Which civs do you always seem to meet

Japan, Kongo, Spain, Aztecs, Cree, Rome.
I feel I see Brazil and America most often. Kongo frequently. Kupe in every game (4 or so) since GS.
Gitarja, Trajan and Catherine de Medici for almost all my recent games. Gitarja is my immediate neighbor quite a lot as well.
Wilhelmina and I can't stand her. She's always denouncing me for not trading with her even when that's physically impossible. In my current game she's my neighbor and I'm going to obliterate her before the classical is over.

Mapuche and Kongo a lot too. Gilgabro shows up often but he's so likable i can't complain. Seemed like Robert used to show up a lot but now I haven't seen him for a half dozen or so games.
If I don't choose the civs manually, there is a 100% chance that Alexander will be in the game. -_- Scythia doesn't always show up anymore, but she did for my first 10 games or so--and always with the Ideologue hidden agenda. It was uncanny. Mansa Musa seems to show up with unwelcome frequency, but it may be that I'm just more conscious of his presence than some leaders as his creepy laugh makes me want to instantly declare war on him every time. :p
Spain used to show up for me all the time, then the Dutch. If the correlation theory is correct soon it will be Indonesia. :mischief:
I see Mongolia frequently but I don’t mind as they are loyal allies and we almost always get along.

Mapuche, as well. It feels like 50% of my games. :p

Sweden makes an appearance fairly regularly.

I almost never see Brazil.
Sometimes the game reactivates some mod civs I havent used when Steam updates them , then I'm just having a normal game and suddenly... oh hi Adolf Hitler
I think hungary has been in like 30% of my games recently (and that's a lot considering how many AIs there are) and he always dislikes me. Usually not enough to invade, but enough to constantly be salty and horsehockypost at me
Teddy, Jadwiga, Herald very often these days it feels like. But There was a time it was Alex, Matthias, Pedro, Philip, Kupe, Rome

now my favourite civs to play are Egypt, Phoenicia, Japan,

I think if you play a naval oriented civ for example there’s a higher chance of meeting another naval one in your game
Hungary, Korea, Tomyris are always in my game.
I have seen Peter once in like 100 games.
Harold is the one seeming constant for me. I wonder if it's actually true though. There are definitely some leaders that I have never encountered, Chandragupta springs to mind.
I genuinely cannot remember I game where I haven’t seen Russia (aside from multiplayer).

That’s why I’ve always been lukewarm to a disease mechanic. I don’t need it! I have Peter and his missionary plague of Eastern Orthodoxy spreading over my lands in every game!
I probably play as Australia 90% of the time and the Civs I meet the most are Russia, Brazil, Scotland and Korea.
When I play as someone else, Australia is always the first Civ I meet.
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