What unit you DONT use


Busting Ghosts
Mar 4, 2003
What unit in C3C you NEVER use? I find that I never use Mideival Infantry because they are too slow, and you dont the bang for your buck, just wait for Chivalry and get Knights.
I've never used longbowmen, even since regular Civ3. If you mean C3C units only though, I dont use many guerillas, and I only used TOW infantry once when I had no resources. Other then that, I never really build any flak/SAMs since the AI doesnt use much air.
I mean throughtout civ but what ever, I never use longbowmen either, because they are useless if you have iron, why not just build MDI's (I still dont though ;))
ghostbuster said:
I mean throughtout civ but what ever, I never use longbowmen either, because they are useless if you have iron, why not just build MDI's (I still dont though ;))

In my current game, I had three sources of Iron but no horses, and couldn't trade for them until the mid-Middle Ages. Now, in that time period, it was a growing army of MI that helped keep the AI away from my cities.
Helicopters. Used to use them quite a bit, but not anymore. I modded them slightly to make them more useful, and always had a fleet of them

Medieval Infantry and Swordsmen. A lot of players like these for early domination, but I tend to not start warmongering until Knights or Calvary.

Paratroopers. What's the use? :crazyeye: No, I know the use for them, but never use them.
Many modern units, because the games rarely last that long. Of the early units, I don't really use chariots, although I've modded the game and made them more useful and numerous in variation. Usually, I skip also knights, since that technology is not obligatory.
Thought of some more.
Helicopters and paratroopers. Never been on a map where they had any use.
Also, does anyone else think Tactical nukes are kind of useless? ICBMs come not to far after, and if I do decide to open up nuclear war, I personally find it much easier to just wait for the ICBMs.
Chariots are pretty much useless in practical combat, but I use them sometimes for exploration.
Also, who builds frigates? I have built fleets of them in the past, but since they dont last long and cant upgrade, they are pretty useless. Also speaking of ships, I dont think i've ever effectively used AEGIS cruisers, as they come so late in the game.
Tactical Nukes are cheaper than ICBMs, and mobile, so they have their uses. One, they won't be captured, you can move them out of the city that may be taken. Two, since they're cheaper, so you can pump more of them out quicker.

There's chariots in Civ3? I've never seen them. :crazyeye: No, I've built them before, once, and then beelined to Horseback Riding so I could have horsemen...another useless unit.

I rarely use any form of warship, instead using the transport class to get my units where they need to be. I usually play Pangeas, so unless I'm trying to get around a civ to plant units there in war time, boats aren't made by me. But that's not to say I don't use them, I do when playing an archi or continental map. One or two galleys to run around and discover the map are enough for me.
Ironclads, helicopters, fighters (wait until jets), flak/mob sams, subs, explorers, any nukes, chariots, early naval combat ships (anything before I need oil), longbows, guerillas... where's my civiliopedia ;) ?
For some reason I prefer foot soldiers over horse/tank units. Infantry proberly being my most used units, in a current game i have 300 infantry, and my next closest unit is mariens at 60.
To those people who never build longbowmen or MDI, how do you make sure you get the reasources early? AA warmongering? HAve you not played archipeligo maps where you have no reasorces on your home island?

FWIW, I would always build knights if I can, but in the last few games I have not had any reasorces in my pre-war empire. I have found that longbows / trebs / enkudu's make a pretty powerful stack of death.
- Chariots, except the Egyptian UU which I use every time I get the chance.

- Explorers, Im aware of the pillage ability, but it feels like an exploit.

- Stealth Fighters, (if your game lasts this long) why not just build the bomber.

- Frigates & Ironclads Frigates are obsolete too fast and ironclads require thier own tech. Ill just wait for combustion and build Destoyers.

-Helicopters - Built one in vanilla civ 3 and never have again, I forgot they were in the game until mentioned above.

-Radar Arty why bother, your game is usually won by that point.
if_only_we_were said:
FWIW, I would always build knights if I can, but in the last few games I have not had any reasorces in my pre-war empire. I have found that longbows / trebs / enkudu's make a pretty powerful stack of death.

Just make sure to get Iron or Saltpeter eventualy, since such stacks can be easilty taken out by hordes of enemy knights/cavalry.
I've never ever built an Explorer, Paratrooper, Marine or Helicopter in the Epic game. I've not built a Stealth Fighter, Stealth Bomber, Radar Arty or AEGIS Cruiser either, but that's since my games never last that long.

I tend to use alot of Medievals, actually, even when I'm able to build Knights. Thing is, I tend to rely heavily on artillery, and when you're Trebuchet stack moves one tile a turn, the lower movement on the Medievals is of little concern.
Catapults are useful if you in a war just before trebuchets come around as then you can use them and then upgrade them. Horsemen can retreat which makes them extremely useful at weakening an enemy stack and then attacking with swordsmen who are now more likely to survive without wasting as many shields.
Spearmen, longbowmen, explorers, helicopters, fighters, marines, paratroopers, fighters, TOW infantry, guerillas, jet aircraft... actually it might be easier to list the units I do use.
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