When will the Devs shows us actual AI behaviour?

Will Devs show us actual Ai vs Ai gameplay before launch?

  • Yes

    Votes: 1 4.5%
  • No

    Votes: 14 63.6%
  • Idk

    Votes: 7 31.8%

  • Total voters

Lazy sweeper

Mooooo Cra Chirp Fssss Miaouw is a game of words
May 7, 2009
Up to this point, we have been shown a pile of unsurmountable mountains of features... and just a hint of what the new combat mechanic
will look like, be we didn't get the one aspect that is of the upmost importance to me.
The one aspect that plagued Civ VI and made it the easiest game of the whole of the Civ series, i.e., the utterly useless Ai.

There has been a lot of changes, but still Civ VI has been left in a state of complete disaster gameplay wise, with the Devs having disappeared from
any meaningful talk ever since probably Rising Tide expansion, and the complete awareness, that at that point, the game core mechanics were so
much in an advanced state, that it was regarded as an impossible, and probably meaningless, task. And they abandoned it. Never to touch it again,
if not for some minor patches that had anything to do with AI and the difficulty of the game.

So here we are, at a stage where the game is probably complete Alpha, from at least six or more months, and they are optimizing the final touches.
Yet they dedicate zero effort, in showing us, what the Ai is capable of.
We know the new Army is going to facilitate player movement in the maps constraints.
Modern age civs had been revealed.
Wouldn't it be perfect time to show us a full tank army vs two other armies, in a three against three scenario, how it would evolve?
We will have to wait untill the Ai vs Ai mod will come out to get a real understanding of what is going on?
After the disgrace that was Civ VI Ai? Shouldn't it be priority number one to get some feedback before launch and try give us players what we want?

Or their target audience now is 5-10 years old with papa's cash and their priority is to answer wether it's possible to pet the scout dog???

I understand it can be hard and us Civ Fanatics players can be very annoying at times... but the alternative is... youtube...
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And the mod that allows spectator mode. But it will be a lost opportunity to me to engage in the most critical aspect to the success of the game... it could be too late by then...

Probably because they've got stuff they can talk about more easily first that doesnt require progressing through lots of turns to show off
Probably because they've got stuff they can talk about more easily first that doesnt require progressing through lots of turns to show off
But they must be evaluating Ai effectiveness somehow, and map editor a very small map, plus spectator mode, seems quite a valuable simulation to dedicate a few hours for setup and capture,
and then evaluate on a 10X speed. A complete video can be 5 minutes long, and then devs could talk about it for an hour long. It would be a wonderful opportunity for a Dev stream.
And each Ai setup could revolve around various aspects of the game, like diplomacy enabled vs disable, infinite gold, or tech limitations and capacity for Ai to use every tech at its best...
give unique units massive bonuses vs not so much, etc... We players and youtuber alike have no powers over those aspect...
I would also like to see some AI but I think we should cut them some slack 😊 The modern age gameplay is only being revealed today and AI is far from the only major feature that we are waiting for more info about. I can understand why they would reveal this later, if they put any marketing attention on it at all. Outside of a small niche of players, AI is a feature that is noticed mostly when it is really bad. An AI that just works competently is an expected feature, it is not something most players are going to get really excited about and preorder. Even within the niche of players who are interested (and I am one!) it would be hard for us to evaluate fairly until we get closer to release IMO. We only have a surface level understanding of the game mechanics right now after all 😊
AI is a feature that is noticed mostly when it is really bad.
What do you mean more bad than Civ VI Ai? It is impossible!! ;)

Despite, Devs get paid to deliver a product on a set date. When Civ VII will be released, do not expect even 1% of the Devs, to keep working on the most daunting tasks that must be ruled out, before release, like Ai.
It will be too late. Your evaluate fairly depends on what will be decided here and now... the then and later doesn't work in the real world... expect to be paid later... sure... you want also the work to be done or what?
Once they got your money is over dear friend... I know 2K is not Star Citizen but if nothing Chris Roberts has shown the world that he always had bigger and more profounds scopes to work on, the release date keeps moving with it, and the basic flight model for the Space simulation game after 10 years and 700M $ is full of bugs, yet you say we should have faith and expect them to deliver... Oh boy... the release date is less than two months now... how much closer you want to get before getting burns?
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Just the first two comments on the first youtube video on Ai that I just randomly clicked...

2 years ago
I always get super fudging hyped when war is declared in 6, I'm waiting for the BIG ATTACK and nothing fudging happens.

Every time lmao
3 months ago

The only thing I want from civ 7: a good ai. dont give a fudge if 90 % of the game is the same.The only reason I can't fully enjoy civ 6 is the terrible and stupid AI

4 years ago
The AI: Sends inquisitors into your territory and attacks your religious units, then gets mad at you because their inquisitors dying converted their city.

5 years ago

I play Total war-series games, and compared to Civ, the AI is a genius in those games. Just played some Civ6 for the first time since the release (when I played for a week and got annoyed about the AI doing nothing at all) and an confused about the AI still does nothing. Playing a game when I have built 6 new cities and the AI still walk around with a warrior and a scout. Have plenty of free space to expand but wont create a settler, or the settlers are being eaten by barbarians. I probably wont buy any more games in the Civ-series unless I see a review that tells me there is an AI that works.

Another random youtuber, his name is JumboPixel. Guess what is his number one wishlist for civ 7?

@Lazy sweeper, I don't think you have to convince anyone that AI is important. :lol:

They have at least acknowledged this but indeed, we haven't seen enough to draw any proper conclusions. We've had three livestreams now but in reality we've still only seen a handful of turns. Xerxes didn't appear to offer much resistance in the Modern Age war we just saw, but it's hard to draw any firm conclusions from that.
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