was, at the time, under Israeli rule and retook into Egypt. He later became the first Arab and Muslim personality to make peace with Israel, which led to Egypt being suspended from the Arab League temporarily.
On the 2nd anniversary of the signing of the Camp David Accords, he was assassinated by the current leader of al-Qaeda
I am a little annoyed when people suggest Nasser or Sadat as leaders for Egypt. Egypt in the game is Ancient Egypt, Kemet, if you will, not modern Egypt. Nasser, Sadat, or any other leader past Cleopatra and Caesarion would not work for Egypt, unless we also make a separate modern Egyptian civ, which can be done with mods, and then, bring on Sadat.

On the 2nd anniversary of the signing of the Camp David Accords, he was assassinated by the current leader of al-Qaeda.
Um... What?! That is somewhat inaccurate.
I am a little annoyed when people suggest Nasser or Sadat as leaders for Egypt. Egypt in the game is Ancient Egypt, Kemet, if you will, not modern Egypt. Nasser, Sadat, or any other leader past Cleopatra and Caesarion would not work for Egypt, unless we also make a separate modern Egyptian civ, which can be done with mods, and then, bring on Sadat.


Um... What?! That is somewhat inaccurate.

What about Medieval Egypt (or is that covered by Arabs)? Medieval Egypt could have Mameluke cavalry.
Saladin was the sultan of Egypt, so yes.

Given that Saladin is already in Civ VI (though representing Arabia, not just Medieval Egypt), an alternate leader for Arabia could include Harun al-Rashid (just like in Civ V). In fact, al-Rashid is the most mentioned real life person in The Book of One Thousand and One Nights.
What about Medieval Egypt (or is that covered by Arabs)? Medieval Egypt could have Mameluke cavalry.

When I say "modern Egypt" I basically mean Arab Muslim Egypt, so you could have a civ with Saladin and Sadat as leaders. It would make much more sense than an Egyptian civ that builds sphinxes and pyramids, and war chariots, and has Sadat as leader.
Given that Saladin is already in Civ VI (though representing Arabia, not just Medieval Egypt), an alternate leader for Arabia could include Harun al-Rashid (just like in Civ V). In fact, al-Rashid is the most mentioned real life person in The Book of One Thousand and One Nights.

I think Harun is the best choice for an Arab civ. His leader ability could be "House of Wisdom".
While I would like Ivan the Terrible in the game for Russia, a Soviet leader could be fun with a leader ability along the lines of "food and production are evenly distributed amongst all cities." Would be fun to quickly develop new cities although at the cost of your established ones
How about Ulpia Severina for Rome?
She likely ruled as Empress in her own right, over the entire Roman Empire. If Rome ever gets a female leader, she's the obvious choice.
How about Ulpia Severina for Rome?
She likely ruled as Empress in her own right, over the entire Roman Empire. If Rome ever gets a female leader, she's the obvious choice.

Yeah, she is the best possible choice for a female Roman leader, except for maybe Livia?
Livia was merely Empress consort though. Did she serve as regent for some time? Or did she wield a lof of influence?
I am a little annoyed when people suggest Nasser or Sadat as leaders for Egypt. Egypt in the game is Ancient Egypt, Kemet, if you will, not modern Egypt. Nasser, Sadat, or any other leader past Cleopatra and Caesarion would not work for Egypt, unless we also make a separate modern Egyptian civ, which can be done with mods, and then, bring on Sadat.


Um... What?! That is somewhat inaccurate.

That seems like having Tsarist Russia, USSR, and the Russian Federation as separate civs... Or a civ for each Chinese dynasty...

ie it sounds really good for a mod
I am a little annoyed when people suggest Nasser or Sadat as leaders for Egypt. Egypt in the game is Ancient Egypt, Kemet, if you will, not modern Egypt. Nasser, Sadat, or any other leader past Cleopatra and Caesarion would not work for Egypt, unless we also make a separate modern Egyptian civ, which can be done with mods, and then, bring on Sadat.


Um... What?! That is somewhat inaccurate.

Lost my account sorry! yeah turns out the leader wasn't his assassin nevermind
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