• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

what should I order


Sep 14, 2001
Besides the game of course.
I would guess a physical box comes with the cd/dvd's as well as a printed manual.
I have heard some versions only have pdf's but I want dead-tree also.
Are there any strategy guides or anything good too?
What online places give all the stuff needed?
What brick-and-morter places do?
P.S. I decided to get this early so if anyone cares about me I don't have to wait 2 months.
It may be too later for the "Special Edition" but get it if you can because it comes with a nice spiral bound manual - otherwise you get a huge pdf.
I have purchased both the standard box (from gamestop) and the special edition (from Amazon). Both were CD, not DVD (not intentional, just what I got). Here's what I got in each:

2 CDs, in paper sleeves.
Printed manual, with paperback-style binding
Poster: techtree, unit promotion tree, etc
Standard packaging: printed sleeve around coregated cardboard

Special Edition:
The same 2 CDs, but in a nice foldup case with pix of a few of the leaderheads
Printed manual - same content, but spiral bound (very handy)
Same poster
A keyboard guide. Unfolds to size of standard keybd, shows a Keybd diagram with all of the shortcuts listed.
Soundtrack CD.
Nice bookshelf-quality box to keep it in.

Both cost me $49.99, although I had to pay shipping from Amazon. I think Amazon is still selling the Special Edition if you want the extras.

And as to why I bought two copies? I ordered last Thu w/overnight shipping from amazon (trial offer for Amazon prime, shipping was only $3.99), but they didn't ship it until Fri. I wanted to play this weekend, so I went and bought a copy Fri night. Was going to send the SE back to Amazon, but ended up selling the standard copy to a friend and keeping the SE.

I know they have a guide already, I think Gamestop carried it, but I haven't looked at it.
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