Lazy sweeper
Mooooo Cra Chirp Fssss Miaouw is a game of words
Up to this point, we have been shown a pile of unsurmountable mountains of features... and just a hint of what the new combat mechanic
will look like, be we didn't get the one aspect that is of the upmost importance to me.
The one aspect that plagued Civ VI and made it the easiest game of the whole of the Civ series, i.e., the utterly useless Ai.
There has been a lot of changes, but still Civ VI has been left in a state of complete disaster gameplay wise, with the Devs having disappeared from
any meaningful talk ever since probably Rising Tide expansion, and the complete awareness, that at that point, the game core mechanics were so
much in an advanced state, that it was regarded as an impossible, and probably meaningless, task. And they abandoned it. Never to touch it again,
if not for some minor patches that had anything to do with AI and the difficulty of the game.
So here we are, at a stage where the game is probably complete Alpha, from at least six or more months, and they are optimizing the final touches.
Yet they dedicate zero effort, in showing us, what the Ai is capable of.
We know the new Army is going to facilitate player movement in the maps constraints.
Modern age civs had been revealed.
Wouldn't it be perfect time to show us a full tank army vs two other armies, in a three against three scenario, how it would evolve?
We will have to wait untill the Ai vs Ai mod will come out to get a real understanding of what is going on?
After the disgrace that was Civ VI Ai? Shouldn't it be priority number one to get some feedback before launch and try give us players what we want?
Or their target audience now is 5-10 years old with papa's cash and their priority is to answer wether it's possible to pet the scout dog???
I understand it can be hard and us Civ Fanatics players can be very annoying at times... but the alternative is... youtube...
will look like, be we didn't get the one aspect that is of the upmost importance to me.
The one aspect that plagued Civ VI and made it the easiest game of the whole of the Civ series, i.e., the utterly useless Ai.
There has been a lot of changes, but still Civ VI has been left in a state of complete disaster gameplay wise, with the Devs having disappeared from
any meaningful talk ever since probably Rising Tide expansion, and the complete awareness, that at that point, the game core mechanics were so
much in an advanced state, that it was regarded as an impossible, and probably meaningless, task. And they abandoned it. Never to touch it again,
if not for some minor patches that had anything to do with AI and the difficulty of the game.
So here we are, at a stage where the game is probably complete Alpha, from at least six or more months, and they are optimizing the final touches.
Yet they dedicate zero effort, in showing us, what the Ai is capable of.
We know the new Army is going to facilitate player movement in the maps constraints.
Modern age civs had been revealed.
Wouldn't it be perfect time to show us a full tank army vs two other armies, in a three against three scenario, how it would evolve?
We will have to wait untill the Ai vs Ai mod will come out to get a real understanding of what is going on?
After the disgrace that was Civ VI Ai? Shouldn't it be priority number one to get some feedback before launch and try give us players what we want?
Or their target audience now is 5-10 years old with papa's cash and their priority is to answer wether it's possible to pet the scout dog???
I understand it can be hard and us Civ Fanatics players can be very annoying at times... but the alternative is... youtube...
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