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Which Beliefs do you favor ?

I think its the one where I get +1 gold for every 3 or 5 followers. I don't remember how many it is. I like to build a strong economy since it allows me to pretty much do anything towards the end.
As a wonder-whore, my favorite combo tends to be:

Monument to the Gods (+15% for Ancient/Classical)
+ Religious Community (+X% production, up to 15, where X is the number of followers)
+ Divine Inspiration (+2 faith per wonder)

I also like playing with City States, so Papal Primacy (+20 resting point in CS relations)is my favorite Founder Belief. (Works reasonably well with Religious Unity - religion spreads faster to friendly city states).

I also have a thing for Natural Wonders (Spain is fun to play) so I actually like One with Nature (extra faith per natural wonder).

As a perfectionist who likes building up my cities, I am fond of the faith buildings. In order of preference: Mosques (provides the most faith), Pagodas, Cathedrals, then Monasteries. One cool thing you can do with the Byzantines is select Mosques + Pagodas + Cathedrals!

A warmonger approach can benefit a lot from: Faith Healers (heals faster near friendly city) + Holy Warriors (buy units with faith) + Defender of the Faith / Just War (combat bonus near friendly/enemy cities).

For science games, Messenger of the Gods (extra science for trade routes) + Interfaith Dialogue (extra science for spreading religion).

And for super growth (combined with Temple of Artemis + Hanging Gardens + Tradition + maybe Floating Gardens) you can go Fertility Rites (+10% growth) + Swords into Plowshares (+ growth if not at war), though I think the latter is a bit weak considering how aggressive the AI is.

Generally, I find the Pantheon and Follower beliefs to be the most exciting and interesting.

Other than Papal Primacy, I find most of the Founder beliefs to be a bit boring. (Ceremonial Burical / Church Property / Tithe / Pilgrimage are "safe," but not really very flashy).

I also find most of the Enhancer beliefs rather drab.
I always pick the +1 happiness for every city that is your religion and religion spreading 34%/68% faster. The other bonuses it depends on the map.
I think its the one where I get +1 gold for every 3 or 5 followers. I don't remember how many it is. I like to build a strong economy since it allows me to pretty much do anything towards the end.

Tithe [+1 Gold for every 4 followers] is also my favorite, and seems to be the most universaly useful. Gold is king, even more so now, when it is harder to come by.
I just ran:

Ancestor Worship (+1 culture from shrines)
Tithe (+1 gold per 4 followers)
Religious Texts

And absolutely killed in a culture victory. I'd never thought of running more than one building together, but you're going to build the faith to buy them eventually and it works so well in the mid/late game (I was adding +4 faith, +5 culture, +3 happy, and an artist slot in every city).

That's got me thinking about running that civ with the extra belief so I can hog 3 buildings.
I like having either Pagodas or Mosques. I tend to rack up a lot of faith and buying one in every city is pretty easy giving more faith, culture, happy, etc.

I like the 2 gold per city as well but I probably should play one with the 100 gold per conversion to experiment.
Anything that gives extra food or extra happiness, including the Pagoda/Mosque/Cathedral beliefs.

Only in rare cases do I really choose anything that grants extra faith or extra gold (though Desert Folklore + Petra + a large chunk of desert = enough to sometimes change my mind :) )
I don't remember what they are called, but I pick faiths that increase happiness and that bonus that gives you a massive 20% combat bonus if you are fighting in your own land while your cities are fallowing your own religion.

Having that 20% bonus at the same time you are hiding behind a river or are in a fort can make you almost unbeatable.
The ones that gives you +2 :c5science: for trade routes and +1 :) for every 5-pop city
Tithe. Tithe is awesome. Oh and the one that gives me the 20% bonus near cities following my religion that are not in my nation. When I'm attacking them. Makes conquest super duper easy.
This is nice for a tall empire, if all your cities are riverside:

Hmmm, the faster spread chance would be good instead of the +50 faith per GP, but since I'm playing Pacal I get a lot of GPs.

Edit - I had to rename it to something corny like Divine Waterfall :D
This is nice for a tall empire, if all your cities are riverside:

Hmmm, the faster spread chance would be good instead of the +50 faith per GP, but since I'm playing Pacal I get a lot of GPs.

Edit - I had to rename it to something corny like Divine Waterfall :D

How does that work out for you? Seems a little excessive to me, given how little trouble happiness gives right now in general. Unless you're going for golden ages, in which case, hell yeah! Otherwise, would you maybe want to consider trying for a +growth belief to make more use of that extra happiness.
The relevant plus faith pantheon, desert folklore, stone circles, etc., religious texts, religious community and now Tithe. My pantheon is to get my religion quickly and help fuel spread then Gp with maybe buildings. I want my religion to spread fast and fuel my production with gold or hammers.

Second follower can depend, maybe cathedrals, plus culture or happy with Temples, or if on prince or egypt divine inspiration.
I like going Church Property (+2 gold/city), Asceticism (shrines +1 happiness in cities with 3 followers), and Pagodas as anybody, but especially the Mayans. It makes going wide really easy and to a point mitigates a lack of luxury resources that you can experience on some maps. Someone also pointed out that taking Messenger of the Gods as your pantheon belief can add to some pretty ridiculous yields for small cities.
How does that work out for you? Seems a little excessive to me, given how little trouble happiness gives right now in general. Unless you're going for golden ages, in which case, hell yeah! Otherwise, would you maybe want to consider trying for a +growth belief to make more use of that extra happiness.

I'm doing Liberty + Piety so it will turn into golden ages. Also my map has plenty of food, hanging gardens for capital / 2 bananas in city 2 / 2 fish, 1 wheat in city 3 / 3 fish, 3 flood plain wheats, 1 plains salt in city 4 :D

Don't need the growth bonuses, happiness was still very difficult to get in the BCs, and as soon as this religion spreads its an immediate +2 happy from each city, then +4 happy from gardens and pagodas, grow grow grow grow!

Also if you have room to go wide with this, those bonuses on top of the Pyramid UB is even nicer.
Oh yea, and even after I get Civil Service, all the riverside tiles will provide enough food.
Pantheons are between Faith Healers and Messenger of the Gods. I try to go for peaceful victories, so I find that faith healers is useful bc the AI is so aggressive in going after me when I don't build-up my military; this basically makes my position unassailable. The Messenger of the Gods was dynamite when I used it as Korea because I built a third city rather quickly; this and my national college was adding-up to about +7 science in the early going, which when compared to the other civs running at around 30 TOTAL was a huge edge. I was building the Hubble telescope while half the civs were still in the Renaissance.

I consistenly pick Tithe as my founder belief. By the end of the game, I'm usually making upwards of 70-80 gold per turn off of followers because of how aggressively I spread my religion to unoccupied civs and how much pressure these civs can begin to generate on one another.

My follower beliefs are usually tailored to my gameplay style. I wonder hog, so the +2 faith from wonders is a must. It also is the least likely of them to bite you back (Giving my opponent AI +15% production in their cities is NOT something I wanna do). What I do with the other one depends on what the other civs picked; I usually go with the mosques/pagodas/cathedrals route.

Enchancers? Always either Just War or Defender of the Faith depending on what I wanna do. Just War with Attila the Hun in the early game combined with Faith Healers was unstoppable given the sheer number of troops I was churning out. Defender of the Faith with artillery stationed in my city? Denmark thought sending his 120,000 troops at me was a good idea. How cute. 60,000 casualties later, he surrendered all his cities without me having to cross the border.
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