• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

What video game "crimes" have you commited?

Oh yeah, the most heinious of all crimes, SPAWN RAPE.

I freaking hate getting spawn raped, or killed within 20 seconds of spawning (even if I'm half way across the map by then). However, that is part of the game for Red Orchestra, and any objective based map, you have to pick off the enemy before they can get back to the objective while you cap it, which can be frustrating for players if they are getting steam rolled or just dying a lot.

And I have spawn raped with artillery (you will quickly learn to HATE HATE HATE artillery while loving it at the same time in RO, it totally screws up your aim, the closer you are to it the more you will be diving under cover and hiding in the coner until it is over).

Luckily in RO on most maps it's like a minefield death thing if you enter the enemie's spawn and they are usually behind a wall or aronud the corner in the next street. So most spawn deaths are TKs or self inflicted.
With all this talk about spawn killing, it reminds me of my tendancy to spawn camp in Counter Strike. Especially whilst using the over-powered AWP.
I'm not really sure how camping (not spawn camp) is a crime. You can rarely kill anyone and your opponents probably would've completed the objectives if you camp.
ah my bad. evidently u r cool

fakenicking while questioning opponents' sexuality is another winner
Oh, Civ3 counts??

Well, then...
- I ROP raped 5 civilizations in only one game (huge map, 31 civs, I was destroying them before they could meet most of the others).
- I destroyed many, many civilizations just because they were on the same continent with me, and I like to be the owner of my continent.
- I attacked (and destroyed) entire civs for reasons like one unimportant size 2 border city in the middle of arid plains flipping to them
- I razed hundreds of cities
- I used 95% of the discovered exploits at least once.

In other games:

- In San Andreas I killed thousands of people to test how the weapons work, and how good the graphics are
- I also killed thousands of people just to get my wanted level up
- I blew up cars for fun, but I admit it was mostly to test the plastic explosives, not only for fun
- I blew up lots of police helicopters
- In Vice City I was regularly killing all the guardians of my Vercetti Mansion just to see if there will always be new ones when I return

- I cheated at least once in probably all games I've ever played, though only in one on a regular basis (GTA, I play the series almost ONLY for the cheats :)).
Mirc, most fo those you lsited are not really the same kind of crime. Exploits and sort of AI Abuse, is.
Most of these criems are crimes in Multiplayer rather than singleplayer though.
I researched a bit the missions for CoH and was always ready for the AI. Not really a crime, but it still reduced the surprise and the o-shi... element of the game. Still, murdering volks is always fun.
I've Tked many people on America's Army, and BF2 Demo. :D

Seriously, this person was so gay on America's Army, he TKed almost everyone, and you don't spawn in AA, unless the next round starts. So all of use ganged up on the TKer, he kept on dying every single round. I also flashbanged everyone in our spawn area, and you get blinded for 20-30 seconds. :D

Finally, I have accidentally nuked my team on World in Conflict, because my uber 1337 plan went so well, they moved faster than schedule. :p

Also, I have been AFK, but it's mostly been because of the phone (phones don't really give you enough time to exit the server.
Kill a player when he's way below you in levels (more than 10 usually) or while he's busy killing something.
I am a proud camper :p

The only games I've gotten into (multiplayer) for the last 4 years have been Operation Flashpoint (until the beginning of '07) & then Armed Assault, both games are played on such a large scale that campers are as vulnerable as they are deadly. On most ArmA servers, people who complain about campers are told that instead of complaining, their time would be better spent learning to hunt them.
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