What's Your Favourite Leader Bonus?

Emotional Husky

Oct 25, 2024
I don't know if it's my favourite, but Yongle's Lijia bonus I find is the Swiss Army knife of unique abilities. It can overturn any deficit and solve just about any problem. So very handy. What's your favourite leader bonus? Which leader bonus is the most versatile?

I recently won as Yongle and it was the game that completed my Hall of Fame. I've now won as every leader on Deity difficulty level. Keep the discussion about Leader Bonuses, but I encourage CIV VI Stories Fans to check out my alternative history as Yongle. Thanks!

Now I will have to play them all again to see which one is my favourite. 😁

I like flipping cities with loyalty, so Eleanor is pretty hard to beat there lol. Not the most versatile though.
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